February 2024

News & Notable Dates
- 5: Second Semester Begins
- 12: Senior Parent/Guardian Meeting, 7pm
- 13: Senior Parent/Guardian Meeting, 1pm
- 19: NO SCHOOL -- President's Day
- 20-23: NO SCHOOL -- Mid-winter Break
Club meets every Wednesday that we have a full day of school.
Changes Coming to ACES This Fall
Every current ACES student will have the opportunity to continue learning here under the new model, if they wish, but it will be important for each family to learn about the Big Picture model.
Keep an eye on ParentSquare for more information about the changes, and a schedule of in-person and online information sessions starting later this month. In the meantime, if you have questions, please reach out directly to Principal Blake Baird (BairdBN@mukilteo.wednet.edu, 425-366-3920) or Executive Director of Secondary Education Pat Hegarty (HegartyPB@mukilteo.wednet.edu, 425-356-1293).
Start of a New Semester
The second semester started on Monday, Feb 5. Wahoo! Please encourage your students to attend regularly and ask for help to stay on track. We have a huge amount of individualized support available for students, including help from teachers, mental health support, community resources, and more -- but students need to show up and ask for help so we know what they need.
If you'd like help contacting your child's Focus teacher or learning how to log into Schoology to track their work and their progress, the ACES Family Engagement Liaison can help: contact Julie Hills at HillsJB@mukilteo.wednet.edu.
Rotary Students of the Month
Congratulations to Alejandro Ramirez and Bryan Shewbridge for being Rotary Club of South Everett’s ACES High School Students of the Month for January and February respectively. They were honored at the Rotary luncheon on February 2nd, at Shawn O’Donnell’s restaurant in South Everett, where they each had a chance to share about their future plans. Alejandro is looking forward to a career in the performing arts, and Bryan will work toward becoming an Army Ranger.
Senior Families
Please note that there are still some glitches with the FAFSA that may not be fixed until mid-March. Watch for Patti's senior family email or join a monthly meeting for more information if you are having issues.
The scholarships page is full of opportunities for seniors to apply for money to help with their post secondary education--for both colleges and technical schools.
This month's Senior Parent/Guardian meetings are on Monday, Feb. 12 at 7pm and Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 1pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 407 865 9170
Passcode: 123456
If you cannot make the meeting times and you would like to schedule a one-on-one daytime or evening zoom appointment with College & Career Specialist Patti Stracener, contact StracenerPJ@mukilteo.wednet.edu or (425) 366-3942.
Around Campus
Art: Back to Basics
To finish out the first semester, our long-term Art sub Nancy Jordan led a "Back to the Basics" drawing unit for students. They built journals, established a daily routine with a warmup journal entry, and worked toward building skills. Check out these amazing graphite portraits some of our students completed in their time with her!
This semester, please join us in welcoming our new Art teacher, Jen Arnautovic!
Up for Debate
Two students from Barbara McPherson's first period class debate whether technology hinders our communication and connections with each other.
Ask your kids what they think!
Community Events and Resources
Support Group for Parents of Black and Brown Youth
Do you need more support as a parent? The Project Girl mentoring program is hosting a support group for parents of Black and Brown youth. A safe, non-judgmental environment to gain insight and strategies for managing the ups and downs of raising a teenager and connect with other parents who understand the challenges.
Meets the 4th Wednesday of each month from 6-6:45pm. For more information and details from Project Girl, fill out their interest form here.
Dental Services at Sno-Isle
Sno-Isle TECH Dental Clinic is now open to the public and taking appointments for basic cleanings, home care instructions, fluoride treatments, diagnostic x-rays, and minor restorations. The clinic will remain open through March. Dental Assisting students work in the on-site clinic alongside a local dentist, while perfecting their dental skills. A $50 donation is suggested and supports the program. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, please call 425-348-2240.
ACES High School
ACES Website: https://www.mukilteoschools.org/Domain/57
Location: 9700 Holly Drive, Everett, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 366-3900
Facebook: @ACESHighSchool
Twitter: @ACESHighSchool
Instagram: @aceshighschool