Haverhill Headlines
April 2021
Haverhill Elementary School
Email: cleising@sacs.k12.in.us
Website: www.sacs.k12.in.us
Location: 4725 Weatherside Run, Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Phone: 260-431-2901
Twitter: @HES_Hawks
Congratulations, Mrs. Kent!
6th Grade Honors Courses at Summit Middle School
At SACS middle schools, all academic courses are preparatory courses designed to prepare students for the next grade level and beyond. Honors courses provide the same curriculum but are offered at a depth appropriate to the student’s ability and achievement.
Summit Middle School offers Honors courses in Language Arts, Reading, Science, and Social Studies. Students who have previously qualified for self-contained ALPHA services OR who earn an NWEA score at or above the 96th percentile in Language Usage or Reading during 5th grade will automatically qualify for Honors placement in 6th grade.
Students who do not meet the automatic qualifying criteria and have a strong interest in taking Honors courses may apply for placement by scheduling an appointment with Summit Middle School’s Main Office 431-2502 to complete an essay. The appointment must occur between the following dates: April 12, 2021—May 7, 2021.
Essays must be completed during the scheduled appointment, must demonstrate the student’s best work, and must answer the question, “Why do I want to be enrolled in an Honors course next school year?” A Strategies for Student Success (SSS) team will evaluate all essays and—in conjunction with ISTEP/ILEARN scores, NWEA scores, grade-level Math placement, and historical grades—make a final decision on appropriate placement for the 2020-2021 academic school year.
IMPORTANT Technology Information
Parents, please start checking around now to make sure your student will have all their technology ready to turn in at the end of the year. They will need to turn in their school issued iPad, iPad case, charger brick, charger cord and Logitech Crayon. If you are missing any pieces or if something is damaged, please reach out to Mrs. Hargan, our computer specialist, at ahargan@sacs.k12.in.us.
We have observed that a number of students are missing the orange rubber end to their Logitech crayon. We will bill you for that missing piece for each student NOT returning to Haverhill at the end of the year. That means all 5th graders moving up to middle school and any other student not returning to our building. We will also bill replacement tips to the crayon if they have been chewed on or damaged.
This will be true for every year. A kindergarten student missing the end piece will not be charged this year, but will be charged when they leave 5th grade or move out of district. Please check with your student to see if they are missing the end of their crayon. If they are missing it, please look around and see if you can find it so you will not be billed.
Missing tip-$15
Total Crayon replacement $49.95
From our Haverhill Parent Teacher Club (PTC):
Thank you to everyone that sent in bottled water, pop, and goodies for our monthly snack cart. It’s something that all staff looks forward to at the school and is a great way to show everyone our appreciation for supporting our students. We will continue to provide a monthly snack cart, which is a welcome treat to everyone.
We need your help! Our PTC Executive Board continues it’s search for two new board members. We will have openings for Treasurer and Secretary for the 2021/2022 school year. Our PTC Board typically meets once a month to discuss fundraising, things happening around the school, and how we can be supportive to Haverhill students and staff. Being on the board is a great way to give back to Haverhill, meet other parents, support students and staff, and to keep up-to-date on current events.
To learn more about each committee and how you can volunteer, please contact Lisa Haagen at lisa.haagen@gmail.com.
In addition to our board positions, we need committee members for next school year! Committee members help coordinate some very fun events that our children look forward to every year. Think of events like the school carnival, Tiny Tim Holiday Shoppe, Bingo night, silent auction, popcorn day, movie nights, room parent coordinator, spirit wear, and more. These events aren’t possible without YOU to help organize, coordinate and support.
Clothing donations needed
Spring Break
Students will return to school on Monday, April 12, 2021.
Have a SAFE and relaxing break!
Carpool Reminders
1. Students should exit the car on the passenger side of the car in order to maintain our high safety standards.
2. Ensure who you are dropping off has everything they need on and ready to exit the vehicle.
3. At the end of the day, all numbers should be visible in the front window as you round the tree to approach the curb.
4. Pull all the way up to the silver pole if you are the first one in line. This will ensure more cars to be loaded.
5. Any large gaps as you drop off or pick up should be as minimal as possible.
Upcoming Events
Thursday, April 1: Mismatch Day
Friday, April 2: No School
Monday, April 5-9: No School-Spring Break
Thursday, April 15: Virtual Students: Material Pickup Day
Friday, April 16: Hat Day
Monday, April 19: Spring Picture Day
Wednesday, April 21: Spirit Day-Beach Day & Cook Out