Mather Memo
Semester 1 ends on February 4 - What to expect between now and then!
We are entering the home stretch for semester 1! Students still have time to work on their grades to make sure that they do their best this semester! What can a student do to help improve their grade:
1) Tuesday, January 26 is a Ranger Support day - students should meet with their teachers to find out what they can still do to improve their grades. They can also use this time to complete work and study for their final exams
2) Friday, January 29th is a Ranger Day, the morning time is slotted for students to meet with teachers and complete work. Students need to be strategic about which teachers they are meeting with and turning in assignments when teachers give them a final due date.
3) Continue to check their google classroom and Aspen for updates from teachers
4) Attend each and EVERY class!
Encourage your student to stay positive and keep working hard through the end of the semester! #beawesome
Semester 1 Exams - Tuesday, February 2 & Wednesday, February 3
After School Matters Programs
Check out these two great programs offered by After School Matters! Both will be held virtually!
MHS Virtual SAT Class
Attention Juniors! There is still time to sign-up for the SAT Class!