Message from Board President Bruno
March 24, 2020
Dear District 41 Community, español
As we begin the second week of being home with our families and learning to work and learn in new ways, I recognize the uncertainty that we are all feeling. Each of us will be impacted by the pandemic differently and no two families are alike. What is certain is the support I am seeing from our community. It is happening all throughout the District 41 community. Our teachers have continued teaching and are connecting with each student remotely; we continue to provide food to families through our generous food service partner in District 15; the newly created District 41 Kids Foundation and the D41 Community Outreach teams are fundraising and purchasing gift cards for families in need; the school district has kept the community informed and are engaging the community through social media (I’m especially looking forward to the virtual Superhero Spirit Day!); and the School Board is meeting remotely through Zoom meetings in order to continue the essential business of the district. We need to keep going, even in these uncertain times.
While these times are unsettling, they can also generate inventiveness, collaboration, care, acts of kindness, and inspiration as demonstrated above. I also want to share a story that a teacher sent to the district through the #D41Strong email about how another teacher supported her family during the first week working and learning from home.
- I would just like to share the continued selfless acts of my soul-work-mate. I have two small boys at home, that are very active, and EAT A TON. My online grocery orders kept getting cancelled, and the thought of bringing my boys with me to every grocery store in the surrounding neighborhoods to fulfill the needs on my list, sounded awful!
Without hesitation as I was sulking about it, this fellow teacher and her husband offered to do this for us. They came, grabbed my list, and off they went. AND they DID NOT stop until ALL of my items had been checked off AND delivered. They also added a few extra essential items, to keep us going.
OH BUT it doesn't STOP there. They also only let me pay 1/6 of the bill, so that we could order in, and get some extra treats to help out the community restaurants, and ease the stress here at home.
Beautiful people. I am so grateful.
I know there are many more stories just like this one. I am impressed by the acts of kindness and the care we are showing to each other individually, as families in our neighborhoods, and as a district. These are times our children will never forget. It is my hope that what they recall over time are stories of the kindness and care they saw modeled by their parents, teachers, friends, neighbors, and family.
Thank you all for being #D41Stong and hanging in there with us during these uncertain times.
I wish all of our families, students and staff health and happiness as you spend this extra time at home with your families.
Dr. Robert Bruno
Board of Education
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Twitter: @glenellynd41