Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
Term 2, Week 2, 2023
Hello, Kia ora, Chomreabsour, Mālo ni, Ni hao, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Namaste, Hola, Hallo, Chào bạn, Bula Vinaka, Kumusta, Guten Tag, Mālō e lelei , An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, greetings to all our School Families
From the Principals desk....
Nau mai haere mai!
Welcome back to the start of another exciting term. Week 1 was a shorter week due to our Kāhui Ako Teacher Only Day, followed by Anzac Day.
I attended the Anzac Civic Service and marched to the Town Clock with a range of our school students, their families and other school community members. I was really impressed with this turn out and the commitment shown on this important day. On Friday 28th April we held our school Anzac Service on the front court by the Flagpole. The School Leaders led the service impeccably and made the school proud. Lest we forget!
Rec Centre Repairs
Due to the January 4th Earthquake, a number of our ceiling tiles broke, were dislodged or have become jammed. We have been working through with the Ministry of Education to find a solution to this. At first it seemed like a relatively straight forward fix but after further inspection the whole ceiling has been compromised. We hope to have this property issue rectified as soon as possible. So for now the Rec Centre is out of action to all personnel.
Student Attendance
Term 1 Outstanding Attendance Certificates will be handed out within the next week. Student’s whose attendance was 97% or over for the term will receive these certificates. It is pleasing to note that 71 students have achieved this. Another big cohort achieved 94- 96%.
The table below outlines the Ministry Attendance targets for 2024 and 2026 and our Term 1 Attendance against this.
John Byers
Upcoming Events
- 10 May Rippa Rugby Qualifying Tournament Boyd Park
- 11 May Pukeko trip to Hamilton Museum
- 15 May BOT Meeting Staffroom 6pm
- 16 May NYLD Student Leaders Claudeland Hamilton
- 29 May Life Education for Year 7/8 students
- 5 June Kings Birthday Public Holiday School closed
- 13 June Oxford Pie orders close today
- 22 June Oxford Pie delivery date
- 28 June PacT Conferences
- 29 June Pact Conferences
Purchase your Own New SAS Sports Shirt!
We have just gone live on DirectGroup Uniforms with our new Sports Shirts that you are able to purchase. We feel moving forward this is a great option and will save a lot of time issuing and collecting sports shirts. At this time we still have our other sports shirts for anyone that is playing and has not purchased their own yet. Check them out at:
You can purchase the sport shirts and they arrive directly to your address and they even have Afterpay so that it makes it possible to budget. We are looking forward to seeing these appearing on our sports fields.
Thank you Rotary Te Aroha!!!
This Dictionaries in Schools initiative has been ongoing in New Zealand for 16 years and our Year 4 students were very grateful to be the recipients of such generosity and look forward to using their brand new dictionaries.
Thank you Te Aroha Rotary.
Oxford Pie Fundraiser - orders Close 13th June
It's that time of year again!!! We are taking part in the fantastic Oxford Pies Fundraiser.
Please take the time to ask friends, neighbours and whānau if they would like to purchase some of the yummy delights on offer. These are great for the freezer over the winter terms or just as a delicious treat.
We will be accepting orders up until Tuesday 13th June.
Delivery date will be Thursday 22nd June.
Cash/eftpos or internet Banking are available.
Please note : When paying for pies - please make 1 payment per form (especially if using Eftpos and/or online banking.) This makes it a lot easier for us to track and collate orders.
Extra forms are available from the school office.
Let's help ashwan get to California!
Term 1 Basketball results
Last term a wonderful group of Year 5-8 students took part in the Te Aroha Basketball tournament. It was great to see all the children develop their basketball skills, confidence and teamwork throughout the term.
We would like to acknowledge and thank all the parents who managed teams and supported our tamariki each week. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated!
Stanley Ave came out with great results winning 1st place in both the Year 5&6 and Year 7&8 rounds.
Year 5&6 Winners:
SAS Breakers (Cooper Gaddes, Jesse Sutherland, Jack Corrigan, Joshua Maney-Davies)
SAS Stars (Maddie French, Tyela Van Kuik, Hannah Corrigan)
Year 7&8 Winners:
SAS Falcons (Xavier Van Kuijk, Quartez Mclaren, Charlie Knight)
SAS All Stars (Neikyla Younger, Palace Newton, Charlotte House, Alex Briones)
We are so proud of the players for Striving to Succeed! Ka pai to all students and teams who participated. Basketball will be back again in Term 4.
Junior Netball 2023
Opening day for the Junior Netball was held on Wednesday, and despite the weather forecast, girls and boys from all of our local schools got together at the Te Aroha Netball Spur Street courts to get the competition and skill sessions underway for the 2023 season.
Thank you to everyone for attending the opening ceremony, it was wonderful to be joined by our Mayor, Adrienne Wilcock, who did a great job of shooting the first goal.
It was heart warming to see so many parents getting involved with our Year 1-4 Fun Ferns. This is a parent led skills session followed by games with the children's peers and builds a sound platform to encourage our players to go on to the Year 5-8 Future Fern games. Please get involved where you can.
The Year 5-8 teams also had their first games against the other schools. There was lots of teamwork at play and wonderful sportsmanship on display. For some, this is their first taste of 7-aside netball and it will take time to learn new skills to enhance their game and enjoyment of playing netball. Please continue to encourage and support our teams to give it their all and 'Strive to Succeed'.
A huge thank you also to the Te Aroha College umpires. Well done ladies! Please remember to be patient and kind to these young umpires, as we can not have games without their involvement.
Reminder that fees are payable ASAP: $44 Year 1-4 and $60 for Year 5-8
I look forward to seeing you all again next week.
Kim Hayes
Stanley Avenue School Enrolment scheme
Details of pre-enrolment procedures and subsequent balloting procedures for the following period:
The board advises that two spaces for new entrant students and five spaces for Years 1-4 students are likely to be available for the period of 30th May to 30th June 2023.
Applications close 9 am, 30th May 2023. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held at 10 am, 30th May 2023.
Application forms are available from our school office.
Phone 07 8848 479 or alternatively contact John Byers (Principal) on 021 138 1983
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Thank you
John Byers
Te Aroha College
Te Aroha College is looking for an admin superstar for a fixed term position while a staff member is on maternity leave. Hours of work will be 8.30am until 2pm Monday to Friday, Term Time only.
If you are interested please email rjohnson@tacol.nz
We are also looking for host families for our international students - if you are interested please email kwassell@tacol.nz
Stanley Ave School Bank Account Details
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Website: https://stanleyave.school.nz/
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanleyaveschool/