The Wildcat Week Ahead
1/22 - 1/26
Happy Sunday, GIS!
It's a big week in CIUUSD, our winter concert is on Wednesday! I've been listen to the music classes and you are in for a great performance. We have ASL interpretation available and we will be in the gym, not the cafe, to ensure we have enough space for everyone. I've attached Ms. G's letter below, in case you missed it.
This week, we saw most of our younger grades complete universal testing, and the results are trending very positively! I will add a Google Form to this newsletter so I can send families the results of the i-Ready after the window closes on the 26th. i-Ready is just one view of a student's growth, and I will include other universal assessments with your kiddo's report. I also encourage you to reach out to teachers to get an overall sense of how they are doing in class.
Starting Monday, January 22nd, cars cannot use the bus lane from 7 AM-8 AM. Please park your vehicle and walk students up to the door. I will also be outside to help walk the kids in. While I won't be able to do this every day, I will certainly try.
I have appreciated the support of the change and the questions and ideas I received. As a parent, I understand the value of efficiency and must focus heavily on safety. When our parking lot gets repaved, I will look for ways to maximize traffic flow.
Update on hiring for Ms. Pam's position. This past week, an interview committee met with several candidates and we are in the process of making that hire official. Keep an eye on for a new face in the office! The name of the candidate will be released once the Superintendent accepts the recommendation for hire.
Important updates are below- please check them out.
As always, my door and inbox are always open,
Mrs. H
Action Based Learning in Kindergarten
Mrs. Lovejoy's class works through some ABL activities during literacy stations.
Dates to Remember
January 22- No Cars in Bus Lane- AM Only
January 24- Winter Concert, 6:00 PM in the Gym. All grades. ASL interpretation will be available for the concert.
January 25- Early Release- 11:30 AM, no CARES
February 13- Ski and Ride Day
February 20- Ski and Ride Day
February 26- March 4- February Break, kids return March 5th
March 5- Ski and Ride Day
March 12- Ski and Ride Day
March 15- Trimester 2 Ends
March 19- Ski and Ride Day
March 22- Parent/Family Conferences
When Does Recess Stay Indoors?
We keep kids indoors when the feels like temperature is 10 degrees or colder, with or without wind.
Mrs. Dickie's Class Adds to Their Mural
Making creatures associated with letters they are learning, their mural is getting more and more beautiful!
Family Book Club!
The process of getting orders in has been much slower than normal, given the major changes in the office. Book orders will be placed this week! If you are a family who signed up for Trimester 2 book club, I have not forgotten about you!
A Message from Student Council
Hi Wildcat Families,
The Student Council will be hosting a raffle fundraiser for the next few home basketball games. Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each or 6 for $5 and the winning ticket will be pulled on the last home game. The prize is a $25 gift card to Dunkin Donuts! Money raised will go to the Student Council to fund our school store, dances, and other events that benefit Grand Isle students.
Thanks for your support!
Grand Isle Student Council
3rd Grade Friends
Enjoying the start of snack time- an important social skills opportunity all kids have throughout the day.
Update on First Aid Kits
Updating our first-aid kits is something we think about only sometimes, and unfortunately, after something happens, we are then alerted to a need.
A student from a different school last week fractured their arm during a basketball game. Our athletic director quickly approached me with the need to update our first aid kits to include splinting material.
Family Resource: What is Trauma and Why is it Hard to Parent a Child With Trauma
100 Hours of Outside Fun Challenge
Challenge your family to spend at least 100 hours outside before the first day of Spring. Take pictures of your adventures and email them in. (Once our computers are fixed in the lobby, I hope to post them up there!). Each paw on the sheet below is worth 1-hour of outside time. Cross off paws as you complete hours!
High-5 Jungle
Kindergarten is seen here using a cross midline activity during literacy!
The 100th Day of School is Coming
It's unbelievable, but the 100th day of school is right around the corner on February 9th (pending no snow days).
Something will be going home with students this week in a white envelope. Please be sure to open it up and send it back.
School Board Meeting Information
CIUUSD Meeting
The CIUUSD board meeting meets on the second Tuesday of each month. You can participate in person or virtually. Here is the meeting link to attend via Google Meet, or you can call in:
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 724-436-2108
PIN: 234 032 665#
Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024, 06:00 PM
Grand Isle Supervisory Union, VT, USA
Please join the School Board meeting to hear from Principal Ellison and Principal Hanlon on the future of supporting students in our schools.
Important Links
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Grand Isle School
Location: 224 U.S. Rte 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Phone: 802-372-6913
Attendance Form: