CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of March 26, 2023
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
3/30: 3rd Quarter Ends
3/30: Spring Festival
3/31: Asynchronous Learning Day - Students work from home.
4/1 - 4/10: Spring Break
4/12: PTO Meeting @ 6:30pm
4/20: Last day of Ramadan
4/21: Eid al-Fitr - PGCPS Schools and Offices Closed
4/22: Spring Parent Workshop
4/25: 3rd Quarter Report Cards Released
4/26: 3rd Quarter Grade Appeal Window Opens
5/2: 3rd Quarter Grade Appeal Window Closes
Sync school calendars with your own Google Calendar using the links below.
Spirit Week March 27th - March 30th
CMIT North Middle School will hold our Spring Spirit Week from March 27th through March 30th. Students will be able to dress down based on a different theme each day. The week will end with our PTO-sponsored Spring Festival on Thursday.
The purpose of Spirit Week is to build community and unity. Students choosing not to participate must attend school in their normal uniform.
Monday - College Day/Sports Day: Where your favorite sports and/or college apparel.
Tuesday - Twin Day: Pick a friend, or two, and plan your look-alike outfit.
Wednesday - Wacky, Tacky Day: Think mix and match, backward, weird colors, etc. The wackier and tackier the better.
Thursday - Class colors: 6th Grade - Green, 7th Grade - Red, 8th Grade - Blue (Get decked out in the color for your grade level, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, etc!)
American Heart Association Fundraiser
We have currently raised 10% of our goal of $1500. If each student raises just $10 we would far exceed our goal and the student that raises the most will get to pie Principal Brauer at the Spring Festival on March 31st.
Please register today, under our school, at heart.org/AHC.
By participating in the American Heart Challenge students can raise awareness and funds for congenital heart defects, nutrition security, CPR training, mental well-being, and more as we work to end heart disease and stroke. Along the way students will meet some of the kids they’re helping while learning about mind and body health.
Once you've registered, start Finn’s Mission and complete the challenges. As a family you can help to create a community of lifesavers by learning the lifesaving steps of Hands-Only CPR. It’s quick, easy, and fun! Learn more about Finn and his special challenge at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvxciz10EtA.
If you would like for your student to participate, please print and fill out the permission and homework form attached below and return to Mr. Johnson, Guidance Counselor. Each student that returns both forms will receive 1 Student Service-Learning Hour to go toward their high school diploma.
Thank you for keeping hearts everywhere beating strong!
Yurhance Johnson, Guidance Counselor CMIT North Charter School
Order The CMIT North Middle School Yearbook Today!
The 2022-2023 CMIT yearbook is now on sale! Parents and scholars can order the yearbook online by going to ybpay.com, Yearbook ID Code: 14671623.
Once on the website, all the options for purchase will be available. Online orders will be accepted through April 15th. Don't miss out - ORDER TODAY!
Parent Space @ District Heights Family and Youth Services Bureau
If you are having concerns about your child. The staff at District Heights Family and Youth Services Bureau (DHYSB) would like to help by providing a space where you can discuss concerns and resources to help you. Please click on the file below for more information: Parent Space
Mr. Johnson, Professional School Counselor
Upcoming Events
Spring Parent Workshop, April 22nd
This year's Spring Parent Workshop, scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd will the biggest yet.
If you have expertise in an area that can help our parents navigate the difficulties of parenting a middle schooler then we want you.
Speakers addressing Internet/social media, counseling and/or psychology, nutrition, law enforcement/policing, sport, and financing college, are of most interest.
Please contact Mr. James Screven at james.screven@pgcps.org to sign up for a slot.
Culture Fair Coming This June
Parents, Guardians, and Students!
This year we are hosting our very own CMIT North Middle School Culture Fair, which will celebrate the diversity that is our school community. If you have a special talent such as Dance, Poetry, Cooking, or Music that can highlight your family's culture or heritage, we want you! Please send your student to Mr. Screven, Ms. Castillo, Ms. Hinton, or Ms. Wake to sign up.
We ask that parents offer to sign up to prepare a taste of culture that will give participants the opportunity to share with our community a one-bite taste of food that celebrates their culture. Parents can sign up by completing the CMIT Taste of Culture Form.
The Cultural Fair will be held in June. We are in the beginning stages of planning and will share the exact date and time soon.
Academic Announcements
Hands in Clay
Eighth graders had a test run using the wheel and kiln! Students learned the basics of throwing a pot on the wheel.
We observed how the wheel uses centrifugal force to center and pull the clay out, while their hands acted against or with that force.
We then completed our first Bisque fire where the clay became ceramic through a chemical process occurring when the clay reaches above 2000*F.
Next, we applied glazes that will be fired later this week. We will be learning different hand-building methods in order to plan for their first project.
I suggest your scholar bring in an oversized men's button-up shirt or an apron in a zip-lock bag for clay days.
Math Tutoring Opportunities (Grades 3-12)
FREE Online Math Tutoring is available for all students in grades 3-12.
Prince George’s County Public Schools has teamed up with Carnegie Learning to provide students with virtual, 1-on-1, on-demand or drop-in tutoring. All at no cost to families! Highly-qualified math tutors are available to support students with coursework using MATHiaR, Carnegie Learning’s adaptive software, or other available resources. Tutors will identify and close skill gaps, accelerate learning, and build academic confidence!
Extra Curricular Opportunities!
PTO Announcements
PTO Spring Bling
The PTO is sponsoring a Spring Bling for the students on March 30th 9am-11pm. Concessions will be available for $1 per snack. Please contact the PTO if you would like to donate snacks or volunteer.
PTO Uniform Drive
We are accepting any gently used uniforms that you would like to donate to the PTO Uniform Drive at the front desk starting on Tuesday 2/21/23.
PTO Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
Please use the following link to sign up if you want to be listed as a volunteer for any upcoming activities or events sponsored by the PTO. PTO Volunteer Sign-Up
Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Stay up to date with the monthly breakfast and lunch menu with Meal Viewer.