The Pelican's Perch
Hollywood Beach School Newsletter ~ Jan./Feb., 2022
January/February News
Upcoming Dates
Happy New Year!
1/3/22 Return to School
1/17/22 MLK Holiday - No School
1/18/22 TK and Kinder Registration Begins!
1/24-28 The Great Kindness Challenge
2/2/22 - Groundhog's Day (and check out the date! WOW!)
2/18/22, 2/21/22 Presidents Day - No School
Transitional Kinder and Kinder Registration Begins Jan. 18th!
Enrollment for Fall 2022 TK and kindergarten is now open.
- Students turning 5 by February 2, 2023 will be eligible for TK
- Students turning 5 by September 1, 2022 will be eligible for kindergarten.
To get a glimpse into our TK and kindergarten classrooms, please watch this short video:
Please let our neighbors and your friends know that registration is open! the HBS Office is accepting registration every day betwen 8:30 AM-1:30 PM and 2:30-3:30 PM.
Free COVID Tests for Your Family
For free COVID tests from the U.S. Government, please fill out this easy form at https://www.covidtests.gov/ They will be shipped to your home in 7-12 days, 4 per household. Don't miss out - request yours today!
Mrs. Thompson's Class - Holiday Traditions Around The World
Winter Solstice Snowflakes
Warm/Cold Color Evergreens
More Magnificent Menorahs
Winter Holiday Celebrations At HBS
Mrs. Wallet's Class
HBS Tributes to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mrs. Russell's Class
The Great Kindness Challenge at HBS - January 24-28
Family Workshop: Healthy Body - Healthy Mind, Starts 2/15
Hollywood News - Watch The Broadcasts Here!
Hollywood News is our 6th grade News Team's weekly newscast, covering all the latest at Hollywood Beach School. It is our entirely student-produced weekly broadcast. Enjoy our recent broadcasts here, with clips from our Holiday Show, Trimester Awards, and more!
All of our broadcasts can be found at the "Family Resources" button on our school website. Stay tuned for new episodes every week!
"Do you want to build a snowman?" Mrs. Daily's Class
Every Day Is A Beach Day at Hollywood Beach School
Email: hhaines@hueneme.org
Website: www.beach.hueneme.org
Location: 4000 Sunset Lane, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: (805) 986-8720
Twitter: @hhaineshsd