The PAWSitive School Counselor
Mrs. Jones' Class Updates, Tips + Tricks, and more!
2023-24 School Year
September 4th
October 2nd
November 6th
December 4th
January 8th (not on New Years)
February 5th
March 4th
April 8th
May 6th
June 3rd
End of the Year
My site through the Peterson webpage was nice and provided a ton of new resources for you each month, but there was no way to notify you when new resources or newsletters were posted. I believe the best way for parents is through a Smore newsletter.
I would love for parents and teachers to have easier access to help our students perform and transition better between home and school. Please be on the look out next year as a new counseling newsletter will be uploaded each month to the website and Peterson Family Newsletter.
Have a safe and happy summer!
Ally Jones
A Look Back at this Year
Emotions + Expressions
Students were given multiple examples of faces with feelings, and they were able to recreate and show their own feelings through the art of working with Play-Doh. Students love those special days we pull out the Play-Doh tubs!
Learning the Power of Communication
Spreading Kindness to Logan Health Patients
Community Helpers & Earth Day
Pictured: 1W students helped our school and community by cleaning up trash on the school grounds in May. Areas included parking lots, park, and the school lawn.
Friendship Soup
See the recipe below.
Classroom Competitions
Staff, Parents, and Guardians,
This section will be new to the 2023-24 school year, but here is a sneak peek of what is taught in my classroom.
I am looking forward to the next school year, as I am making major adjustments to my classroom curriculum and realigning with the state standards. School counseling classes focus on career awareness, academic readiness, and social emotional skills and we have five major focuses for next year:
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Responsible Decision-Making
My plan is to continue doing a 2-year rotation plan where K-1, 2-3, 4-5 lessons are grouped and run every two years, so by the time a student reaches 6th grade, they will have a strong foundation of skills to help them through their lives.
I hope it helps you access my resources better and ensure that we are using common languages when working with students.
See you in the 2023-24 school year!
Counseling Skills Resources
S-T-E-P! Step up and solve the problem.
Use the following formula:
I feel ______ when you _________ because _____________. Could you please ________?
When students come to the "could you please" part, this is when they think of a solution and explore the consequences. The best solution is the one that is the most helpful to all involved.
When students can say the problem without blaming someone else, they are able to come to a solution faster and easier.
Small Group Updates
All Grade Levels
Most topics included social filters, confidence building, being flexible, and exploring feelings to solve problems.
Mrs. Ally Jones, School Counselor, M.Ed.
Go Panthers!
Email: jonesall@sd5.k1.mt.us
Website: https://peterson.sd5.k12.mt.us/
Location: 1119 2nd Street West, Kalispell, MT, USA
Phone: 4067513737