Omaha North
Welcome back! August 2022
From the Principal
I am pleased to welcome you to the 2022-23 School Year. We are excited to see our students soon. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Back-to-School Days event this past week. If you were unable to attend, please refer to the packet you received in the mail or the instructions below for creating a Parent Portal Account. Starting this year and moving forward, Annual Updates will be done online. We appreciate your patience as we all learn this process.
As we begin another school year, we want to remind everyone that Safety is our Top Priority, and we all have a part to play in keeping our school safe. We will review the Standard Response Protocol and conduct safety drills with students. We also want to encourage students to support school safety by doing the following:
•Follow Safety Protocols
•Refrain from propping doors open
•Refrain from letting unauthorized people in the school
•If you see something, say something!
Please stay tuned for our monthly newsletters. Stay connected by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and our website. See links at the end of every newsletter.
Thank you for selecting North High as the #Place2Be for your student(s). Please know that the tradition of excellence continues as we work hard to provide a safe, positive, and rigorous learning environment.
We thank you for your continued support and involvement in the Viking Community. If you have any questions, please call us 531-299-2700.
Go Vikings!
Reminder: Freshman Day, August 17th
Freshman Day is reserved for 9th graders only on Wednesday, August 17th. All 9th graders will have the opportunity to meet their teachers, collaborate with classmates, and engage in other activities.
We will welcome our 10th, 11th, and 12th graders on Thursday, August 18th. Breakfast is served at 7:00; classes start at 7:40.
Health and Safety in the 2022-23 School Year
Dear Omaha Public Schools Staff and Families,
We can all be proud of our district’s leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic. Omaha Public Schools was among the first large urban school districts to return to in-person learning. Since vaccines became available, Omaha Public Schools hosted more than 200 different clinics with community partners. Today, vaccines are available for adults and all children we serve. Those clinics continue across Omaha.
Regularly, protocols in cities, businesses and schools have changed since March 2020. In the 2022-23 school year, Omaha Public Schools will update protocols as well. Contact tracing, all-school notifications and our district COVID-19 dashboard will conclude on July 31, 2022.
Health and safety remain our priority. We continue to encourage all eligible people to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Enhanced disinfecting will stay part of our daily routines. Schools will promote healthy habits like handwashing and covering coughs throughout the day. Students and staff who wish to wear a face covering inside our schools are welcome to. If a student or staff member feels ill, they should stay home. If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they will stay home for five days after the start of symptoms.
Our staff will work closely with public health professionals, as we have since early 2020. We will monitor COVID-19 conditions in our community and address other public health needs if they arise. Protocols may change in the future, and we will communicate any updates to our staff and families. We value open communications with those we serve.
Thank you for your partnership and support.
Omaha Public Schools
Opportunities for students
Parent Portal
Click here to access the directions for the parent portal.
Standard Response Protocol for Parents
Schools and communities must be prepared for a variety of emergency situations. Our school has established plans and has prepared for major emergency situations. We believe a person’s reaction to an emergency situation depends largely on their training and practice beforehand.
Omaha Public Schools uses the Standard Response Protocol (SRP), which includes five main drills: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter.
New Staff at Omaha North
Please welcome the following staff members who have new roles, are new to North, and/or new to the Omaha Public Schools!
Mr. Andrew Renfro (former Dean of students), Assistant Principal (Activities)
Mrs. Amanda Gutierrez (former teacher), Curriculum Specialist
Ms. Kate Peterson (former teacher), Special Education Department Head
Mr. Kevin Busch, Dean of Students
Amber Bock (teacher), Instrumental Music
Cassidy Brannon-Athletic Trainer
Holley Desigio, English Teacher
Daniel Edwards, Math Teacher
Destinee Gipson-ACP Para
Ashley Hawthrone, Counselor
Antonio Hill-Security
Katelynn Jarvis, Asst. Athletic Trainer
Susanna Kearney, Vocal Music Teacher
Mikayla Olson, Science Teacher
Scott Stanley (teacher), JROTC
Logan Thurston, Art Teacher
Haley Urwin, English Teacher
Megan Volz, English Learner Teacher
Timothy White, Special Education Teacher
Katherine Zeman, Math Teacher
2022-23 District Calendar
Omaha North High SChool
Location: 4410 North 36th Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-2700
Twitter: @OPS_NorthHigh
Omaha North Athletics
To view the activities and athletics schedules and results, visit
Location: 4410 North 36th Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-4008
Twitter: @OPS_Vikings