Anderson Weekly News! 2/27/23
What's Your Superpower? - Kindness!
Dates to Remember
- Thurs. March 2nd PTO Meeting 7:00 - 8:00 pm
- Fri. March 3rd Institute Day - No School
- Sat. March 4th PTO Dine Out Fundraiser Corner Bakery Geneva 7:30 am - 7:30 pm
- Wed. March 8th - Report Cards available in HAC
- Fri. March 10th St. Baldricks Event at St. Charles East HS. 6:00-9:00 pm
- Sat. March 11th PTO Dine Out Fundraiser Woodgrain Pizzeria - Geneva 11:00 am-10:00 pm
- Tues. March 14th 1st grade Music Performance 6:00 in the gym (See flyer below for more details)
- Wed. March 15th - Tekakwitha Woods Walk during PE (Parents, make sure your kids are prepared for the weather )
- Sun. March 25th thru April 2nd Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
- April 3rd - Welcome back from spring break!
- Wed April 5th - PTO Fundraiser Chipotle
- Thurs. April 6th - PTO Meeting at 7:00 pm
- Friday April 7th - SIP (no school for students)
- Friday April 14th -PTO Movie Night
- Wed. April 19th - Tekakwitha Woods Walk during PE classes
- Thurs. April 20th - 3rd grade Music Performance
- Wed April 26th PTO Dine out Fundraiser Buona Beef
St. Charles Challenge! St. Baldrick's
Video from last year's event!
It's time to get involved in the PTO! Nominate yourself for a board position today!
We want YOU to be our next PTO president, secretary, or treasurer. Are you looking for a way to get more involved in our school? We're looking for creative problem solvers that would like to help lead our PTO.
The president and secretary board positions are up for election for next school year. Option to shadow our current PTO secretary for the first year is available. Each position will serve a two year term. Serving the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school year. We also need to fill the treasurer position for one term. Serving the 2023-2024 school year.
Every parent and staff member at Anderson are part of the PTO. The board members job is to organize and support this large group of support. See the google form for a description of each position and what each position entails.
To nominate yourself or someone you know, please complete this Google form by Wednesday, March 1st. If you have any questions contact: Brooks at ptopresident.andersonfoxes@gmail.com
It's Pizza Time!
Our Little Caesars Fundraiser is going strong! In fact, you might say we go together like cheese and pepperoni! Have you set up your Seller page and started selling yet? We really need your help.
Our group earns $6 profit on every Kit we sell. We need your help to reach our goal! Big pizza eating days are just around the corner, so make sure you have Pizza Kits on hand for your celebration this year. Remember that you can also email link to your family and friends, so they don’t miss out, and post on your social media pages. Shipping costs are the same for 1 Kit or 2 Kits, so stock up and help us reach our goal!
To get started follow this link to create your very own Seller page. You can customize your page, upload a video, create an avatar, and watch how many pizza kits you’ve sold. You’ll get your own special link to send to your friends and family so they can buy delicious pizza kits and support our fundraiser. Pizza Kits will be delivered directly to their home by FedEx, so send the link to your out of state family and friends, too. You can even post your Seller link on your social media pages.
Questions? Contact: Lisa at: ptosecretary.andersonfoxes@gmail.com
We Need Your Pictures!
In order to fill our yearbook with pictures that represent the joy and life of Anderson School, we need your help. Please email photos to andersonyearbook303@gmail.com. If you have a great picture of Anderson Students please send it in. Thank you Megan Golden (Anderson Parent) for all your hard work organizing and building our school yearbook!
How to order a yearbook!
Vision and Hearing Screening scheduled for February
Each year students receiving special education, those new to the State of Illinois schools, and those in mandated grades have vision and hearing screening performed in school by certified vision/hearing technicians. Anderson is scheduled for this routine screening during the week of 2/27/23 and 3/6/23. Hearing screening is mandated for elementary students in kindergarten, first, second and third grades. Vision is mandated for kindergarten and second grade for those who do not have a current vision exam. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to reach out to the Anderson nurses at and-nurses@d303.org
Kindergarten Registration
Registration for returning students will open on April 24, 2023.
Announcing Fiddle Fest 2023
Friday, March 3rd
Calling all fiddlers and lovers of folk music! It’s time for the 16th annual Fiddle Fest following a two year break. All advanced orchestra students, elementary through high school and beyond, can participate! Parents, teachers, older siblings, grandparents and community members who play guitar, banjo, mandolin or a string instrument are welcome! We guarantee you’ll have a great time! If you are interested in playing and need music, please contact your child’s orchestra director, or email Rita.Borkowski@d303.org
Click Fiddle Fest 2023 Online Registration to sign up. All performers must register so we can adequately plan for this huge event. The final deadline to register is Thursday, Feb 23rd.
Fiddle Fest is Friday, March 3rd. The performance begins at 7:00 pm.
Place: North High School Gym 255 Redgate Rd, St. Charles, 60175
Dress Rehearsal: 5:00 – 6:00 pm All performers participating must attend!
Pizza Dinner: available for participants/volunteers for $5.00 following rehearsal.
Community Events:
Anderson Elementary School
Email: nathan.jarot@d303.org
Website: https://anderson.d303.org/
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300