Oak Hill Observer
September 16, 2022
- September 22- Family Fun Night- Blazer Tag 3-9pm
- September 28-29 - Parent/Teacher Conference Nights
- October 1- No Hassle Fundraiser Deadline
- October 3-7- Custodian Appreciation Week
- October 5- PTA Executive Board Meeting 8am
- October 7- Early Release Day 1:30pm
- October 10- CAC Meeting 3:30pm
- October 11- Fall Pictures
- October 12- PTA Budget Meeting 8am
- October 14- NO SCHOOL for students
From Mrs. Komassa
Hello Amazing Oak Hill Community,
Can you believe we are already halfway through September and half way through the first nine week grading period? Wow- time sure flies when you are having fun!
Soon teachers will be reaching out to parents to schedule fall parent/teacher conferences, if they have not already. In previous years the AISD calendar has allocated a single day for teachers. The calendar is a little different this year and has been designed to compensate teacher time to hold conferences at different times. Our teachers will be communicating with parents different days and times between September 19th and October 7th for a parent teacher conference. During our fall conferences teachers can share MapGrowth data, examples of current student work, celebrate achievements and identify goals for your student for the year. We look forward to partnering with parents for the success of our students.
With gratitude and appreciation for all you do!
Your Proud Principal,
Lori Komassa
Donate to No Hassle Fundraiser
PTA No Hassle Fundraiser
Support OHE Today!
How can you help our teachers and children?
Step 1: Donate now to the No Hassle Fundraiser at http://www.ohepta.org/store 100% of your donation goes directly to OHE PTA and our school’s needs and no products for students to sell or deliver! We recommend $65 per child, with an option to "stretch" to $100 per child if you can.
Step 2: Become a PTA member now at www.joinpta.org
*Share your voice! * Get connected! * Get Involved! It costs just $10 per adult (parent, grand-parent, friend, neighbor, etc!)
Help us reach our $20,000 goal by Oct 1st and help OHE soar!
Have questions? Contact nohassle@ohepta.org or membership@ohepta.org.
Thank you for your generosity and support of our school and our children!
Parent Workshop Opportunity
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 – 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Parent Workshop with Dr. José Medina
This is a one-hour workshop designed to help families understand how language is added to a student’s linguistic repertoire. Families will learn strategies to support this work at home. The session is facilitated in English and Spanish simultaneously.
10 a.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83674955245
12 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89601146110
4 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85077671389
Sesión para padres con el Dr. José Medina
Este es un taller de una hora diseñado para ayudar a las familias a entender cómo se agrega el lenguaje al repertorio lingüístico de un estudiante. Las familias aprenderán estrategias para apoyar este trabajo en casa. La sesión se facilita simultáneamente en inglés y español.
10 a.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83674955245
Kids Create Art
October 2022 Art Class
October Art Classes are getting closer. Students will be creating with clay. If you have Wednesdays free and would like your child to sign up, classes are October 5, 12, 19 and 26. Classes will be held in the art room after school until 430. Pick up on the side by the teacher parking lot. Sign up now before spots fill up. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Supplies fee $100(check or venmo @JoLynn-Rettig) Thank you!
JoLynn Rettig
Gifted and Talented Nomination Window Open Sept 19 - October 7
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our school is pleased to announce that referrals for gifted and talented students are being accepted from September 19-October 7. Interested parents and guardians should pick up a referral form from the front office or ask for one from your child’s teacher. GT screening and testing requires parent/guardian permission by the campus deadline. A variety of measures are used for screening and testing including assessments for Emerging English students.
A virtual Gifted and Talented Information Session on September 19 (from 6-7pm) and September 20 (from 12-1pm) will be presented by AISD. For more information about the Austin ISD gifted program, please visit the Austin ISD website at tinyurl.com/AISDadvanced and view the resources linked below.
GT Parent Resources:
There are numerous characteristics of gifted children and not all children will exhibit the same characteristics; however, this list can serve as a guide to recognizing students who may be potentially gifted.
Did your child start talking (and never stopped talking) before most other children the same age?
Does your child have a lot of curiosity, and ask a lot of questions about all kinds of things one after another?
Does your child give complex and detailed answers to questions (even simple questions)?
Does your child have a wide range of interests? Does he/she enjoy trying new things?
Does your child get lost in his/her own world and become so involved that she/he isn’t aware of anything else?
Does your child often have unusual ideas and give logical, reasonable explanations for events and occurrences?
Does your child pay close attention to details, is highly observant, and does not miss a thing?
Does your child notice likenesses and differences between people, events, or things?
Does your child come up with powerful, persuasive arguments for almost anything?
Does your child show empathy and sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others?
Does your child show an awareness of problems that others don’t notice?
Does your child worry about the world, other people, and/or the environment?
Expanded and adapted from the work of Judy Galbraith, MA.
AISD Student Dress Code
The AISD Student Dress Code was issued on June 21, 2019, and has been in effect since the 2019-20 school year. It is written with the purpose of supporting equitable educational access, in a manner that does not reinforce stereotypes. FNCA(Local) addresses the purpose, general guidelines, implications for extracurricular activities, dress code enforcement, campus options, and exceptions. Notably, FNCA(Local) states:
“To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently and in a manner that does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, immigration status, or any other basis prohibited by law that adversely affects the student … Campuses may have a more restrictive dress code with approval from the campus advisory council and the associate superintendent as long as a more restrictive policy aligns with the purpose defined in this policy.”
The dress code can be found on the District’s website, and also in the 2022-23 Student Handbook [English version (pg 54-55) and Spanish version (pg 56-57)]. Students, families and staff can access the 2022-23 Student Handbook by visiting https://www.austinisd.org/students.
Oak Hill Bond Information
Early voting in the 2022 Bond election begins Oct. 24. Election Day is Nov. 8. Please see the flyer below to see the proposals for Oak Hill. You can find more information on the Bond package and what is proposed for each campus/facility here.
Click on the photo above to see this information in a larger format.
Not a member of the PTA yet? It's time to join!
Were you a member last year? It's time to join again!
The easiest and fastest way to join the Oak Hill Elementary PTA is at https://www.joinpta.org/. Membership in our PTA is a great way to connect with the teachers, staff, and other parents and ensure a successful school year for our learners. If you have questions, reach out to membership@ohepta.org today!
What Are You Teaching Your Children?
Do you think your children notice? Your kids are watching and learning from everything you do. So, be a healthy role model. Teach your kids how to eat smart and be active:
• Did you eat your fruits and vegetables today?
• Did you drink water? Low fat milk?
• Did you get any exercise, go for a bike ride or walk?
Think about what you are teaching your children. Think twice the next time you:
• Order a super-size fast food meal.
• Eat because you are stressed or bored; or
• Decide to spend the afternoon in front of the TV.
With the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, students, staff and visitors are not required to wear face masks when on school properties, unless they have tested positive for COVID-19. Note: Per CDC guidance, individuals with a positive COVID-19 result will be required to wear a mask for five days after returning from quarantine/isolation.
- Masks are not required, but are encouraged at any time of the school day or in any school space.
- Masks are optional at all times.Face masks will continue to be provided for any student, staff, or visitor upon request.
All students, staff, and visitors will be allowed to make their own choice.
Close Contact and Contact Tracing
Campus administrators will notify all families of positive cases on the campus using a standard notification letter. Individual classroom letters will not be sent home.
With masking now being optional, all students and staff at the campus may be considered close contacts when there is a positive case identified.
Campus Administrators will not be required to track close contacts.
Any asymptomatic individual (except those who have tested positive) may remain at school as long as they are asymptomatic.
Testing Availability
Testing sites are located at specified district sites and can be found on the COVID-19 district webpage.
All sites will accept insurance, medicaid, and self-pay.
Site will be updated whenever vaccines are available.
Oak Hill Elementary
Website: www.oakhillelementary.org
Location: 6101 Patton Ranch Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-2336
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OakHillElementary/
Twitter: @OakHillElem