February greetings as we have arrived at the midway point in our school year. February 1st marks the end of our Fall Semester and an opportunity to pivot towards the coming spring. Along with forthcoming grades for this Fall Semester, we are in the process of considering relevant data points that help us gauge both individual and collective progress.
One of the leading indicators to meaningful learning is daily attendance. North has trailed other area middle schools in this regard but that is beginning to shift. Across this first semester, attendance rates for our North Stars have improved including double-digit gains in overall attendance rates and a double-digit reduction in the rate of students who are chronically absent (missing 10% or more of our school days). Incidents of being tardy to class have also improved each month, from September through January.
Midyear reading and math data from our recent iReady assessments included a wealth of information for us to consider. Overall, proficiency rates (at/above grade level) improved in both reading and math with our eighth graders achieving the largest gains and growth. Math continues to be an overall area of focus with math proficiency and growth rates lagging reading. Individualized score reports will be included as part of the midyear grades and information that you will receive shortly.
Overall, we have both reasons to celebrate and reasons to recommit our efforts as we enter this second semester. As a school, we thank you and are grateful for your valued efforts to ensure that your child/children attend school regularly and receive the needed support at home. Together, we have an opportunity to support our STARs to new heights this spring, and beyond.
Thank you in advance for reading through this newsletter - We appreciate your time.
Para obtener una versión de este boletín en español, haga clic aquí.
Important February Dates:
- 2/1: First Semester Ends
- 2/2: NO SCHOOL (teacher workday, S1/S2 break)
- 2/3: North Robotics Team @ WA State Championship Tournament (@ Amazon Seattle)
- 2/5: Second Semester Begins
- 2/6: Band Winter Concert (7:00pm, Civic Auditorium/EHS)
- 2/13: Wresting Practices Begin
- 2/14: Jazz Concert (7:00pm, Civic Auditorium/EHS)
- 2/15: First Semester Report Cards sent home
- 2/19, 2/20: NO SCHOOL (mid-winter break)
- 2/22: February PTA Meeting (6:30pm, North Library)
Other Upcoming Dates of Note:
- 4/1-4/5: NO SCHOOL (Spring Break Week)
Washington's Finest Middle School Robotics Team Qualifies for State!
North Middle's Robotics team, the Cybernetic Narwhals (above), are advancing to the Washington State Championship Tournament!
Our robotics teams compete in FIRST Tech Challenge, which is a robotics competition for 7th -12th grade students. Each year, students are given a new "robot game", and they plan, design, build, and program a robot to compete in the game. Our students even use computer aided design, 3D printing, and laser-cutting to make their own custom robot parts.
The robot game has a 30-second autonomous time, where the robots act based on their programmed instructions, followed by two minutes where the robots are driven by students, through programmed controllers. This year's game, Centerstage, required pairs of robots (alliances) to work together to build grids of "pixels" on a slanted surface, launch an airplane at a target zone, and suspend completely off of the ground from a scaffolding.
Our two North Robotics teams competed in three league tournaments this season. North was crowned League Champions and qualified for the regional tournament as the second seed. At regionals, North advanced to the semifinals (single elimination playoffs) and finished with the 4th place alliance.
In addition to the robot game, students create a detailed portfolio of their engineering process and give a 5-minute presentation to judges. At regionals, our judged presentation earned the Narwhals the "Think Award" for innovative use of math and science principles in their robot design. By earning the Think Award, the Cybernetic Narwhals earned a spot at the Washington State Championship Tournament and will compete this Saturday, 2/3, Amazon in Seattle. North Middle's team is the only public middle school team to qualify at this level with all other qualifying teams being high school and/or private club teams.
Needless to say, this is a significant accomplishment and we are exceptionally proud of our students, coaches, and sponsors. Best of luck, North Robotics - State Middle School Champions!
Honoring Black History Month
Today, February 1st, marks the beginning of Black History Month and a needed, collective opportunity to share, learn, and grow as we celebrate together. Black history is our nation’s history and should not be limited to a specific month or taught, learned, or celebrated in isolation. As such, we continue to strive to ensure that we, as the North Everett community, honor the achievements, innovations, and accomplishments of African Americans, locally and across our nation, in every regard.
Across the coming four weeks, our school will learn and share together as we honor Black History Month across our campus. We invite you to join us in learning and celebration, to ensure that this month does not pass without our utmost intentionality and sincerity.
Updated North Gear
Looking for that perfect something for Valentine's Day? An early grad gift? Or, a "sorry, I completely missed the holidays" make-up?
Well look no further because our North Gear has been updated for the second semester, including the items below. Our partner vendor, SpiritGear Direct, remains the same as last fall but the available items have been updated. Please click on the below site to browse/order. The ordering window will remain open for a full two weeks with a deadline of Friday, February 16th.
North Gear Orders: Click Here
Student Conductor Update: Restroom/Hall Passes
As noted above, incidents of arriving late to class (being tardy) have improved each month this school year. One tool that has aided our monitoring these incidents is Student Conductor, an automated system that helps tally, organize, and monitor behaviors like timeliness. With our second semester, we will begin utilizing Student Conductor to help monitor how often and how long students are out of class.
One area of ongoing challenge remains our restrooms as, rightfully so, these areas cannot be monitored in the same regard as hallways or classrooms. We want our students to freely use the restroom for restroom purposes without experiencing a fellow student who is there for any other reason, other than to use the restroom. By simply signing out/in of their classrooms through the Student Conductor system, we will be better able to monitor whether a student has been out of class for an extended/length period of time. Teachers will be free of the burden of having to write passes and individually monitor who is out of their classrooms, and for how long.
As parents/guardians, you can choose to accept or decline notifications in this regard, similar to our tardy notifications. Look for this system to come online in the coming weeks as students become more familiar with using classroom specific QR codes to access hallway passes.
STAR Block Update:
Across the month of January, our students focused on the dynamics/traits of healthy relationships as part of our weekly STAR Blocks (Friday mornings). This included discussions related to how relationships involve interdependent emotions and as such, we help or harm the quality of our relationships with our thoughts, words, and actions.
Additionally, as part of our STAR blocks, we were able to honor nearly 400 students (below) for their academic efforts and timeliness (five or less incidents of being tardy this semester). This monthly celebration aims to acknowledge effort as a key ingredient for present and future success.
Forthcoming: Student and Family Surveys
Each year, schools across our district host a series of stakeholder surveys in an effort to gauge perceptions, progress, and needs. These include surveys for our students, families, and staff. These surveys will open shortly and we are hopeful that you will be able to take some time to share your thoughts with us.
Families will receive specific survey information in mid-February followed by the opening of our survey on Monday, February 26th. Our students will participate in our Annual Student Survey as part of their STAR Block (see above) on Friday, March 1st. Makeups for students who are absent will be the following Friday, March 8th.
Illnesses & Guidance
Winter has hit us with the inevitable rise in illnesses. Sometimes, it can be hard to know what to do, what symptoms equal what, and whether your child is too sick for school. One exceptionally helpful resource is our district website, specifically the Health Services page. This one-stop resource houses a variety or materials including the most up-to-date guidance specific to COVID.
Should the need arise, please consider utilizing these resources and should your child be sick and need to miss school, please take a moment to update our North Attendance office - norattendance@apps.everettsd.org. Thank you & well wishes!
Updates from our Everett Public Schools
Our February Newsletter from our Everett Public Schools is linked/attached below. This specifically crafted monthly communication is designed to connect with all of our families and provide information pertaining to all of our schools/programs. This month's newsletter includes updates pertaining to:
- Kindergarten Enrollment (2024/2025)
- EPS Website Assistance
- High School and Middle School Summer Academy
- and more!
Let's Connect Event - Promoting Healthy Digital Habits
Next week (February 6th), our district will host our February Let’s Connect event, focusing on Promoting Healthy Digital Habits. Our keynote will be Dr. Lucía Magis-Weinberg, from the University of Washington. Dr. Magis-Weinberg will lead a discussion related to how our children (including middle schoolers) are shaped by the risks and opportunities afforded by technology, particularly social media. After her keynote, attendees will be able to join small group discussions with other parents and school leaders.
Who: All EPS Parents/Guardians are invited
What: Dr. Lucía Magis-Weinberg (University of Washington) discusses how technology, especially social media, influences students.
When: Tuesday, February 6th, 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Where: Cascade High School
Thank you again for taking the time to read through this February 1st edition of North News. On behalf of our North team, we thank you for the opportunity to work with your child/children on a daily basis. Across these past five months, they have become a valued part of our lives and we are grateful that your family is part of our North community.
With Gratitude,
Allison, Drew, & Tyler
North Middle School
tream@everettsd.org - amacgregorfornes@everettsd.org - abaewilliams@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-4800
Fax 425-385-4802