Great Start Collaborative
Hillsdale County - April 2020
April COVID-19 update
We are excited to provide a few resources to help in this new and very different way of life we currently find ourselves navigating.
Preschool Registration
Fun and Learning at Home
Scholastic Learn at Home
Khan Academy Kids
Inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery with this free, fun educational program for children ages two to seven. Click here!
Wide Open School
An amazing new resource from Common Sense Media - a
free collection of the best online learning experiences for kids! Click here!
Michigan Science Center
Frederick Meijer Gardens
Virtual Story Times
An ever-growing streaming library of kid-safe animated storybooks on all your favorite devices. Click here!
Local Library
Helping Young Kids Through the Pandemic
SAMHSA Diaster Distress Helpline
Census 2020
The 2020 Census is here! Data collected in the census will inform the distribution of more than $675 billion in federal funds to states and communities each year for things like infrastructure, health care, food assistance and many more community services. Complete the 2020 Census. It’s easy, confidential and takes just 10 minutes. You have the power to create a brighter future for your family and your community. To learn more, visit