Ben Franklin Times
What's going on at BFES - December 15, 2018
Upcoming Events
Friday, Dec. 21 - Spirit Day/Early Dismissal
Monday, Dec. 24- Tuesday Jan. 1 - No School
Working on Manners... It's All Part of Teaching Kindness!
I have 5 children that I am very proud of. Three of my children are now adults (one in college). They all have had their struggles and their triumphs. The thing that makes me most proud is when people come up to me and tell me how nice my kids are and how respectful they are. There is nothing that a parent can hear about their child that is better than that. When someone walks up to you out of the blue and says, "Oh, you're Michael's dad. He is such a nice kid." When the parents of my son's friend come up to me and say, "Logan is welcome in our house anytime. He is so respectful and nice and he always helps out around the house." These are huge parenting wins for me.
In order to create a culture of kindness, we must share a common language. Please reinforce these simple "Manners" at home. If we are going to teach resilience, empathy and understanding, our students have to realize that showing respect to those that do things for them is important. Kindness begets kindness. Good manners will take them far. This will set them on the path for success in the future.
Check this out: 25 Manners Every Kid Should Know by Age 9
More Feedback from our Evacuation
Although we never like to deal with things like this, it truly had an impact and our staff handled it with professionalism and kindness.
Family Fitness Night
Looking for something to challenge your children at home?
Ben Franklin Elementary School
Phone: 609-671-5540
Twitter: @bfes_ltps