Longleaf School of the Arts
Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence
Teacher Tutoring Attendance
Teachers will be entering attendance in Powerschool for students beginning this week. If your student attends tutoring with a teacher, you will see a "1L" noted in Powerschool for that teacher's tutoring section. This does not mean your student was late to tutoring. It means they attended. If there is nothing listed, they did not attend tutoring with that teacher on that date. If you have questions about tutoring attendance, please do not hesitate to email babb@longleafschool.com.
Staff Baked Potato and Salad Bar Lunch
We are hosting a baked potato and salad bar lunch for our LSA staff on Tuesday, February 14.
Please use this sign up genius link to donate items for that day.
All items will be collected during morning carpool on 2/14. Thank you for your support!
Dates to remember:
2/5 - 2/22 - LSA gear orders can be placed for our second semester order. Items will be in before spring break.
2/22 - PTSA member meeting at 7:00pm
If you have any ideas you would like to suggest for discussion, please email ptsa@longleafschool.com
Thank you families for all your support!
LSA Prom Atendance Poll
SGA would like to verify how many attendees will be expected for this year's Prom! This form is open to all grade levels.
News from Nurse Herbst
Walk for Heart Health Event
Hello LSA Families!
On Tuesday, Feb 14th, LSA will have its first Walk for Heart Health event. The walk will take place during the students' Advisory period. The goal is for the students to walk five laps around the school building. This equals approximately 1 mile. The cost to participate is $5.00, which must be paid no later than Friday, February 10th. Please use the following link to make a payment: my.cheddarup.com/c/lsa-walk-for-heart. All other money (cash or check) should be turned in to Ms. Benjamin at the front desk or the nurse. Checks should be made out to the American Heart Association. All participants will receive a small prize.
All of the money will be donated to the American Heart Association (AHA). Donations to the AHA will help in the fight against our nation’s #1 and #5 killers - heart disease and stroke.
The money we donate will help fund lifesaving research; advocate for healthier communities; improve patient care; and work for equitable health for all people.
According to the AHA, walking for an average of 30 minutes or more a day can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by 35% and type 2 diabetes by 40%.
Please encourage your student to participate in this worthwhile event. It will be good exercise as well as fun.
Thank you.
Diane Herbst, RN
School Nurse
SGA Candy Grams for Sale!
Please use the following link to purchase Candy Grams for the ones you appreciate and love! Make sure you complete the form in the link for easy delivery!
Previous Newletter Reminders
Spring Community Service Day - March 7
All 11th grade students will participate in ACT testing on March 7th at Longleaf. Our 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students will participate in our spring Community Service Day. Please use the following forms to assist with planning and preparing for the service learning opportunity!
Annual Fund Fundraiser - Update - $10,950 Raised!
We asked each Longleaf family to participate in the life and financial support of the school by making a contribution in any amount. Every dollar is greatly valued and appreciated. Our goals were to have 100% participation by Longleaf families and to raise $25,000.
There were three ways our families could have contributed to the Annual Fund Fundraiser this year!
We recieved $8,700 from online donations through Cheddar Up link: https://2022-2023-annual-fund-fundraiser.cheddarup.com.
Thank you to the following online GIVERS!
We also would like to thank our families who donated a total of $2,250 in either cash or check to the front office. We have the following names as contributors:
We also had several families who donated by purchasing items through Amazon. Many gave anonymously. However, we were able to notate a few name from the packaging slips! Thank you to the following families:
Thank you to all of the families who have donated items or funds to our Annual Fund Fundraiser!
It's never too late to give! The Cheddar Up link will remain live until the end of the year!
If your name did not appear in a list above and you wish to receive a letter for tax purposes, please send an email to office@longleafschool.com.
This year, we were able to meet approximately 65% of our goal, including the Amazon purchases! Thank you for being a part of our journey towards EXCELLENCE!
Kind regards,
Johneka Williams
Head Of School
Longleaf School of the Arts
LSA Funding 101
How do attendance numbers during the first 20 days affect LSA’s funding?
The school receives approximately $7,500 for each student based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for the first 20 days. Each day a student is in class during the first 20 days is worth $375 in funding for the school.
If 55 students miss the first day of school, that is 55 x $375, or $20,625, that LSA won’t receive. Potentially, this amount could equate half of a salary for one of our teachers or staff.
Here’s what happened for the 2022-23 school year:
LSA’s board created a budget based on 410 students enrolled. 410 students x $7,500 funding per student = $3,075,000 to use for teachers, staff, building rent, supplies, etc.
An average of 55 students were absent every day for the first 20 days.
To make it easy, let’s take a look at what those numbers might have looked like:
Day 1 absences: 75
Day 2 absences: 65
Day 3 absences: 55
Day 4 absences: 45
Day 5 absences: 55
Day 6 absences: 35
Instead of 410 students x $7,500 for funding, LSA would receive funding for only 355 students:
355 x $7500 = $2,662,500
This would be a difference of $412,500 - enough to cover the cost of multiple teachers, support staff, and supplies.
191 New Student Applications!
Our application window to receive new students for the 2023-2024 school year is open! The window will close on Friday, March 3, 2023. Please inform any family that you believe would make a great fit for Longleaf School of the Arts.
All current 9th through 11th grade students do not need to reapply; they are automatically offered a seat. Each school year our waitlist has grown tremendously. If you are presently aware of any reason your 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student will not be returning next school year, please inform us by completing the following survey: https://forms.gle/BXumtphaKES8g4iF8. We would like to be prepared to transfer out records in a timely fashion as well as offer any additional seats that will be available to new families.
Save the Dates
2/6 through 2/10 - School Counselor's Week
2/9 - Prospective Family Open House
2/17 through 2/20 - NO SCHOOL
2/27 - Board of Directors Meeting @ 5:30 PM
LSA Substitute Teachers
Longleaf School of the Arts is looking for qualified people to team up with our faculty to substitute teach our students. Applicants should have a high school diploma or higher and be interested in teaching high school students. The daily rate is $100.00 per full day. Substitutes may be scheduled in advance or contacted the morning of the assignment.
Please complete the Longleaf School of the Arts background check for our records at https://www.criminalbios.com/
You will need to click on the first "Start Your Background Check" yellow tab. Once there, you will be asked to create an account. https://www.criminalbios.com/dashboard/register
Please use the following Employer Code: Longleaf
You also need to complete the substitute application using the following link: https://forms.gle/KMxfDFLot476T8597
COVID Testing Registration
This year, the testing will be individual PCR tests, not pooled testing. This is great for identifying who is positive without requiring retesting for each indivdual in a positive pool.
Testing started in October on Thursdays. Please sign up for testing using the link below.
A Double Win for LSA! Raleigh's Best Charter School AND Best High School!
We would like to thank everyone who is a part of our school community, the News and Observer, and the great city of Raleigh, NC, for this magnificent honor of being named the BEST Charter School and BEST High School! Through all of our ups and downs, we stand together as a strong school community that will continue to thrive and work together to deliver an unmatched educational experience for our students! Special thank yous go to our Board of Directors, Teachers, Staff, and Outstanding LSA Families! Students this is all for YOU! Congratulations LSA Community! Your are truly the absolute BEST!