JSS Newsletter
Jack Stuart School - February 2024
In Our House
JSS School Administration Message by
Mr. Todd Sieben, Principal
Ms. Erica Easton, Assistant Principal
The 2023/24 Alberta Education Assurance Surveys are on the way to our grade 4 JSS parent/guardians via Canada Post. The 2024 Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey for grade 4 parents/guardians launched the week of January 22, 2024. Parents/Guardians of all Alberta grade 4, 7 and 10 students are asked to complete the AEA survey each year. To increase awareness and encourage parental participation in the AEA survey, Alberta Education has prepared a package providing information about the survey, why the survey is needed and how grade 4 parents/guardians will take the survey. This package also provides a Random Access Code (RAC) for accessing the electronic survey online (with instructions and the electronic survey link), and instructions for accessing the survey in other languages. Grade 4 parents/guardians will receive this survey package, mailed directly from Alberta Education. Thanks to our grades 4 parents/guardians in advance for completing the electronic survey. Be sure to click submit at the bottom of the survey. The deadline for completion is Friday, March 15, 2024, just before BRSD spring break. Your feedback is appreciated.
JSS will be part of Real-Time Reporting starting in March 2024. Historically, report cards were used to inform parents/guardians of student performance at a specific period in time. With our move to PowerSchool, BRSD parents/guardians now have real-time access to their child's academics and growth through the parent portal or the PowerSchool phone application. Many schools in BRSD and school divisions throughout the province of Alberta have also made the move to digital reporting with positive results. Now, teachers will be working to provide regular and consistent updates in their markbooks, which will include comments about student achievement attached directly to the assessment items in the PowerSchool markbook. The change to reporting is intended to ensure you can: stay in close communication with teacher(s) and have real-time information on your child's learning, partner in your child's learning (collaborate as more than an observer), check on assessment results anytime and help your child in a more timely manner (not limited to 3 times per year), and readily access teacher feedback on assignments and better support student learning. Please note that any parents/guardians who want a printed report card may contact our school office with your preferences, however please note report cards will not have traditional report card comments any further. You can now expect your marks and comments showing up in PowerSchool so be sure to set up your PowerSchool account and download the app (if you have not already). If you need support, please call our office. The PowerSchool app on Google Play: https://bit.ly/GoogPS and PowerSchool app on Apple App Store: https://apple.co/3ram1jH
Thank you to everyone who came to see our JSS Christmas concert on Tuesday, December 19, 2023! Based on parent/guardian and staff vote, we decided to host a traditional concert in December 2023, and try out a Christmas carnival next year in December 2024. As a result of that survey input/feedback, we will try both events and then decide future events on a year to year basis depending on staff, student and parent/guardian input. Thank you in advance for your support and willingness to try something new!
We have had some warm and cold weather in the month of January. Thank you for sending your child with the necessary clothing to walk to and from school, and for outside breaks.
As we continue to recognize students who say and do the right things, especially when no one is looking, we randomly pick two student Jaguar Cards (submitted into the “Caught in the Matrix” Jaguar Card Bin in the school office) each week to enjoy a free lunch (made possible by our local eatery/restaurant supporters). Those students have their picture taken and uploaded to the electronic bulletin board in our north entrance lobby. Each Jaguar Card remains in the bin for the entire month, then we start over with an empty bin the next month. 139 JSS students received Jaguar Cards in September, 107 in October, another 224 in November, 120 students in December, and 228 more in January, for a total of 818 Jaguar Cards in the first half of a school year. We are very proud of all our students living the school pledge each day. Stay tuned for our February totals and beyond.
Thank you to …
Parents/Guardians who have helped supervise skating, other field trips and assist in our classrooms already this year.
School (Parent) Council for supporting our winter activity (skating) and the delicious snacks and warm beverages provided.
Mrs. Biletski for organizing our JSS Literacy day.
The parents/guardians that continue to help out with our School (Parent) Council hot lunch program.
Camrose Kodiaks for actively engaging in learning activities with our students and being such great role models
Community volunteers who give of their time working with kids
The parents/guardians that continue to help out with our School (Parent) Council hot lunch program.
Follow us …
Website: http://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Twitter: @jstuartschool
Instagram: jackstuartschoolbrsd
Facebook: Jack Stuart School
JSS Council & Parents' Society
by Terra Manion, President: jackstuartparentadvisory@gmail.com
JSS Parents’ Society is currently running their Rolling Hills Coffee Fundraiser. Order forms went home with every student and extras are available at the school or by emailing us at jackstuartparentadvisory@gmail.com.
We will be serving parfaits (yogurt, granola & fruit) on Wed., Feb. 28 to celebrate Pink Shirt Day. Parfaits will be made to order. We will provide allergy safe options available for any students in need. Thank you to the Grade 1 parents that have volunteered to make this happen.
Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped serve hot chocolate and cookies on our annual school wide Skating Day.
Friendly reminder to all that if you shop at Save-On-Foods, please tell the cashier you would like to donate your receipt to Jack Stuart School and we will receive 5% cash back. Thank you to everyone already doing this, we regularly get between $100-$200 cash back each month!
Please join us at our next Parent Council meeting followed immediately by our Parent Society Meeting in on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 5:30 pm. Please note the time adjustment.
Basketball Schedule
Jack Stuart School Physical Education
February Inter-school Basketball for Grade 4 and 5 students is attached below.
It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to make arrangements for their son or daughter to travel to and from away games. For more information email: jnelson@brsd.ab.ca
JSS Indoor Games
The following information is for all Grade 4-5 students that have been selected to represent Jack Stuart School at the annual Indoor Games (formerly known as Journal Games) held in Edmonton at the University of Alberta Butterdome.
There are two stages to this competition. The first is the preliminary round which our teams will compete in on either Wed., Mar. 6 or Thurs., Mar. 7 at 2pm. If a team advances they will compete on Finals day Sat., Mar. 9 (however it is not required to do so).
The Entry Fee is $5 dollars and bussing is $10 dollars. The total cost for the race and bussing is $15 dollars. If your child is participating, a fee on your online account will be applied. Permission forms will posted online through Powerschool next week, stay tuned.
We will train 3 sessions a week mostly at noon recess. We will have practice occasionally at the Encana Arena Track at 7:45am. Please be advised you will need to arrange for a ride back to school.
If you would like to come and watch your son or daughter participate you are more than welcome.
Our session begins at 2:00 pm starting with the girls division followed by mixed and then boys.
It is important that your son or daughter attend all practice sessions as it is a relay and missing a person makes it difficult to practice exchanges properly.
Any further questions please contact Mr. Nelson at jnelson@brsd.ab.ca or at the school 780-672-0880.
February and March Schedule
Noon practices
Tues., Feb 6 & Wed., Feb 7
Tues., Feb 13 & Wed., Feb 14
Wed., Feb 21 & Thurs., Feb 22
Tues., Feb 27 Wed., Feb 28
Encana Practice: 7:45 am
Thurs., Feb 29
Tues., Mar 5
Race Day: March 6 or 7 - 2 pm (depending on which session we can get into.)
Bus will leave at 11:45 am from school
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Important Dates
Feb. 7 - Winter Walk Day
Feb. 7 - Hot Lunch - Boston Pizza
Feb. 8 - Early Dismissal @ 11:52 am/Staff Meeting
Feb. 15 & 16 - Teacher's Convention - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 19 - Family Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 20 - JSS Ski Trip - Grades 3 to 5
Feb. 21 - Hockey Hookie - Grade 5's
Feb. 21 - Hot Lunch - Domino's
Feb. 26 - Professional Learning Series - NO SCHOOL for students
Feb. 28 - Pink Shirt/Parfait Day
Feb. 28 - School Council/Parent Society Meeting 5:30 pm (NOTE NEW TIME)
Mar. 7 -Early Dismissal @ 11:52 am/Staff Meeting
Mar. 18-22 - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Contact Us
Email: jackstuart@brsd.ab.ca
Website: https://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Location: 200 Mount Pleasant Drive, Camrose, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-672-0880
Facebook: facebook.com/JackStuartSchool
Twitter: @jstuartschool