Message from the Superintendent
January 13, 2023
Dear OUSD Community,
As I am sure you are aware, the Board of Education voted at its special meeting on January 5 to make changes to the highest levels of staffing, including the appointment of acting Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, James “Craig” Abercrombie, at which time they also voted to approve my service as Interim Superintendent. Both appointments were effective as of January 9.
The strength of any organization rests with its people. Major change is always a challenge, and I am aware of the concerns that have been expressed. I want to assure you that I have every intention to serve Orange Unified’s students, teachers, and staff by keeping the district moving forward while the Board searches for OUSD’s next Superintendent.
As the son of immigrant parents, I am thankful for the opportunities I received due to public and parochial education, and am passionate about providing students in the districts I serve with programs and pathways that empower them to achieve ongoing success regardless of their personal circumstances. I bring to the district decades of experience in education; a track record of success, as demonstrated by increased A-G coursework completion, graduation rates, and student attendance; and a focus on academic achievement with rigor.
It is my honor to be joining Orange Unified. I look forward to visiting our schools and speaking with our staff to see how we can continue to advance our educational programs for the benefit of our students.
Edward Velasquez
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Orange Unified School District
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Email: communications@orangeusd.org
Website: www.orangeusd.org
Location: 1401 North Handy Street, Orange, CA, USA
Phone: 714-628-4000
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Twitter: @orangeunifiedCA
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