Mulino Mustang News
Enrichment Sign-up
Enrichment Sign-up
Dear Mulino Families,
We are excited to open up registration for our next session of enrichment classes beginning April 11.
April 11 - May 18, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:45-5:00pm. Student transportation home will be provided if necessary. All classes are limited to 20 students and filled first come first served.
Class: Games of Strategy
Grades: 4-5
Learn to play games of strategy like Chess, Checkers, Rubik's cube, Sequence and Scrabble to enjoy with friends and teach family members.
Class: Fun with Engineering
Grades: 2-3
Learn the engineering design process and apply it to several different design projects. Learn how to solve problems with fun materials.
Please use this link to register for classes:
Principal Hall
Kindergarten Round-up
Families and students of incoming kindergarteners are encouraged to attend this in-person event to learn more about kindergarten at Mulino. This will also be an opportunity for families to access our online registration tool.
If you are unable to make this event, please register your child, online, beginning April 14.
Spring Break Baseball Camp
Spring Break Baseball Camp
March 29-31, 2023
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Grades: 1st-8th Grade
Cost: $40.00
Register on Familyid.com
Mulino Parent Group
Hello Mulino Families!
Our March meeting will be Wednesday the 22nd at 6:30 pm. This meeting is open to all parents and guardians! Come share your ideas and give your feedback! We will be in person at the school with a zoom option as well.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 710 4450 2091
Passcode: MvJ7Ke
We will be hosting our Carnival on April 14, following Kindergarten Round-Up, we need lots of volunteers to make this successful. If you are able to help plan, set up, clean up, or work at a booth please let us know as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or would like to help in any way with our school please contact parentgroup.mulino@gmail.com
Safe Oregon provides 24/7 services for Oregonians to anonymously or confidentially report student safety concerns (suicidal ideation/thoughts, cyberbullying, child abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, etc.) and will pass this information on to school personnel and law enforcement (when necessary).
You can file a confidential report by:
Email tip@safeoregon.com
Text or call 844-472-3367
Report on the https://www.safeoregon.com tip line
Upcoming Events
March 27 - 31 - Spring Break
April 14 - Kindergarten Round-up @ 5:00 pm
April 14 - Mulino Carnival @ 6:00 pm
May 1-5 - Staff Appreciation Week
May 5 - Teacher Workday
May 29 - Memorial Day
June 7-9 - 5th Grade Outdoor School
June 13 - Field Day
June 14 - 5th Grade Celebration
June 15 - Last Day of School (1/2 day)
Mulino Elementary
Mission: Success for All Students
Vision: All members of our community are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment that cultivates empathy, provides challenging opportunities, and fosters lifelong learning.
Email: elise.hall@molallariv.k12.or.us
Website: https://mulino.molallariv.k12.or.us/
Location: Mulino Elementary School, Oregon 213, Mulino, OR, USA
Phone: 503-829-6888