CHIPS Weekly Update
January 12, 2024
Parent Conferences
CHIPS Virtual Information Night & Registration for the 2024-25 School Year
CHIPS will hold a virtual information session for prospective families on Thursday, January 25 at 6:00 p.m. Pre-registration for new families will open in Friday, January 26. The link for the virtual information session will be posted on the CHIPS page of the CPS website. Please pass this information along to anyone you know who might be interested in CHIPS for their child.
Returning CHIPS do not need to re-register. If you haven't already done so, please respond to the CHIPS survey for the 2024-25 school year (link below). This will ensure that we have spaces reserved for our returning students before opening registration for new students.
Mr. Rega at CHIPS
Mr. Rega recently visited CHIPS! He brought his drums and our student had fun learning about music and rhythm and trying out the drums! Thank you to the CHIPS PTO for organizing this enrichment!
Important Upcoming Dates
- January 15- NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King Day
- February 8- NO SCHOOL- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- February 19-23- NO SCHOOL- February Vacation
From the PTO
The PTO has turned the CHIPS hallway into a Winter Wonderland! Thanks to all who helped with this project.
The PTO will hold its annual sock drive beginning next week. We collect new socks in all sizes and donate them to The Wish Project.
Snow Day Activities
Please see the link for snowy day activities ideas to so with your child at home. Thanks to our occupational and physical therapists for putting this together!
Health News
Welcome to mid-January!
If your child is moving on to Kindergarten next fall, please provide a copy of their most recent Physical, with immunizations, to Nurse Kristen. If they have an upcoming 5th year appointment, please share once that physical has been completed. There will be reminders again later in the spring to submit this information along with further guidance for those students who turn 5 in the summer. This will help get a jump on the process, as Massachusetts requires a 5-year-old Physical with Immunizations prior to Kindergarten entry.
You may do so by:
email/scan - lynchk@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
fax - Attn: School Kristen Lynch (978)-251-5154 OR (978) 251-0732
paper copy - please inform if sending in backpack.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you need assistance finding a family practitioner, please reach out!
πIn the meantime, continue to enjoy their CHIPS experience!π
On another 'wow, my child is growing up' topic, please enjoy the fun Superhero Potty Poem. When you click on the SUPERHERO and GERM, it will take you to a fun READ-a-LOUD book video. Enjoy!
Please use our absence line (978-251-5188 Option 0) or absence email (chipsattendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us) to report your child's absence from school and be sure to state the reason for the absence (illness, appointment, travel, etc). If your child is out due to illness, please let us know the nature of the illness (fever, vomiting, cough, etc.).
Nurse Kristen can be reached by calling the CHIPS main number (978-251-5188) and selecting option 3.
Chelmsford Integrated Preschool
Email: mcguirkm@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://chelmsfordschools.org
Location: 170 Dalton Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: (978)251-5188