CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
11/28 - 12/2: 1st Quarter Grade Appeal Window
11/28: Boys/Girls Basketball Home vs. College Park Academy
11/30: PSAT 8th Grade Assessment (See details below)
11/30: Boys/Girls Basketball Home vs. Buck Lodge MS
12/5: Boys/Girls Basketball at Dwight D. Eisenhower MS
12/7: STEM Night 5 - 7 pm @ CMIT North MS (See details below)
12/7: Boys/Girls Basketball Home vs. Nicholas Orem MS
12/8: Picture Day (See details below)
12/12: Boys/Girls Basketball at Robert Goddard
12/16: 2nd Quarter Progress Reports
12/23 - 1/2: Winter Break
*All home basketball games are played at CMIT North High School.*
PSAT Testing Information and Reminders
As a reminder, 8th-grade students must be on time, and in proper uniform on testing day (Wednesday, November 30, 2022). Here is a link for a list of acceptable calculators. Students will not be allowed to bring any material in the testing room other than an approved calculator. All other materials MUST remain in their locker. Please check out the CollegeBoard resources (Student Guide and Practice Test) in preparation for the upcoming test. Reminder, PSAT scores are used as a qualifier for PGCPS High School Specialty Programs (How to Apply and FAQs). Students will be allowed restroom breaks during testing, however, the section timer is not paused for students using their testing time to go to the restroom. Only one student will be permitted to leave the classroom at a time. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers during breaks. There will be hallway monitors present. Please encourage your scholar to go to the restroom before testing and to be considerate of others if they go during testing. Emergency situations will be addressed as they arise.
PSAT Student Guide - https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/psat-8-9-student-guide.pdf
PSAT Practice Test - https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-8-9/preparing/k12-educators-resources-students?exmpid=mtg754-pr-2-mn#
High School Specialty Program (FAQs) - https://www.pgcps.org/about-pgcps/applications/high-school-specialty-programs-frequently-asked-questions
High School Specialty Programs (How to apply) - https://www.pgcps.org/about-pgcps/applications/high-school-specialty-programs-chart
Ms. Fagan, Testing Coordinator
Picture Day is December 8
Picture Day is scheduled for December 8th. Students will wear their oxford shirt, tie, navy blue or khaki pants, and black shoes.
Order before Picture Day on mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID: EVTNWPRHV.
Additional information will be sent home with students on Monday.
Uniform Policy Reminder
The Lost and Found is almost getting full. We have a collection of notebooks, composition books, water bottles, purses, pouches, sweaters, jackets and more. If you are missing any items, please be sure to stop by the Lost and found, located in the cafeteria, to see if they have been placed there.
The PGCPS lottery for specialty programs and charter schools is now open until February 10th. Siblings receive preference BUT must still apply to the lottery.
Siblings already at CMIT North Elementary do not need to apply. They will automatically move to CMIT North Middle School after they complete 5th grade.
CMIT Lost and Found
The Lost and Found is almost getting full. We have a collection of notebooks, composition books, water bottles, purses, pouches, sweaters, jackets and more. If you are missing any items, please be sure to stop by the Lost and Found, located in the cafeteria, to see if they have been placed there.
Please make sure to join us for CMIT'S first annual STEM Night! The science, math, and tech teachers will be here to show everyone what STEM really is and how we are working together as a team here at CMIT. We'll be running labs, operating robots, 3D printing, and more. Afterward, we'll sit down and enjoy dinner provided courtesy of the PTO. If you can join us, please make sure to fill out the RSVP form below and we'll see you there! STEM Night RSVP Form: https://forms.gle/nitzGYCDXWbpF2pD7
Mr. Field, STEM Coordinator
Facility Improvements
Gymnasium Before
Gymnasium After
Basketball hoops and wall mats were added in 2018. Sound panels were installed in 2020 to reduce echo and noise pollution.
Gymnasium After
Functional gym flooring was installed Fall of 2022.
Next up, the Lu Play Projector system will be installed in December 2022.