The Cub Hub
Notes from the Den | Volume 1 : Issue 21 - January 12, 2021
In-Person/Remote Learning Survey Results
I truly mean thank you!
We had a 100% return which allowed us to make informed decisions today. All 272 face to face students were accounted for and 200 students shifted temporarily to remote learning and 72 are in person. The intent was and is to reduce the amount of people (students and staff) in school buildings based on rising COVID-19 benchmarks.
Dr. Elizalde indicated in her correspondence yesterday and during last night's informational board session that senior leadership along with health officials will revisit conditions every week.
I will communicate everything I can the moment I can.
If we have to continue to utilize these temporary instructional models I will survey everyone again and I understand that the number of people needing face to face services may increase as the duration of this request/shift continues. We are here for your children and your family.
Instructional Models For In Person Learners
Directing you back to my correspondence from last night:
"We are committed to offering face to face classes as per state requirements, but it may look different than it has in the past. We have been lucky to maintain static classroom placements which has been done deliberately to provide stability for our children. Please understand that on campus learning may include combining classes, learning with different teachers, and continued use of virtual learning practices to ensure safety. Know that the master schedule will likely change and we will communicate updates to you as soon as possible. The overall goal here is to make some short-term sacrifices for a long term gain."
To that end we have worked really hard today to synthesize the aforementioned data and have created instructional models for each grade level. Every grade level has a different model and the intent is to best support the different needs of each grade level. I understand that this is not the best case scenario and I apologize for any decision made that does not support what you feel like we should be doing.
We are operating now on a reduced staffing plan and for this TEMPORARY period (as I mentioned last night) we will be clustering students together that are in person. The goal is to also reduce the number of staff on campus.
To be transparent these are the numbers by grade level:
Pre-K - 9 (2)
Immersion - 7 (2)
Kindergarten - 12 (4)
First Grade - 15 (2)
Second Grade - 12 (4)
Third Grade - 13 (4)
Fourth Grade - 7 (2)
Fifth Grade - 2 (2)
The numbers next to the grade levels represent the number of students that are requesting face to face services based on their needs and the number in parenthesis is the number of teachers we have for the grade level.
Please understand the word TEMPORARY is the word of the day. These numbers will shift and we will shift with them.
Expect correspondence from your child's teacher this afternoon/evening as to how this will impact your schedules moving forward starting tomorrow.
Does Electing Remote Temporarily During This Time "Count" As The One Shift We Are Allowed Per Grading Period?
CAC Meeting For January
Has been shifted to February 8, 2021.
What To Do If You Child Is Not Feeling Well
If your child is ill with symptoms consistent (cough, sore throat, stomach issues, headaches, fatigue, congestion, etc ...) with Covid-19 contact Mr. Crissey and your child's teacher and then the following protocols must be followed:
Students May Return After
10 days have passed since symptoms started, and improvement in overall symptoms, and 24 hours have passed without fever and use of fever-reducing medication.
Provide doctor’s note to campus health room staff stating that symptoms are not COVID-19-related and student can return to school.
Provide a negative COVID-19 test.
As an FYI the same holds true for staff members.
Technology Assistance
If you need assistance please contact the AISD Student Help Desk at 512-414-4357. If they are unable to assist please reach out to me at david.crissey@austinisd.org.
District Devices
We have several iPads and a new supply (12) of Chromebooks. If you are using your own device please let me know.