RMS Wildcat Weekly
Week of December 7, 2020
Contact Us
Find Their Purpose & Fuel Their Passion
Our Vision:
Renaissance Middle School prepares students to achieve their dreams by charting a path to their purpose.
Email: hawkc@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/renaissancems
Location: 7155 Hall Road, Fairburn, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-4330
Twitter: @RMS_Wildcats
Will Your student be remote or face to face for 2nd semester?
Please Respond between november 19th and december 11th
You will be asked to enter your student's ID. The student ID is the same as the lunch number. If you do not know your student's ID, please check Infinite Campus for the ID number.
You will need to complete the survey once for each of your students at FCS.
You may also click here to complete the survey: https://fultonschools.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1SlCTwRkD5mz8mp
If you have any questions, concerns, or difficulties with the survey, please contact the school any day after Tuesday, December 1st from 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Final Exams and District Assessments Next week
Winter Break - Schools Closed - December 21st - January 1st
This is a reminder that all Fulton County Schools and Offices will be closed for Winter Break Monday, December 21st - Friday, January 1st.
Monday, January 4th, and Tuesday, January 5th are Teacher Workdays. There will no school for students on these days. Therefore, instruction for all students will resume on Wednesday, January 6th. Face to face students will return to campus on Wednesday, January 6th.
During the break, we hope you have an opportunity to have lots of family time and an opportunity to get some rest. Hopefully, your non-immediate family visits will be limited this year as the number of COVI-19 cases continues to increase. However, in the event that your scholar comes into contact with someone that is COVID positive or contracts COVID, please be sure to continue to utilize the district reporting protocol during the winter break. Please see the protocol below. We appreciate you and your diligence in keeping our scholars safe and healthy during this unprecedented time.
Thank you,
RMS Administration
Reporting of Student COVID Cases and Exposure
Wildcat Families,
Fulton County Schools hopes you have a restful and joyous Winter Break. During this break, we are asking that you continue to report (1) a positive COVID-19 result (2) a direct-contact with the positive COVID-19 individual or (3) a pending COVID-19 test result to the Parent Report Portal https://www.fultonschools.org/ReportCOVID. Still, to manage expectations regarding COVID-19 reporting during said break, please be patient while you await a response, it may be a few days given that the FCBOH/FCS Health Services Team will be on holiday break as well. All reports will be responded to before the Face-to-Face return for students on Wednesday, January 6th.
Superintendent Mike Looney shared a brief COVID-19 report. According to CORE, the organization that provided free testing on November 29, there were just under 1,000 total tests conducted at the school system’s North Learning Center and South Learning Center sites. Each site reported about 500 tests were performed, and around 90% of results had been delivered by noon on Tuesday, December 1, with additional results being reported throughout the day. Of the approximate 1,000 tests, 64 positive cases were reported and contact tracing has begun. Since the test sites were open to the general public and because patient privacy is protected, the identity of the individuals is known only by CORE and the Fulton County Department of Health. The school system was not given specific information about whether the individuals were FCS staff or families.
Thank you and please stay safe.
RMS Signs of Suicide (S.O.S.) Lesson
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Fulton County Schools takes seriously the personal/social and physical safety of our students. To proactively address concerns of depression and child/adolescent suicide, the district is providing faculty suicide prevention training and a student suicide prevention lesson as part of the Signs of Suicide (S.O.S.) Prevention Program.
The RMS S.O.S. Team will be coordinating/delivering the Signs of Suicide Lesson during your student's 2nd block (Social/Emotional Learning) class on Wednesday, December 16, 2020.
If you DO NOT wish for your child to participate in the SOS suicide prevention lesson, please complete the enclosed form and return it to Mrs. Rainford. If we DO NOT hear from you by Friday, December 11, 2020, we will assume your child has permission to participate in this program.
If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please do not hesitate to contact the counselors.
Your RMS S.O.S. Team
Davon H. Rainford, M.Ed.
Professional School Counselor- 6th Grade
SGA Canned Food Drive
Wildcats, our community needs your help! The Student Government Association (SGA) is sponsoring a Canned Food Drive-Thru for families in need. That's right, we are asking each family of RMS to donate at least 2 cans to our Drive-Thru Canned Food Drive.
How does it work?
Simply ask your parents or guardians to collect 2 canned goods, then drive-thru and drop them in the bin, it's that simple! There is no need to even get out of your car. The bins will be located where car and van riders arrive and depart from the building. The food collected will go to families in the RMS community who are in need. It is contactless and safe, so do your part and help those in need! It will make you and your family feel good that you could be of help to others!
The dates for this SGA event is from December 1st - December 16th.”
Ms. Kenyatta Renfro, Ed.S.
BETA Club Announcements
U BETA BELIEVE IT!!!! The RMS Jr. BETA Club is at it again!! Our scholars have voted and selected officers for the 2020-2021 school year, congratulations to our new officers!!!
- There will be an OFFICERS ONLY meeting this Monday 12/7/2020 5p-5:30p on our TEAMS Channel
- There will be a BETA Club meeting for ALL members & candidates this Thursday 12/10/2020 5pm-6pm on our TEAMS Channel
- NEW BETA Candidates please upload from Infinite Campus and email your report cards to jonesst@fultonschools.org AND mitchellh@fultonschools.org for the final administrative step to be considered for Jr. BETA 2020/2021 at RMS
- BETA CLUB Dues ($25) & t-shirt fees ($20) can be paid on the RMS webpage deadline is 12/18/2020
Sharell Jones MAL
Renaissance Middle School
Jr BETA Club Sponsor
(470) 254-4330
Free weekend Meals for all students
To ensure children have access to healthy and safe foods that promote optimal development, Fulton County Schools with a Free & Reduced eligibility of 50% or greater will begin distributing Weekend Meals at no cost to families.
Mid-November, qualifying schools will begin sending free weekend food bags home with students. Inside the weekend meal bag, there will be two breakfast meals and two lunch meals, to make sure children eat regularly while away from school over the weekend.
For students not attending school face-to-face, Curbside Meal Kits will also include weekend meals. Free Meal Kit Distribution will continue every Wednesday at Curbside Pick-Up locations throughout the district!
- Elementary School locations are open on Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30.
- Middle School and High School locations are open on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30.
Meal kits will include a variety of ready-made and reheat-ready choices. Meal safety, reheating instructions, and a menu will be provided in meal kits. Grab & go meal kits will continue to be FREE for all children 18 & under.
For any School Nutrition questions, please contact Alyssia Wright or your Area Supervisor.
Fulton County’s School Nutrition Launches The PACK PAL!
Bringing your lunch from home? Let the cafeteria help you - at no cost! Simply pack your favorite main entree and select the Pack Pal at lunch to enhance your lunchbox. This option is available Monday - Friday at all schools in Fulton County.
Breakfasts and lunches are now being served FREE to ALL students! Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to save time and money.
masks are required for all students, staff, and visitors
- The masks must be consistent with CDC recommendations (gaiters and masks with valves are not recommended)
- Masks are required by students during face-to-face instruction and while on the school bus. Additionally,
- Schools should have reusable student masks available to students as needed
- Students should not share masks
- Masks should be worn during CTAE, performing arts, and indoor classes
- Masks are not required when students are participating in aerobic activities
- Students are required to provide a doctor’s note if requesting an exemption to wear a mask
- An employee/student may wear a face shield in conjunction with a mask but not instead of wearing a mask
- Those refusing to wear a mask will not be allowed to enter into the facility or interact with others.
Community Corner
Please see the reminders and flyers below for events that are happening throughout our community! If you have an event that you like to be included in the community corner, please email Diantha Parker at parkerd3@fultonschools.org