BCE Parents Club, Bear News#4
Welcome Bears!

BCE Parents Club Bi-Weekly Updates
🔔 Reminders
👟 Walk/Jog-athon
What a fun day! Students got to run with their grade and teacher/staff. Mrs. Fippin also joined in on the fun! The Parents Club provided water, sliced oranges, and water sprinklers to cool down our runners. Every student goes home today with a free BCE spirit wear shirt. 100% of funds raised goes towards programs such as running club and playground supplies/equipment. The teachers have the laps each student did. Pledges and monies to be turned in by Oct 31st to your students teacher or office. Checks to be made out to BCE Parents Club.
🎟️ Drive for School September 12 - Oct 22
Hosted by Santa Cruz Boardwalk. All proceeds of this fundraiser go 100% to our school. You could win $25,000 or hundreds of other prizes - check out the list here!
Need more tickets? Email us: bcepc.execs@gmail.com Subject: Drive for School
👕Lost & Found | 4th Graders
Our goal is for Lost and Found to be organized, all lost items around campus to be in lost and found, and for any trash to be thrown away.
🌞 Upcoming Events
🌸Thank You
Thank you Ice Cream Social Volunteers & River Dogs!
🍽️ Family Dinner Night | Oct 17th | Sawmill
10% of sales goes to 4th Grade
Share with friends and family. Don't forget to mention BCE Parents Club when you order!
📚Scholastic Book Fair | Volunteers Needed!
Scholastic Book Fair is just around the corner! Oct 16-20th the library will be open before and after school to families to shop. Please consider helping Mrs. Callahan and signing up for a shift.
📆 Next Parents Club Meeting
Parents Club Meeting [Virtual]
Thursday, Oct 12, 2023, 06:00 PM
Room Parent Kick-off Meeting | Tues, Oct 10th at 6pm via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 9825846896
Passcode: BCE
This is a one-time meeting where you’ll hear from our Room Parent Chair about all that’s new and exciting this year and the resources available to you via Zoom. This is a great way to meet new people and get any questions answered.
We hope you’ll consider being a room parent this year and we look forward to seeing you at the kickoff!
Questions? roomparent@bceparentsclub.org
Yearbook Kick-off Meeting | Mon, Oct 9th at 6pm via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 747 7466 7568
Passcode: ZFFBu8
Welcome to the 23/24 Yearbook Team! Our Yearbook Co-Chairs are our hosting a Zoom Meeting for those that signed up to volunteer for Yearbook this year.
There is also a lot of information on the TreeRing Blog here. Questions? yearbook@bceparentsclub.org
Election Day
We are holding our election at the next Parents Club meeting on Oct 12th. Come join us and vote!
🥂 2nd Annual BCE Gala Auction
Help support the BCE Auction Gala by donating!
Have a business with something to offer? Too much wine in your cellar? A vacant vacation home? Extra sports tickets? No item is too big or too small - and it's tax-deductible!
Thank you for your support!
💞 All The Ways You Can Support the Parents Club
YUM RAISING | Chocolate for a good cause
Buy delicious chocolate via online store front here to show your support for BCE Parents Club See's Fundraiser.
🎂 Birthday Marquee Fundraiser
Help us raise money for a new Marquee by giving a student or staff member a special Birthday Shout Out! Suggested donation is $50.
To make a request fill out this form and follow the steps.
Spirit Wear | 20% OFF Sep 23rd-28th
Renee's Garden
Learning Garden has an All-Year-Round Fundraiser! When you buy here, 20% of your purchases will be donated to BCE Parents Club.
Check with your company if they do corporate matching!
Scan the label and use the app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are worth 10 cents each!
From Sep 12 - Oct 22nd if you make a donation of more than $200 you will receive equivalent Drive for School Tickets.
Click the link below to donate to our Parents Club General Fund. You can also bring in cash or check (make payable to BCE Parents Club) and drop it off to your students teacher or BCE Office.