KES Family Newsletter
February 2023
Mission: The mission of Kewaskum Elementary School is to develop the whole child by providing a motivating, stimulating, and nurturing environment to build a better future together.
Vision: The vision of the Kewaskum Elementary School is to guide our students to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals who recognize and value their educational journey.
Principal Message
January felt like a quick month. Students have been hard at work following the PBIS expectations. KES now has its very own news station called KES in the News. The 5th-grade leaders report every Monday to all students about happenings at KES. It was a big hit this week and I'm looking forward to watching this be a tool for keeping students informed, engaged, and excited about being a KES student.
A few important reminders:
Yearbooks are ready to be ordered. A skyward message with directions to order your child's yearbooks was sent this week. These orders are due on March 3rd.
We're seeing increasing occurrences of parents entering the parking lot by going the wrong way on this one-way road. Please follow the intended route in the back parking lot so that all of our students, staff, and families are safe.
If your child wears a Smartwatch or one similar please remind them that it should not be used to play on or to make phone calls during the school day. Students that are playing games on them will be asked to remove them.
- It is never too late to recognize a staff member. Please take a moment to fill out this quick questionnaire to recognize one or more KES staff members for their hard work and dedication to all of our students. KES Teacher Recognition
I SPY at KES Family Learning Night
National School Counselors Week
Math Resource Corner
February - (Grades 3 - 5) Partial Products Multiplication
You may have noticed your child using the partial products method to multiply. Here is a video from Kahn Learning Academy explaining how to use partial products to solve 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication problems, with a quick review of the traditional method as well. In addition, the resource below can help you visualize multiplication problems and show the different products to total.
ELA Resource Corner
Supported Cloze Fluency Reading
Grade Levels: 1-5
Supported Cloze helps increase reading fluency and accuracy. When practicing this strategy, the parent and child take turns reading every other word of a passage, page, or short book. Directions and a video demonstration of this reading strategy can be found on this document.
Register for 4K
PTO Updates
Adult Night! Come one come all!
When: Saturday, March 11, 2023, @ Foundry at 5:30.
What to expect: Bingo night, food and beverages, silent auction.
We are still searching for raffle donations and event sponsors. If you would like to donate please reach out to PTO.
See ticket information is attached for those who may not have received it.
From the School Nurse
From the Boys and Girls Club
Procedural Reminders
- Recess clothing: All students are asked to bring winter gear. If you know of a family that might need assistance with winter gear please reach out to the office or Mrs. Mundigler. We also have extra snow pants, coats, hats, and gloves in the office.
- Students can play anywhere on the playground with proper gear on. Students that do not have boots on will be asked to stand by the wall. They can talk with their friends but they can't play anything like football or tag games. As this is a safety issue. If the blacktop is wet as if it rained outside then students who do not have boots do not have to go to the wall. However, if it is full of slush then they would.
- Students can be dropped off between 8:45-8:55. Students should not arrive earlier than 8:45 to play on the playground.
- All morning drop-off needs to be done using the car line on 3rd street. If you are walking your child then you can use the back parking lot to park; however, we do have staff that begin at 8:45 and have a difficult time finding parking to get into the building. The back parking lot should not be used as a drop-off spot or line. Students should not be jumping out of the car to enter the playground from that direction.
Recess Clothing Reminders
Upcoming Dates
February 6: National School Counselors Week
February 8: 4K Incoming Meet and Greet 4:15-6:15
February 9: School Board Meeting 6:00 at KHS
February 20: Building closed, Staff PD Day, Kids no schoolFebruary 23: Family Learning Night 6:00 pm