Mayo News
October 16, 2023
Kasper's Notes
A short week, picture day, an upcoming Craft Fair and Literacy Parade - October at Mayo!
This week I saw some great writing about Autumn. Students are thinking about what fall sounds like, looks like, and smells like! I am also seeing wonderful community building through family photo collages and writing about how to be a good friend. Have families been talking about RESPECT at home? Mr. D and I have noticed students showing respect in a variety of ways.
This Wednesday we will have a visit from the Holden Fire Department to discuss Fire Safety.
Remember to label student outerwear and dress in layers.
Carolan Kasper
Literacy Parade
Our Literacy Parade will be held on October 27th at 2:00 (originally it was scheduled for 2:15 but we bumped it up). The Literacy Parade ends a month of activities around Literary Characters. Students will complete a project based on their chosen character (teachers will be reaching out with more details by class).
Each student is welcome to dress up as their book character for the parade. This is voluntary! The students will be displaying their class project at the parade, so a costume is not necessary but an option you can choose in addition to their class project. If you choose to have your child dress up as a literary character, please work with your child to plan a simple homemade costume. It is not necessary to buy a book character costume! If you plan to dismiss your child/ren at the end of the parade, please send a note in that morning or email the teacher and Mrs.Trefry at kelly_trefry@wrsd.net. This will help us ensure that all students are accounted for at dismissal! You can also send in a note or email prior to the 27th and Kelly will add it to a spreadsheet for dismissals. You will still need to come into the school to dismiss your child.
Meetings 4:30-5:30
Info from Nurse Desiree
Thank you for keeping your children home when they are not feeling well! Free covid tests are now available and can be ordered at covid.gov/tests.
Choose to be Nice
10/21 - Mayo PTA Craft Fair
10/25 - 5th Grade Committee Meeting 6:30-7:30
10/27 - Literacy Parade 2:00
10/30 - CTBN RESPECT Celebration; Kick-off - KINDNESS
10/31 - Halloween
11/1 - 1/2 Day students (Gr K-2 Conferences)
11/2 - Gr K Conferences
11/3 - Gr 1 Conferences
11/5 - Daylight Saving Time ends
11/6 - Gr 2 Conferences
11/7 - Election Day
11/7-11/9 - Hearing and Vision Testing
11/10 - No School
11/13 - World Kindness Day
11/14 - PTA Meeting
11/22-11/24 - Thanksgiving Break
11/27 - PTA Bemis Wreath Making 7:00 PM
12/1 - Picture Retakes
12/13 - PTA Meeting
12/19 - CTBN KINDNESS Celebration; Kick-off - ACCEPTANCE
12/21 - Winter Concert (Snow date 12/20)
12/22-1/1 - Winter Break
1/2/2024 - Return to School