Nebraska Extension - Gage County
November 2021 Newsletter
In This Issue:
- Office Closed Veteran's Day
- Office Closed Thanksgiving
- 2021 Cover Crop Grazing Conference
- Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition Road Show Coming to Gage County
- Extension Board Meeting - November 9
- Trees and Wind
- Apples and Pumpkins
4-H & Youth Development - Jacie Milius
- Achievement Day Celebration
- Farm to school is a win for all
- 8 food facts you can use to impress people
Water and Integrated Cropping Systems- Nathan Mueller
- Using CropScape, the Online Cropland Data Layer
- Soil sample for nematodes after soybean harvest
2021 Cover Crop Grazing Conference
Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition Road Show Coming to Gage County
4:45 PM to 9 PM, Gage County Extension Office, Beatrice, NE.
$20 registration fee payable at the door. Students and local FFA chapters encouraged to attend. Students are free. Meal provided. Must pre-register by November 2 to reserve a meal by calling the Gage County Extension office 402-223-1384.
Extension Board Meeting
Trees and Wind
Apples and Pumpkins
4-H & Youth Development - Jacie Milius, Extension Educator
Achievement Celebration
Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 5th at 1:30 pm for the Achievement Celebration!! The celebration will take place in the 4-H Building. We will recognize:
County project awards
Diamond Clover Club
Leader recognition
Volunteer Years of Service
10 Year Members
Club Awards
Youth at Work Grant Recipients
Friend of 4-H, 4-H Alumni, and Business Recognition
Persons receiving awards will receive an invitation; watch for further details.
Food, Nutrition & Health - Tara Dunker, Extension Educator
Farm to school is a win for all
If you like the idea of healthy children and a robust local economy, then consider yourself a proponent of Farm to School. Never heard of it before? Farm to School is a program that communities can adopt to connect children, schools and local farmers. Research shows these connections improve a child’s nutrition and academic performance, strengthen local food systems and protect the environment.
8 food facts you can use to impress people
Using CropScape, the Online Cropland Data Layer
Soil sample for nematodes after soybean harvest
Nebraska Extension - Gage County
Location: 1115 West Scott Street, Beatrice, NE, USA
Phone: 402-223-1384
Twitter: @GageCoExtension