Ed Briefs
for those who teach and those who support teachers
September 2, 2022
Coffee with Calvin: International Newcomer Center
Dr. Watts chats with the staff at the International Newcomer Center and learns why they think it's the best kept secret in GCPS.
Summer Book Mobile Update
Each week between May 31 and July 22, our Book Mobiles made 90 stops in five clusters, checking out library books to students who may not have easy access to the public library. The Pow and Explore book mobiles were staffed by volunteers from our media centers. Approximately 8,300 students visited the two traveling libraries and checked out 10,475 books. Thanks to partnerships with the Atlanta Community Food Bank and GCPS’ School Nutrition Program, 13,424 visitors to the book mobiles also received a snack and meal.
Click here to learn more about the Book Mobiles and how you can support them.
Welcome Gwinnett Teacher Fellows!
GCPS is hiring tomorrow’s teachers today, through its Teacher Fellows program. Every year, GCPS selects up to three candidates for its teacher training program. A qualified candidate must be a senior education major in their final year of placement and must commit to teaching in the classroom for two years. Teacher Fellows are paired with a veteran mentor/coach and trained by successful teacher leaders whose duties are 100% focused on the support and growth of the Fellow. In addition to making $23,000 per year with benefits, Fellows receive professional development sessions as well as regular check-ins and clinical supervision from their academic institution. This program has created a pipeline of the best future educators with the most current ideas and creative approaches for classrooms.
GCPS recognizes new leaders at the August 18 Board meeting
In case you missed it, at the regularly scheduled business meeting on August 18, the Gwinnett County Board of Education (BOE) approved the appointment of the district’s new Chief Equity Officer and new principals at Crews Middle School and Mountain View High School. Learn more about these leaders on our website.
GCPS’ COVID Replacement Leave extended through December 31, 2022
The GCPS FFCRA Replacement Leave went into effect July 1, 2021, and expired on March 31, 2022. GCPS provided a one-time 10-day leave option for benefit-eligible employees for COVID-related reasons. Work from home and PD&E options were not available. Learn more on our Team GCPS website.
Let’s Engage: Tap into the Emotion of Seeking!
What does engagement look, sound, and feel like? We see engagement through bright eyes and eager movements, while we hear it through new questions and ideas that can’t wait to be shared. But even more, there’s an energy to it. Engagement is a feeling.
Researchers have identified the source of engagement—and guess what? It is an emotional system often called “the Seeking system.” It drives us to discover, to find solutions, and to invent new ways to live and learn, which is fueled by this emotional energy.
To engage students and staff, we can make wonder routine! Classrooms and offices both depend upon everyday procedures and habits. To balance habits with seeking, find creative ways to introduce “the new” within daily routines.
Here are a few tips to try:
- Create a “Curiosity Engine” or “Innovation Station” board where students/staff are encouraged to share their questions/ideas. This practice activates seeking and turns engagement into a mental habit.
- Consider closing a discussion with a question to stimulate engagement and continuous learning. This keeps minds active and anticipating.
- Make the question, “Can we find another way?” one that is expected and encouraged. This creates a positive space for welcoming new ideas.
Not only is seeking emotional, but researchers have shown that we are happiest when we are seeking. How else can you empower this emotion of engagement?
SNP will provide meals by bus on the Sept. 16 DLD
Friday, Sept. 16, is a scheduled Digital Learning Day (DLD) for all students. On scheduled DLDs, students access lessons in eCLASS but do not have virtual class time with their teachers.
To ensure that students have a nutritious breakfast and lunch to fuel their learning, our bus drivers will be on the road and at every bus stop to deliver meals prepared by School Nutrition Program staff. Families should expect buses to run their routes from approximately 10:45 a.m. to noon, beginning at the first stops on the route. These delivered meals are provided at no cost to families, and are provided to anyone 18 years old and under.
You can’t vote Nov. 8 if you’re not registered!
The deadline to register to vote in Gwinnett County (or make changes to an existing registration) is Tuesday, October 11. Click on the red, white, and blue button to go to the Gwinnett County voter registration information page to check your status.
Nearly 200 Grayson HS students watched the Grayson Rams defeat the Marietta Blue Devils, 32-12 in the annual Corky Kell Classic at Mercedes Benz Stadium. Teandra Storey, a Grayson HS teacher, organized the trip to help boost school spirit which she says has been negatively impacted by the pandemic. “Our students were excited to be back at school, but they had lost some of that Ram Pride from years past,” Ms. Storey says.
Seckinger HS, GCPS’ newest high school, is receiving national attention for its innovative artificial intelligence curriculum. The school was recently featured in Education Week. The article can be found here.
Share the good news from your school or classroom! Submit your information and a high-resolution photo here, or post it on your school’s social media and include the hashtag #GCPSGoodNews.
In Case You Missed It...
- Board Meeting and Board Work Session (August 18)
- Connected (August 26)
- News Releases
- Student Calendars
And much more at www.gcpsk12.org!
Looking Ahead in GCPS...
- Keep Connected with news from GCPS TV… the next episode airs Sept. 9!
- The next regular Board meeting is Sept. 15. (Online, find links to sign up for the public comment sections of the meeting.)
- Stay tuned for our next issue of GCPS Links coming to you on Sept. 16!