The Vista
News and Events for Vista Ridge United Methodist Church
February 9, 2024
Find Joy Worship Series Wraps Up on Sunday with Message from Lay Leader James Kunke
Sunday, February 11 | Find Joy in All Things
Paul set some high expectations for those who choose to follow Jesus, but perhaps one of the most difficult comes in his letter to the church at Philippi. “Rejoice in the Lord always,” he wrote. The good news is that the body of scripture tells us how to succeed and find God’s joy in, quite literally, everything.
Join us for Sunday worship as our Lay Leader, James Kunke, provides the message.
Worship Service | 10 a.m. | Sanctuary
Worship Livestream | 10 a.m. | Church Website or Facebook
No Communion Chapel | There will be no Communion Chapel on Sunday as Rev. Ashley Anne is on Winter Retreat with our youth. Communion Chapel will resume on Sunday, February 18.
Prayer Requests/Let’s Connect | Please complete this form to request prayer and to let us know you joined us for online worship and be sure to say hi in the livestream chat.
Lenten Study: Finding Jesus in the Psalms to Begin February 18
The six-week Lenten Study, Finding Jesus in the Psalms, will begin Sunday, February 18. Each week will include a short video by author Barb Roose, followed by class discussion. Anyone interested is invited to attend.
About the Series | Barb Roose combines an interpretation of the psalms with real life stories. The study moves through the familiar words of Psalm 23 toward the painful cries of Psalm 22 uttered by Jesus on the cross. It includes reflections on the life of King David and the original context of the writings, along with connections between the psalms and the life and death of Jesus the Messiah.
Get Involved | The group will meet from 9-9:50 a.m. in Rooms 108-109. James Kunke will lead the study and the book is not required to participate.
Quiet Time: Contemplative Prayer Gathering During Lent Starts February 18
A weekly prayer circle exploring different ways to pray contemplatively will be offered during Lent. The gathering will be held for an hour at 11:15 a.m. in Portable 4.
It will be led by Robin Wright, a spiritual director, HeartPaths graduate, and a Stephen Minister. Please bring something to journal in and a pen. Join us and add more intimate time with God this Lenten season.
Churchwide Game Night with Pizza, Prizes Set for February 23
Join in a churchwide Game Night of bingo from 6-8 p.m. Friday, February 23, in Fellowship Hall. There will be a pizza dinner and prizes! Please let us know if you will be attending by completing the registration form. A love offering will be accepted for the dinner.
Servants Needed to Clean Adopt-A-Spot Each Month
In community partnership with Keep Lewisville Beautiful (KLB), our church cares for an Adopt-A-Spot on Denton Tap Road. Our spot encompasses the street median from Highland Drive to Vista Ridge Mall Drive. Most of those who clean the area also remove any litter around our church property. The cleanup takes about an hour for one person. Families and small groups are encouraged to team up.
Help support this creation-care initiative by selecting a date to clean the area of litter. The cleanup dates are listed on Sundays but the cleanup can be done any time that week. Supplies (trash grabbers, gloves, trash bags, and safety vests) can be found in Room 114. Volunteers must complete a KLB release form annually. Contact Laurie Kunke,, for assistance.
Worship Attendance | 120
Giving | $15,459
Vista Ridge United Methodist Church
CHURCH STAFF: Please reach out if we can help in any way.
Rev. Ashley Anne Sipe -
Bill Burden -
Madi Butler -
Christina Dixon -
Andy Harrison -
Laurie Kunke -
Karen Sheldon -
Chair Karen Meeks -
Lay Leader James Kunke -
SPRC Chair Hillarye Hightower -