Highcroft Hotline
October 6, 2019
Highcroft's Mission
At Highcroft, we help learners grow in a safe, caring community where ALL are valued and supported to become leaders.
Upcoming Events
- 10: 4th Grade Field Trip to Cahokia Mounds
- 10: All Read, 3:25 pm - 3:45 pm
- 10: PSO Meeting, 7:00 pm
- 18: No School, Professional Development
- 21: No School
- 21 - 25: Red Ribbon Week
- 23: Halloween Safety Presentation
- 23: Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 pm, 471 N. Woods Mill Road
- 24: Pumpkin Run
- 25: Visit your Elementary School
- 30: Late Start, School begins at 11:05 am
- 30: St. Louis Blues Spirit Day, wear blue or Blues spirit wear
- 31: Halloween Parade, 2:15 pm
- 31: Halloween Parties, 2:45 pm
October's Acts of Kindness Calendar Created By The 3rd-5th Kindness Leaders
Lucas Letter
Along with the staff, I thank you all for coming to conferences last week and engaging in conversations about your child's academic and social-emotional development. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you to support your student's personal growth. If you did not have a chance to meet with your child's teacher during the conference week, please reach out to him or her and schedule an appointment. This time set aside for us to partner and share information is essential to your child's success in school.
If I shared with you that I am in the "green zone," would you know what I was referencing? Have your child shared with you his or her learning about the Zones of Regulation? Zones, as we reference them, are four ways of identifying emotions in ourselves and others. Like traffic signals, we present the zones in colors of blue, green, yellow, and red. When in the "blue zone," one's body is running slow, such as when one is tired, sick, sad, or bored. The "green zone" is when a person is “good to go." If someone is in the green zone, he or she may feel happy, calm, and focused. The "yellow zone" describes when a person starts to lose control. It may be when he or she is frustrated, overwhelmed, silly, excited, or anxious. The "red zone" describes extreme emotions like uncontrolled anger and aggression. Making good decisions is challenging when in the red zone.
In teaching students about the various zones, we explore and identify tools to regulate these emotions within ourselves and how to respond when someone else is demonstrating them. This universal learning happens during class meetings during what we call our "To-Do Tuesday" meeting. During this class meeting, all the specialists and support staff join a class, so the entire school is learning and discussing the same universal language and concepts.
In partnership,
Cartelia Lucas
Musical Notes
Kindergarten is exploring the difference between steady beat and the rhythms we hear in music. This exploration involves breaking into groups of students who play only the beat and those who play only the rhythm with instruments and body percussion.
First Grade is learning how to take sounds we hear in music and identify if they are long and short sounds. We are also composing our own pieces of music with more music/literature inspiration from a book called Elmer the Elephant.
Second Grade is reviewing and brushing up on music literacy, such as legato, moderato, crescendo, forte, and piano.
Third Grade is beginning their recorder unit. They will explore and create beautiful music with a new, exciting instrument that is sure to please our ears.
Fourth Grade is finishing their tuned percussion exploration for now as we embark on a new journey into the land of recorder!
Fifth Grade is venturing into the world of popular music and musicology. We will study different genres of popular music and focus on the genres’ forms for expression.
Strings Update
3rd Grade
Third Graders are continuing to refine their posture and position. They will be starting to sail out to sea, meaning that they will be putting their left hand fingers down on the string to change the pitches. Please make sure their finger nails are trimmed so their nails don't get in the way of putting their finger tips on the string.
4th Grade
Fourth Graders are continuing to work on the repertoire for 4th Grade Strings Day. They are also filling out a fall practice chart where they color a pumpkin each time they practice. If they complete the chart by November 20th, they will receive a sticker to add to the practice tree in the strings room. When they practice at home, they are growing as musicians, just like we are growing the practice tree by adding leaves. Practice videos of our current songs have been uploaded to the strings google classroom page for home reference.
5th Grade
Fifth Grade has been working on songs for the Veteran's Day Assembly, as well as the piece String Explosion. There are rhythms in String Explosion that they haven't played very often and each instrument has a different part, promoting independence among the sections. Fifth Graders should be filling out the pumpkin chart at home as well. Practice videos/recordings of our current songs have been uploaded to the strings google classroom page for home reference.