Zebra Family Update!
February 2023
It's a Great Day to Be a Zebra!
This is also a very exciting time of the year for our seniors - college acceptance letters are coming in, and students are busy making plans for their time after high school. We also have students making commitments to universities, colleges, and community colleges to play collegiate-level athletics. Whether your student plans to go right into the job force, the military, or to continue their educational pursuits, we are excited to celebrate them! More information about our Senior Celebrations (including graduation) will begin to come out in March.
It is our joy to work with your students every day and help them establish their goals and help them explore and consider what they want their future to look like.
Safe School Plan
Sober Grad - Celebrating the Class of 2023
An incredible team of parents and community members come together each year to put together a truly amazing Sober Grad Night for our seniors. The committee is happy to have help from everyone - your student does not have to be a senior for you to contribute your gifts and talents to make this a special night!
- ongoing - Amazon Smiles and Wishlist
- Feb 24 - Sober Grad Bingo Night
- Feb 27, 7pm, LHS Library - General Meeting
- April - Buyout Fundraisers (See’s Candies & Jamba Juice)
Stay informed:
Facebook | Lincoln Sober Grad
Instagram | lincolnsobergrad
Love and Logic
The District is offering Love and Logic classes for families -classes run on Tuesdays from 6-745pm from Tuesday, February 7 - Tuesday, March 7. All the details are below, and you can email dstjohn@wpusd.org to sign up! This workshop always fills up, so don't delay if you are interested in the information!
LHS Peer Tutoring!
LHS offers an incredible tutoring program that is designed to help students get their homework done, get organized, to ask questions, to get reteaching, and even to take care of test retakes (for some teachers!). We are prepared to offer support in all content areas taught at LHS.
- In Person at LHS Library or online using Google Meet - code: LHStutoring
- M-F from 7:15-8:15am
- M from 2:30-4:30pm
- T-Th from 3:30-5:30pm
Keep in mind, that the library hosts our tutoring program to support students with learning. The library is not open for hanging out during tutoring times - all students must be actively involved in some type of academic activity during the tutoring program hours if they are in the library.
Counseling, College & Career, and Wellness
Each month, the LHS counselors will provide you with information on hot topic items as well as areas of focus with students. Stay tuned for information on all things college, school success, academic planning and mental health support. Should you need to reach out to your child’s counselor, here is our contact information:
Julia Kent: Last names A-Di, jkent@wpusd.org ext 37833
Sherri Sandoval: Last names D0-La, ssandoval@wpusd.org ext 37830
Misty Alarcon: Last names Le-Re, malarcon@wpusd.org ext 37832
Robyn Court: Last names Rh-Z, rcourt@wpusd.org ext 37831
Sruti Vadgama, College & Career Technician, svadgama@wpsud.org
Kristin Gianola, Wellness Center Counselor (Room 14), kgianola@wpusd.org
Nancy Monroe, Wellness Center Counselor (Room 14), nmonroe@wpusd.org
Counseling Update!
Course selection is here!
The counseling team is busy helping students select their courses for next year. The team visited GEMS in mid January to provide our incoming 8th grades with lots of information on selecting their courses. The students turned in their selections on January 26th. We had a GREAT turn out and it was good to see such eager future Zebras!
We have moved on to focusing on our current students and we will be meeting with each grade level to review our courses, graduation requirements and A-G requirements. We will also teach students how to enter their courses into PowerSchool. After we provide this information, the students typically have about 4 days to finalize their selections. Counselors then meet individually with each student to review their selections and make any necessary adjustments. We will complete this process by late February, and parents will be notified via email when information goes out to each grade level. Be on the lookout for this email. We encourage you to take an opportunity to discuss your child’s selections and goals as they plan for next year. Please call us if you have any questions!
Summer School
We don’t have details yet, but as the counselors meet with students to plan their courses, if your child needs to repeat a course, we will let them know they are being recommended for Summer School. Additional information will go out in April/May. Typically, summer school runs from mid June until sometime in July. All classes are online, but often exams need to be taken in person at Phoenix High School. Summer School is a great opportunity for your child to make up a course without the pressure of 8 other courses. We strongly recommend that your child takes advantage of this opportunity if it is being offered to him/her.
College & Career Update!
This is specifically for seniors: You must apply for a Cal Grant by the March 2 deadline by filing your FAFSA or Dream Act application and ensuring your school submits your verified GPA.
You can check on the status of your FAFSA application and the status of awards by creating a WebGrants4Students account.
This for everyone in general:
This is the time of year when the College and career starts preparing for our annual Career Fair. It's on March 21, 2023. from 8:30am -12:30pm. Do you want to be on the planning committee? Stop by the College and Career Center for more info and to sign up.
Do you need help in deciding Career choices? Do you need help in writing a resume? Then Pathful Explore can help with that and much more! We already have an account created for you. Log on to pathful.com and start exploring the possibilities.
Wellness Center Update!
February Mental Health Focus: Safe and Healthy Relationships
Our January launch of Wellness Center Social/Emotional skill based presentations focusing on Depression was incredibly successful and we hope to continue providing quality learning opportunities for our youth.
As we move into February, our theming in the Wellness Center will focus on safe and healthy relationships. Why are we focusing on this? 26% of women and 15% of men who were victims of contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime first experienced these or other forms of violence by that partner before age 18 (Source).
One of the first tools we can do to prevent harm to our youth is talking about safe behaviors in relationships. The second, is by connecting our students to trusted staff and student community members who can guide them to resources and encourage them to seek help.The Wellness Center is proud to offer another presentation to students to help them identify relationship red flags, learn about the prevalence of abuse, and identify safe places to report and seek support from abuse.
Can't get enough wellness info? Follow along on instagram!
What's coming up?
February, 2023
- Monday, 2/13, 6 pm, ELAC Meeting - focus on cash for college
- Friday, 2/17-Monday, 2/20: No School (Mid-Term Break)
- Friday, 2/24, Sober Grad Bingo Night
- February on Wednesdays, 6-8pm: Active Parenting of Teens (offered in Spanish); message pgachet@wpusd.org for more details
- Athletics Event Calendar - click here
Spring 2023
- Wednesday, 3/8: Science Expo
- Monday, 3/13: ELAC Meeting
- Thursday, 3/16-Saturday, 3/18: Spring Play Production Weekend One
- Friday, 3/17: End of Quarter 3
- Tuesday, 3/21: Career Fair at LHS and Soroptimist Teen Esteem Program
- Thursday, 3/23-Saturday, 3/25: Spring Play Production Weekend Two
- Friday, 3/31-Monday, 4/10: No School (Spring Break)
- Monday, 4/17: ELAC Meeting
- Week of 4/17-4/21 (tentative): SBAC and CAST State Testing
- Monday, 4/24, 6 pm: School Site Council Meeting
- First Half of May: AP Testing
- Monday, 5/15: Senior Awards and Senior Scholarship Night
- Tuesday, 5/16: LHS hosting School Board Meeting and highlighting LHS students and programs
- Monday, 5/29: No School (Memorial Day)
- Friday, 6/2 (tentative): End of Year "Play Day"
- Tuesday, 6/6-Friday, 6/9: Finals Week
- Friday, 6/9: Graduation for the Class of 2023 / Last Day of School
Visit our community and athletics calendars for more details on special activities, sports, and school events!
What We Stand For:
Vision: Lincoln High School empowers students to develop their potential, to advocate for themselves, and to make a lifelong positive contribution to the community.
Mission: Lincoln High School creates opportunities for all students to gain the education and experiences needed to be successful, knowledgeable, and responsible contributors to society.
Learn about our Student Learning Outcomes here.
Connect with Us!
- Facebook @LincolnHighSchoolWPUSD
- Insta @lhsfightingzebras
- School and Athletics Calendars are here!
Staff Directory
- This directory contains some staff who are no longer at LHS, but it also includes all of our current staff
Specific Course Information
- All of our teachers posted information about their class on Schoology - parents and students can always go back to revisit syllabi and a video introducing your teacher on their Schoology pages: https://wpusd.schoology.com/ > Courses > Select tile for the class you want to learn more about!
General School/Course Information
- Website: lhs.wpusd.org
- Course Catalog: https://lhs.wpusd.org/academics/course-offerings/course-catalog
- Handbook: https://lhs.wpusd.org/our-school/about-us/student-handbook
Email: jhladun@wpusd.org
Website: lhs.wpusd.org
Location: 790 J Street, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916 645 6360