Puketapu School Newsletter
Week 6, Term 3, 2019
Empower All People to be Healthy, Lifelong Learners
Kia kaha - do your best * Kia māia - be courageous * Kia manawanui - have a heart
From our Kaitiaki Tama
My two terms of being the Kaitiaki Tama of Puketapu School feels like it has been super fast and I've had so many new opportunities that I didn't have before. Now I’m deputy Kaitiaki Tama for the rest of the year, that's still pretty cool though. The new Kaitiaki Tama will be announced on Friday at Showcase.
Some of the things I will most remember are:
I felt privileged to lead the Powhiri to welcome new students to Puketapu School.
I remember talking in assemblies about our values of Kia Manawanui, Kia Kaha, and Kia Maia and watching the children living up to these values at Puketapu School.
Personally having to talk in assemblies helped me to become more confident when speaking in public and I had the opportunity to meet a variety of people I would not otherwise meet.
Corban Read
Kaitiaki Tama
Save the Date: Community Korero
We would like as many people as possible to come to meet with our Board of Trustees and talk about shaping the future for Puketapu School.
Puketapu School Enrolment Scheme
We are currently in the consultation period for our enrolment scheme.
The details of our proposed zone are on our web site at www.puketapu.school.nz/proposed-enrolment-scheme/
Now, we want to hear from you.
At our Community Korero on Wednesday 11 September we will be discussing all feedback ready to take the next step with the Ministry.
We are inviting feedback about the draft zone so please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions by email to office@puketapu.school.nz and please do come along to our korero.
The MOE has great information online in the Parents section of their website, which answers questions about how zones work, what happens about siblings, priorities for enrolment and much more.
Building Works at Puketapu School
The first part of the planned works has begun: converting our Hall to a multi-purpose learning space that will be used as classrooms while those classrooms have roofing work completed.
Breakfast Club's Change of Location
Volunteers Wanted: Anyone interested in helping out with the Kickstart Breakfast program please contact Hayley or ask at the School Office .
A Very Yellow Showcase
Join us for Cross Country presentations, sponsorship prizes, the announcement of our new Head Boy and Head Girl and much more!
Friday is also dress up in Yellow for Daffodil Day so it's going to be a bright showcase!
What a Reader!
Dayna's Auaha: Creation Station
She had to follow the design process and contribute something to the school. Dayna created an awesome 'Creation Station' for the juniors. Well done Dayna!
Congratulations To...
Congratulations to our Puketapu Superstars this week:
- Koen Adams
- Anika Engebretsen
- Iniyah Zandbergen
- Madison Webby
- Kupa Hoskin
- Losa Fonoti
- Chayse Hodson
- Mason Nation-Fahey
- Skye Ramsay
- Summer Wilkinson
- Brooke Balsom
Hello this is from Vinny and Levi from Kauri 1 and 2. We are doing a project about making a robot. We are doing this in our school Auaha time. If you could donate some parts, that would be helpful.
What we need is:
- Steering servo
- RC car Battery
- Wires
- Rc car cogs
- 6 Wheels
- Receiver
- 2 Motors
- 2 Old drills
- 1 Controller
- 2 or 1 skillsaw blade metal
- Old sheets of metal no bigger than a microwave
Duffy Awards
- Lee Duff
- Connor Parsons
- Luka Herewini-Kelsen
- Ngariki Brown
- Tayla Gorrie
- Shavorn McLeod-Lackner
- Jamal Daraghmi
- Nikayda Taylor
- Chayse Hodson
- Sanjeet Chand
- Roman Meijer
- Nico Reeve
- Sophie Tudor
- Breanna Mehaney-Johnston
- Imogen Den-McKay
- Rihari Hotene
- Ameliah Martin
Our Duffy Awards are generously sponsored by First Gas.
Thank you First Gas.
The Tech Hub
Kia ora Puketapu whanau.
The sun is out and the wood tech class have made the most if it and used our outside space to start cutting up their pallets. Fingers crossed for this sunny weather to continue so they can get a good start on the hammering!
Micro:bits classes have started coding their pets. They needed to decide what they wanted their pet to do and what 'in put' they needed to so to create the 'out put'. Next week we will code the pets and test it out!
Nga mihi,
Mrs Wigley
What a lot of Wallys!
Home & School
Forms are coming out today/tomorrow with eldest child of each whanau. Forms and money to be returned by Monday 9 September with delivery being Thursday 19 September.
For online payments: please make sure you pay Home & School:
Puketapu Home and School
TSB Bank, Bell Block
Account Number: 15 3956 0510068 00
(This number is different to payments for school accounts)
- All online payments are to go into the Home and School Account only.
- Please make your reference really clear with Pies and then Name.
- If anyone has any spare brown paper bags we would really appreciate them!
- Also some extra help for on the day would be great if anyone can.
Fathers Day Raffle:
Tickets are still available at the office. $2 per ticket.
The Draw will take place on Friday 30 August - just in time for Fathers Day
Home and School Chairperson:
Sadly our wonderful chairperson for Home and School Cushla Walthew resigned at the AGM, after two years leading our wonderful team. If anyone is interested in this role please contact Cushla or Kim.
As well as Cushla, Puketapu School would also like to say a huge THANK YOU to all those parents who have been part of the Home and School over the past few years and have now handed over the baton to new parents, including outgoing Treasurer Rewa Plant and Secretary Tracy Wilkinson. You have all helped in so many ways and we appreciate it very much.
Wow - Kia Kaha - Students who are doing their best!
Friday Lunches...
Friday 30 August:
- American Hotdog $4
- Ham Wrap $4
- Fruit Salad and Yoghurt $5
Friday 6 September:
- Mac n' Cheese with Bacon $5
- Baked Potato, with Sour Cream and Bacon (GF) $5
- Fruit Salad and Yoghurt (GF) $5
Years 0-2 Netball:
We will run this again at Puketapu School on Thursdays in TERM 4 from 3.15pm. It will run from weeks 3-8.
I know last year was frustrating as the coach Netball Taranaki provided didn't always show up so this year I have secured an awesome coach who is a school parent and is super talented. More information will follow in term 4.
Coaches.... we need coaches for all teams before we can register players, Each team also needs a parent to do subbing . Touch Taranaki have free course available for anyone who is keen. Without coaches there can be no teams. Please let me know asap if you can help. Thank you to the 4 people who have put their hand up so far.
Cross Country Opportunities:
New Plymouth Cross Country Championships for 9,10,and 11 year olds.
When: Tuesday 10 September at 12:30pm
Where: Peringa Park, Clemow Road, Fitzroy
Course is 2.2 km long.
Note: Parents will need to take their own children to this event. Puketapu School will register and pay for each child and supply a school shirt. Fill out a Form at the office if you are interested.
Taranaki Primary Schools Cross Country Champs for 9,10,11,12 and 13 year olds.
When: Wednesday 25 September 2019
Where: Hawera A&P Showgrounds, Hawera
Course is 2-3 km long depending on age.
Note: Parents will need to take their own children to this event. Puketapu School will register and pay for each child and supply a school shirt. Fill out a Form at the office if you are interested.
Calling all Puketapu Sports Uniforms...
Could we please have all uniforms handed in to the office ASAP. Remember, these should be washed and clean, ready for the next person to use.
What's On: This week and next
Wednesday 28 August:
- Year 7 & 8 Rugby Sevens @ NP Racecourse
- Spotswood College - Course selection support evening (7-8pm).
Friday 30 August:
- Student Showcase @ Northpoint 9:30am
- Dress up in Yellow for Daffodil Day
- Special Breakfast Club with Special Guests
Tuesday 3 September:
- Life Ed Bus arrives. On site for two weeks.
Later this term
Week 8:
Tuesday 10 September:
Kauri EOTC week
NP Primary Schools Cross Country (Year 4-6)
Wednesday 11 September:
Community Consultation Evening with Board of Trustees 6.30pm
Thursday 12 September:
Year 7&8 Cross Country (Omata)
Week 9:
Monday 16 September:
Dental Bus on site for two weeks
Kowhai Year 5 & 6 ‘Food for Thought’ (TBC)
Tuesday 17 September:
Bell Block School Production: Dress Rehearsal 1pm
Kowhai Yr 5 & 6 ‘Food for Thought’ (TBC)
Wednesday 18 September:
11.45am Duffy Role Model visit (@ Northpoint)
Thursday 19 September:
Kowhai Yr 5 & 6 ‘Food for Thought’ (TBC)
Totara 1 & 2 Puke Ariki Trip (11.15am - 12.30pm & 1.15pm - 2.30pm)
Friday 20 September:
Rimu shared morning tea
Totara 1 & 2 Puke Ariki Trip (11.15am - 12.30pm & 1.15pm - 2.30pm)
Week 10:
Wednesday 25 September:
Taranaki Primary Schools Cross Country Champs (Hawera)
Friday 27 September:
Loud Shirt Day
Whole School Student Showcase @ Northpoint 9.30am
Last day of Term 3
Happy birthday to all those who have Birthdays coming up this week:
- Raiden Rangi
- Brianna Edgecombe
- Taine McKenna
- Kemp Hancock
- Keanu Tango
- Sophie Jacobsen
- Divyasri Vathada
- Unique Davis
Community Notices
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973