Chapel of the Cross Faith & Family
Family Bible time for the week of October 4-10
Welcome to Chapel's Faith & Family!
The Good Samaritan
What’s the nicest thing anyone has done for you?
A lawyer—a man who studied and interpreted the Law—came to Jesus and asked Him an important question: “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 10:25). Jesus’ response was, in effect, “You’re a scholar of the Law; you tell Me” (see v. 26). The lawyer admitted that God’s Law was summed up in love for God and love for his neighbor. But the lawyer didn’t want to admit that it’s impossible to keep the Law perfectly, so he looked for a loophole. Trying to make a case that the Law is unclear about who his neighbor is, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” (v. 29). Jesus’ answer set him, and all of us, straight. Jesus reminds us that He is the only one who can keep the Law and love perfectly. He is the Good Samaritan.
Opening Prayer
Dear Jesus, we don’t always care for others the way we should. Help us to see all people as our neighbors and to love them as You love us. In Your name we pray. Amen.
Bible Truth
Bible Lesson: The Good Samaritan
- Open your family Bible or a Children's Bible storybook and read this account together OR
- Read this account using an online Bible ( Luke 10:25-37 OR
- Listen to the Bible account being read using the video below.
Talk about it
- What happened to the Jewish man who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho?
- Why is it surprising that a Samaritan stopped to help the hurt Jewish man?
- What does Jesus want us to learn from the story He told?
The man was attacked by robbers who beat him, took his things, and left him by the side of the road half-dead. A priest and a Levite, both fellow Jews, ignored him and left him lying there. But a Samaritan stopped to help him.
Samaritans and Jews hated each other. They were enemies, so it would be very surprising that a Samaritan would help a Jew.
Jesus wants us us to show care and concern for all people, even those we may not get along with. God shows us how to love others. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to save us from our sins. We can love because God first loved us.
Bible Verse
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Worship Song
Musical Meditation
Things To Do Together
The Lord's Prayer
Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus, thank You for being our Savior and rescuing us from our sinful condition. Help us to share Your love by serving our neighbor. In Your name we pray, Jesus. Amen.
Bible Lesson: Concordia Publishing House
Chapel of the Cross--Lutheran
Our Core Values:
- Empowered by the cross of Christ
- People working together
- Opening the Word to all people
- Showing the love of Jesus
- Warm and supportive environment
Location: 11645 Benham Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 741-3737