Migrant Education Messenger
Region 17 ESC
TEA Updates and Information
Need some TEA migrant information...
Need some Region 17 services...
This is a great tool to communicate and stay connected with each other. Here you will find upcoming events, news, and any requirements within the Migrant Education Program.
"The goal of the Migrant Education Program is to ensure that all migrant students reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma (or complete a HSED) that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment."
Updates & Reminders
*Please follow all updates from TEA regarding Coronavirus support and guidance.
- All MEP Validations suspended until further notice
- META Associates will be reviewing the evaluation data submitted by all districts
- ID&R Updates and Guidance during school closures, see below
- ESCORT providing online training opportunities for MEP staff next week
- ESC 17 MEP Professional Development Opportunities Online this Thursday, 3/26
- New iPads readily available for check-out, if needed-please email Lachelle Carrillo
- Stay healthy and safe
- Program maintenance in NGS (Guidance email from Destiny)
- Complete student folders
- Collect pre-tests for 2019-2020 school year
- Compile data for 2019-2020 MPO Excel Spreadsheet (new forms available)
- Complete LNA timeline to support your 2020-2021 MEP Program
- Start planning your district's MEP 2020-2021
NGS Reminders, please see below:
- You must encode ALL supplemental's for reading instruction and math instruction for your students into NGS, please let us know if you have any questions about this.
- Run all necessary reports (Guidance email from Destiny)
- NGS Helpdesk is available for assistance
Professional Development Opportunities-Via Zoom
It is imperative we continue to provide as many professional development opportunities to you, to support the requirements and updates within the MEP. What a perfect time to learn about virtual meetings and trainings online. We will be utilizing Zoom meetings for our trainings. Take a look at the video tutorial if you are unfamiliar with it. Email invitation coming soon!
Training Opportunities with ESCORT
Website: escort.org/MEPtv
MEP Student Resources Available
Texas Migrant Interstate Program
- Online tutorials available: Math, Reading, and Science (K-12)
- STAAR Practice Assessments
- Course Study Guides available upon request
National Pass Center
Website: http://www.npcpass.org/npcc.htm
MEP Upcoming Opportunities & Events
Due to Governor Abbott's Executive Order:
Region 17 ESC will be closed starting March 23, 2020 through April 3, 2020, to support our community and health care professionals in the ongoing goal of containing the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. We are available via email and phone. We have postponed or moved scheduled trainings to zoom meetings. All scheduled events for the months of March and April 2020 have been modified.
We are hopeful that these measures will better ensure the long-term health and safety of students, staff, and the larger community.
*If you plan on attending the conference, as of today (3/24/20), there have been no changes, please continue to monitor the website for updates.
STAARBurst 2020
Thank you MEP staff for supporting your students educational goals by attending this event at the ESC. We look forward to next years learning experiences and opportunities!
Validation Visits
Thank you Muleshoe MEP and Floydada MEP for compiling the necessary data for the validation, it was a very busy week on top of the TEA requested materials, and right before Spring Break! You made it look easy and got it done!
We will be providing a training in the near future on Transfer Student Policies and Procedures.
MEP Timeline and Processes
Impact of COVID-19 on ID&R
- All new family interviews must be completed via phone
- All recruiters/staff must use the interview guidance document (below)
- All staff must communicate new family interviews with ESC specialist
- Family signature will be determined on case by case as further guidance is available
*Further guidance to come from the Office of Migrant Education
Identification and Recruitment Rapid Response Consortium
IRRC (Identification and Recruitment Rapid Response Consortium) is one of four OME-funded Consortium Incentive Grants. The mission of IRRC is to develop resources, strategies, best practices, and creative solutions whose purpose is to improve and enhance ID&R activities in IRRC member states. IRRC is a collaborative effort between the states of- ME, NY, DE, SC, GA, TN, IL, NM, AZ, KS, IA, with NE acting as the lead state of this collaboration.
The proper identification and recruitment (ID&R) of migrant children and youth is the foundation on which all other services and migrant education programs (MEPs) are delivered. This first step in the process of delivering high quality services to meet the educational needs of migratory children is highly critical. There has been an overarching need for improvements in the MEP community in terms of how states conduct ID&R and in the level of quality and consistency in which ID&R activities occur.
Check out their website: https://www.idr-consortium.net/Index.html
Evaluation Resources
Measurable Program Outcomes 2019-2020
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your MEP specialist.
LNA- Local Needs Assessment
Below is an outline of the LNA timeline for your district. Please note the assessment tools which should be implemented or completed within the given time frames.
OME Reports by ESC Specialist
PFS Monthly Reporting
We are now in Quarter Three
- You will no longer scan and send monthly PFS Reports, unless requested by the ESC.
- You will no longer scan and send in Student Progress Reviews, unless requested by the ESC; however you will keep those reviews on file for each PFS student.
- PFS criteria now includes those students at the "approaching" level and will be reflected within NGS.
PAC Resources
NGS/MSIX Resources
General MEP Information
MEP Staff Resources
OSY-Out of School Youth Resources
Who is an OSY?
- Under the age of 22
- Has not graduated from high school
- Works in agriculture
- Moving around to work or with working guardians
If you have any questions, please reach out to our OSY specialist, Jean Anne Williams.
Non-Project Districts Resources
COE Resources
COE Reminders
*Please refer to current ID&R guidance stated above.
- ALL COEs must be submitted to the ESC.
- ALL COEs must have the Blue TEA logo on the first page.
- ALL COEs must have three signatures: parent, interviewer, and reviewer.
- ALL final copies must be printed in color, blue ink signatures.
* If you need a COE(s) printed for your district please let your MEP specialist know.
Texas MEP Agricultural Map
The purpose of the agricultural map is to provide a statewide list of crops, fish, livestock, and poultry for agricultural and fishing related purposes. Two of the key objectives in providing the agricultural map are to: 1) Aid in identification and recruitment efforts by helping to develop profiles and calendars reflecting major crops, seasons and hiring practices by regional employers, and 2) Foster and strengthen intra-regional networking.
Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter
MEP Online Resources
We are here to serve you!
The MEP Team
Lachelle Carrillo M. Ed.
Email: lcarrillo@esc17.net
Website: https://www.facebook.com/region17MEP/
Location: Region 17 Education Service Center, West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX, USA
Phone: 806-281-5886
Destiny Chavarria
Email: dchavarria@esc17.net
Location: Region 17 Education Service Center, West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX, USA
Phone: 806-281-5882
Francisco Rodriguez
Email: frodriguez@esc17.net
Location: Region 17 Education Service Center, West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX, USA
Phone: 806-281-5890
Jean Anne Williams, M. Ed.
Email: jwilliams@esc17.net
Location: Region 17 Education Service Center, West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX, USA
Phone: 806-281-5894
Check out our pages...
You can find more resources on Region 17 web page, and be sure to follow us on Facebook!
You can now send us a tweet @MEPRegion17