Wrapping up 2022-2023
May 5, 2023
"Some of the best memories are made in flip flops"
Almost Summer Time
As the school year comes to a close, I would like to thank you personally for entrusting us in educating your child. We have had a lot of successes this year. Over 93% of our K-3 students have passed their phonograms. Our middle school sports teams have excelled. As a school community we raised over $10,000 to the American Heart Association and donated $1,160 to Chains of Caring to the Children's Hospital at Providence.
I encourage you to continue the learning throughout the summer whether it's journaling, reading for Tiger Reading, or practicing math facts... keep learning and practicing. The local library has a wonderful reading program for all ages.
Please help return our library books. The deadline for turning in books is fast approaching by the end of next week.
Thank you to our PTA and ABC Boards for sponsoring and helping with many events this year and a shout-out to our volunteers!
Backpacks will not be allowed to be brought to school on the last day of school for safety issues. All items will be going home on May 22nd.
Parking Issues: Just a reminder that safety needs to be on the forefront of everyone's mind. Every though the snow is gone, please do not speed in the parking lot, cut off vehicles, go the wrong way on Laurel, or block lanes on Dowling. If you see this happening, please email me or the police the pictures. We need to see the plate number to be effective. Every person whether it is a student or adult is important and valuable to all. Please drive safely and be courteous. We expect that of our students and the adults that pick them up.
This is our last issue of Tiger Tracks for this school year. I'd like to wish everyone a fun and safe summer.
Keep Reading Tigers!
Mrs. Duff
ABC Board
The partnership between teachers, students, and parents is vital to the success of our students as well as to the NLABC philosophy. Families want their students to attend our school because of its focus on high achievement and self-discipline. These cannot happen without full endorsement from all of us. The core philosophy of the Anchorage Basic Curriculum model is responsibility for one’s actions, both in relationships with others and with schoolwork. Students learn that there are consequences when they fail to take responsibility, whether it is losing recess for being unkind to others or having extra homework for not using class work time effectively. Children make mistakes. It is our job as the people who love them to help them learn from those mistakes so they don’t repeat them. We appreciate all your support in molding our students into the future leaders of tomorrow.
Election Updates
Congratulations and welcome to our 23-24 ABC Board!
1. Seat A: Tunde Akindipe (incumbent)*
2. Seat B: Lindy Jeppson (incumbent)*
3. Seat C: Theresa Ronco (incumbent)*
4. Seat D: Zoya Stephens
4. Seat E: Cheryl Holden (incumbent)
5. Seat F: Brittany Gallagher (incumbent)
6. Seat G: Nikki Hickey
7. Seat H: Caryn Homerding
8. PTA president: Jamie Hunt (incumbent)*
9. Principal: Mrs. Duff
10. Teacher representatives: Mrs. Gionet and Mrs. Madarang
Below is attached a list of our accomplishments and how we best support our school and students. Thank you for the continued support of our school. Please consider joining our PTA next year as a member. It truly does benefit our students, teachers, and school.
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 907-742-7500.
Please Claim Me!
🗓 Save these dates!
- May 6 - City Wide Clean-Up (for more information, please download NJHS Clean up below)🌻
- May 12 - Library books are due 📖
- May 15 - Multicultural Program @ NLABC MPR, 8:30 a.m.
- May 16 - Kindergarten Graduation @ NLABC MPR, 1:45 - 2:45 pm 👩🏽🎓!
- May 18 - NLABC Talent Show, @ NLABC MPR, 8:30 - 10 am ❤️
- May 19 - K - 6 Field Day 🏆
- May 22 - 8th grade recognition @ Bettye Davis East High School, 5:30 - 7:30 pm. 🍎
- May 23 - Last Day of School for K-8