Finn Hill Falcon Flyer
Week of March 7, 2022
This Week at FHMS
Monday, March 7
- FHMS Parent Book Club, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM, via Teams
- LEAP Day, No School for Students
Looking Ahead
- Session 2 Intramurals Begin
- FHMS PTSA Board Meeting, 7:00 PM-7:30 PM
Tuesday, March 15
- FHMS PTSA General Membership Meeting, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, via Teams
Tuesday, March 29
- Battle of the Books District Competition, 6:30 PM-7:30 PM, KiMS
- Spring Break
- Culinary Competition Entries for Mr. Briehl's Students Due
COVID Corner
- Since returning from midwinter break, we have had no positive COVID cases. We had one report of a close contact.
- We are waiting guidance from the district (anticipated next week) regarding masking. We do know that until March 12, masks will continue to be required for all students, staff, and visitors in all Lake Washington School District buildings and on buses. We will share the new guidelines in next week's Falcon Flyer.
- Please consider volunteering on the PTSA board for the 2022-2023 school year. You can even volunteer with a friend, as all board positions can be shared by two people. We really need members to step up and take a leadership role. Without your help, PTSA cannot exist. To nominate yourself or someone else, go to Nomination Form. For questions, contact Kristen Dorwin at
- FHMS is collecting new and gently used games for the students to play during lunch. See the list of requested games and sign up here: Sign Up Genius Link.
- Stock the staff lounge with snacks! The mid-winter doldrums have set in. Let's spark some heat and show FHMS staff how much we care by helping them fuel up with delicious snacks and treats in the staff lounge! Sign up at:
Upcoming Events:
- FHMS and FHMS PTSA are hosting a monthly book discussion around the book Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for Creating a Trauma Sensitive Classroom. The first meeting is March 3rd. Sign up here: Book Discussion Link. Go to for details.
- LWPTSA Council offers scholarships to students and staff. Deadline to apply is March 25th. For more details, click here: LWPTSA Scholarships.
Green Team Updates
Energy Usage
Today we are consulting our Green Team specialists (Vitalia and Yutane) about how to use less energy.
Yutane: Let me ask: When was the last time you forgot to unplug your devices when you were gone? When was the last time you kept the light on for no reason? I’m sure you are all aware of energy wastage problems happening in the world. Let me explain.
Every day about 58 KWH of energy gets used per person. You may not think that this is you—consider that you could be wasting a lot of energy. And I’m not saying that I’m perfect at conserving energy, we can all improve.
Vitalia: Here are some ways we can ALL decrease our usage:
- Washing with cold water can be beneficial in many ways, not just to reduce energy waste. Research shows that washing with cold water can reduce the chance of wrinkled, stained, or faded clothes. And again, Cold-water washing saves energy.
- Did you know that a device that still uses energy when it’s not in use is called an energy vampire? Energy vampires can take over things like phone chargers or computers. One simple way to get rid of this problem is to unplug your devices when they are not in use. This will stop them from wasting energy and save money from your monthly bill.
- The last tip is, to turn off your lights! Lights are not always in need when you are in a room. you can let the natural light from outside be your lamp, especially because the days are becoming longer. Use lights only when they are needed, even if they are LED. Despite some myths you might have heard, the actual switching of on and off doesn’t use any more electricity. So please turn off your lights when not needed. The environment will thank you.”
Garden Update from Levi and Lexi
Just in . . . our new herb seedlings died! We were disappointed, but it was okay because we are seeing this experience as an experiment that we can learn from. We conducted additional research about planting indoors and found some ideas about how to keep our seedlings watered over a long weekend and adjusting our grow light height. Our grow light is a full spectrum light that produces a lot of heat so we cannot keep it at the same height as suggested for less powerful grow light options.
We are testing out two new watering methods using marigold, calendula, and petunia seeds Ms. Watsabaugh dried out herself this past fall. The petunia seeds are from a plant a student gave her last spring. Our new watering methods include soaking from below in trays and a capillary mat.
Capillary mats are something that allows a plant to be watered from the underside. We are using a tray with water in it, placing another tray with holes in it, and hanging newspaper over the side so the water is pulled up the newspaper through the process of capillary action. We are using newspapers for our mat, but there are many other ways to do it.
For fun, we are also using a heat pad under our petunias to see how this affects their germination rate.
Request: If you have any newspapers lying around that you are not using, we will take them.
PRIDE Campaign Begins 3/14
Finn Hill Middle School
Each student will graduate prepared to lead a rewarding, responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society.
Every student future ready: Prepared for college, Prepared for the global workplace, Prepared for personal success
Location: 8040 NE 132nd St, Kirkland, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 936-2340
Twitter: @FinnHillMS