Curtis Chronicles
September 26, 2022
Principal's Corner; Ms. Sonya Pitcock
Cougar families,
Thank you for supporting your students by bringing them for tutoring, helping them with a system to keep up with their student ID and wear it during the day and also supporting our campus expectations for phones. Our students are doing great and the support at home makes the transition between school and home easier for students.
We had our first pep rally last week to celebrate our sports in season right now – football and volleyball. Special shout out to all the students who were involved in the pep rally performing and leading the student body. Everyone had a great time!
Our STEAM visits are coming up this week for 8th grade and next week for 7th grade. We will send out an email to let you know which day/time your child will be visiting STEAM. Students will eat lunch on campus before they go or when they return.
The first quarter ends on October 7, so please help your students continue to be successful by reaching out to teachers for tutoring or support if they need a little extra help.
Sonya Pitcock
Principal, Curtis Middle School
Allen ISD
Curtis Cougars Theatre field trip
Curtis’ theatre classes attended Allen High School’s production of Charlotte’s Web last week. In addition to the show, they were able to ask the cast questions, go on a back stage tour, and enjoy a pizza lunch.
Counselors Corner: 5 Ways to cope with back-to-school anxiety
1. Keep the lines of communication open: Prioritize honest and real conversations with your kids — not a one-and-done, rather ongoing discussions about what they’re experiencing, whether that’s the back-to-school transition or a significant national event.
2. Don’t underestimate your child’s level of awareness: they may not get everything, but they’re seeing it, and it’s impacting them. We need to recognize and respond to that, especially with adolescents, who are in the process of building autonomy and a life outside the family. Let them know you see and respect them as independent individuals with their own observations, opinions and beliefs.
3. Distinguish between what’s your anxiety and what’s theirs: Remember that your kids are not you. What makes you anxious may not affect them the same way; what you see as an obstacle may be an exciting challenge for them (and vice versa).
4. Share your own experience: letting them know they’re not alone — that we struggled sometimes when we were their age, and yes, we still do even now. Of course, how much you reveal about your own experience needs to be appropriate to your child’s age; hearing that you’re anxious can make a young child more anxious, but for a teen, it can be reassuring to know that these feelings are natural and that they, too, will find their way through them.
5. Acknowledge and validate anxiety: When our kids know that they can talk to us about whatever they’re feeling, and we will recognize and validate that experience without trying to change it, it gives them the strength and support to navigate not only the back-to-school transitions but also the constant change that comes with living in the world.
Counselor A-G - Loren Clanton
Counselor H-O - Crystal Wright
Counselor P-Z - Trebreh Benjamin
Counselors Corner: Lost on Social Media?
What will be covered at the September 29 Parent University meeting? Given the fact that technology has entered our lives at such a rapid pace and continues to evolve, raising our children in a digital era can seem overwhelming at times. The reality is that apps and technological devices will change, but the behavior stays the same. Moderation is key to managing technology use in our homes. The goal of this parent guide is to help introduce the major social media platforms and games that are either being used already or have the potential to be used by our children.
Upcoming Events
October 3: Spirit Night - Dinners by Delaine (Pickup on 10/11)
October 7: End of 1st Grading Period
October 17 through 21: Fall Break/Student Holiday
October 31-November 5: Moon Beam Bakery Spirit Week
THANK YOU TO Jason Reed for his BLACK level sponsorship!
October's Staff Meeting is right around the corner!
Can you help with a snack donation for our staff?
Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BSSGFUKGDYXC...
Shop in the Store: https://curtisptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/volunteer/98448
Thank you to all our fabulous parents that donated for our September snack donation & your continued generosity!
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help make copies. The CMS Staff greatly appreciates your help!
Copy Room signup---https://curtisptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/volunteer/98199
Fall Book Fair Signup--https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45A4AA2AA1FAC43-fall
Please be sure you have completed your annual Allen ISD volunteer application and background check in order to volunteer. CLICK HERE for application.
The 2022-2023 Reflections theme is Show Your Voice!
Entry Category - Dance, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts
The deadline to receive entries are: October 14th. Students can drop off their entries at the Artroom or Library!
Questions? Contact us: arts@curtiscougar.org
More information on Reflections can be found here: https://www.txpta.org/reflections
PTA Business Sponsorship Program
CMS PTA is pleased to once again offer our business sponsorship program. Curtis PTA would like to invite community businesses to show support for our staff, students and community by making a financial contribution to our PTA for the 2022-23 school year. PTA strives to make every child’s potential a reality.
There are two contribution levels for you to consider.
Red Level, $100
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2023.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
Black Level, $250
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2023.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
- 1 Thank you in our campus-wide newsletter that goes out to all families.
- 1 Thank you and shout out with a link to your website on our Curtis PTA Facebook page.
CLICK HERE for more details or email Ways & Means
Use Amazon Smile to Support Curtis PTA
Do you shop on Amazon? Use Amazon's Smile and support Curtis PTA!
AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Curtis PTA when shopping Amazon.
Select your charity: PTA Texas Congress 201 Curtis Middle School
Bookmark smile.amazon.com
Start using smile.amazon.com whenever you want to shop at Amazon!
Be sure to shop through AmazonSmile the next time you shop online. You’re still shopping with Amazon — you’re just doing good while buying what you need!
Please encourage grandparents, neighbors, and friends to support Curtis PTA by shopping through AmazonSmile too.
Do you shop at Kroger?
Log onto the Kroger website or stop by the customer service desk at any Kroger. Link your Kroger rewards card to Curtis Middle School.
Our school code is XX655.
Join the Curtis PTA- Become a Member now!
Join the many families of Curtis and support the students and staff by being a member at https://curtisptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/195134
Curtis PTA Volunteers - Get Involved!
When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed! Complete the Volunteer Opportunities interest form and we will be in touch with you.
Calling all Parents - we need your help!
Parents - we are seeking your support! If you attend a Curtis Middle School football or volleyball game, we would love to leverage the great photos that are captured to showcase in our CMS 2022-2023 yearbook.
Please email your pictures directly to stacy.trotter@allenisd.org
Donate to the No Fuss Fundraising Campaign
Allen ISD Volunteer Application
Volunteers who work with AISD student groups and organizations will need to complete a volunteer application. These groups include, but are not limited to, PTA organizations, booster clubs, cheerleading squads, dance squads (athletic and fine arts) and any other AISD student organizations where adults will be working with students other than their own children at AISD sponsored events.
Click on this link to fill out the volunteer application: https://www.allenisd.org/Page/214
Know an amazing volunteer?
Please use the following link to nominate one of the many people who help the Curtis Middle School community. You may nominate as many people as you would like and as often as you would like.
The Google Form will stay active all school year.
Curtis Middle School PTA
Email: communications@curtiscougarpta.org
Website: https://www.allenisd.org/curtisms
Location: 1530 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-727-0340
Twitter: @CurtisCougars