Haverhill Headlines
March 2021
want to be a part of our amazing PTC?
The Parent Teacher Club (PTC) provides our school, students and teachers with much needed support. Throughout the year, the PTC holds fun and educational events, sponsors fundraisers for equipment, school beautification, technology, and classroom supplies. The PTC relies solely on parent volunteers. Our success comes from the many dedicated parents who continue to volunteer their time and their talents.
Our PTC Executive Board is searching for two new board members for next school year. Special thanks go to Sarah Steup and Tim Rayl who have contributed greatly these last two years! We will have openings for our Treasurer and Secretary positions for the 2021/2022 school year. Both positions are a two year commitment, and a great way to get involved and contribute to our school. Contact our PTC President, Lisa Haagen (lisa.haagen@gmail.com) today to express interest!
PTC Corner
Thank you to all parents who contributed to our classroom wish lists. It’s that time of the year where teachers have begun to run out of frequently used items such as pencils, tissues, dry erase markers, and paper. Your classroom contributions are very appreciated!
In addition to the classroom items, we requested items such as granola bars, pop, water, and chips. Special thanks to our school Computer Specialist, Haverhill parent, and PTC Vice President, Mrs. Hargan, who has been able to set up our cart. One day a month she sets up our cart with drinks and treats. Our Haverhill staff love it, and it’s just one small way we can show our appreciation to them! If you are interested in contributing, there are still a few spots left to donate: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040f45a8a62aab9-school
Flower and Garden Show
Flower and Garden Show seed orders and plants will be coming home in April. Plants need to be taken care of over the summer and can be brought back to school in September for our annual Flower and Garden Show. Students will receive feedback from judges on the care of their plant, a ribbon, and tips on what they can do to be successful with their plant for years to come. If you are interested in helping coordinate the Flower and Garden Show, please reach out to the Flower and Garden Chairperson, Lisa Haagen (lisa.haagen@gmail.com) with questions.
Staff Appreciation Week May 3-7
Important Dates
Tuesday, March 9 - 11: IREAD-3 Test for 3rd Grade Students
Thursday, March 11: HES Sports Spirit Day: Wear your favorite sport gear!
Friday, March 12: FLEX DAY
Week of March 15 - 19: GO COLLEGE! Week
Monday, March 22: FLEX DAY and End of 3rd Quarter Grading Period
Friday, March 26: Sunglasses Day
Thursday, April 1: Mismatch Day
Friday, April 2: No School
Monday, April 5-9: No School-Spring Break
Kindergarten Enrollment for 2021-2022
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten enrollment packets for the following school year are available for pick-up in all SACS' elementary school offices
Who can register?
Any child residing in the SACS district who attains the age of five on or before October 1, 2021 may enroll in kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year.
Ready for Kindergarten?
Kindergarten is an important milestone in a child's life, it's their first step into formal education. As parents/caregivers you may be asking yourself if your child is ready. SACS educators have complied some helpful kindergarten information: Ready for Kindergarten?
In addition to completing the registration packet, the following documents must be provided with the registration paperwork before any student is registered:
- Copy of child's birth certificate
- Child's immunization records
- Two proofs of residency and a copy of the parent/guardian photo ID