Roadrunner Review
February 2023
A letter from Mrs. Lander
Dear Riggs Families,
Thank you to everyone who came out for our spring conferences. We love having time to talk and connect with families. If you didn't have a chance to come in please email or call your teacher and set up a time.
We have a lot of exciting things going on in the building. Most recently the district has started to put new playgrounds on campus. All three play structures are getting a makeover. They started in the back on the big playground and will move to the kindergarten playground. The anticipated start date for the kindergarten area will be February 23rd. This will impact drop off. Our plan during construction is to have kindergarten students enter the building in the front and head to the MPR. We will have PE equipment out for them to play with during the morning recess time. We will have extra adults and safety patrol walk students from the office area to the MPR each morning until they can return to the playground. Kindergarten teachers will be on duty in the MPR.
Our campus is also going to be in phase one of getting interactive flat panel TVs. The district will be out next week to walk the campus with me and start looking at our infrastructure. This is exciting and will bring many more opportunities to our students.
Reminder that this coming Monday, February 21st is a holiday and there will be no school. For future planning our Spring Break is March 13th-27. The state assessment window is from April 3rd -28th. We ask that you try to avoid making appointments during the testing window. Classroom teachers will give more specific dates for each test as it gets closer.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or Mrs. Sands. We are happy to help in any way we can.
Jamie Lander
Payson Aldous
Congratulations to 6th grader Payson Aldous for winning the AAA award. She is such a talented, hardworking, and generous student. We are so proud of all of her accomplishments!
Chari Reynolds
This year's volunteer AAA award goes out to Chari Reynolds. Chari helps with so many events at Riggs. She is always behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly and that we have everything we need. Thank you, Chari!
Kathy Scott
Staff member Kathy Scott goes out of her way to help the students and staff at Riggs. She is in and out of so many classrooms each day and she is always willing to help during events. We appreciate you, Kathy!
CEF Car Raffle
How'd you like to support students across CUSD AND have the chance to win $27,000 off the MSRP of a new Toyota or $20,000 in cash? All it takes is a ticket purchased for our Winner's Choice Car or Cash Raffle! Better yet, purchase two!
- The grand prize drawing for the Winner’s Choice Car or Cash Raffle will be held via Facebook Live at 12 noon on Friday, March 2 2023. We will live stream from the Chandler Education Foundation office. Winner need not be present to win.
- Like and Follow Chandler Education Foundation on Facebook at and be ready to join us via the internet!
A "Big" shout out to Big Two Toyota of Chandler and Toyota Financial Services for their support!
Raffle ticket purchases fund scholarship opportunities for students across CUSD; a win-win for everyone! When you invest in education, you invest in our future!
Questions, please email us at
Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year
Students who will turn 5 by August 31, 2022, are eligible to enroll in kindergarten. We do also have a trial program for early entrance if you are interested in exploring that possibility. There is a pre-requisite assessment, and only students who turn 5 between September 1 and December 3rd are eligible. Above you will find links for all registrations in green.
Friendly Reminders
- Please be alert during pickup and drop off and not on cell phones or distracted. Also, please continue pulling up at all times to ensure the line continuously moves quickly. Even if you have a kindergarten student, we ask that you pull as far forward as possible. It’s always best to be as safe as possible and be mindful of others during these times. Thank you for your help with this.
- If someone else is going to be picking up your child, or there is a change in the way they will get home, please make sure the front office and their teacher are aware of the change.
- Attendance is crucial to your student's achievement at school. We have seen a trend of more and more chronically absent students. We are required by law to send out letters when students miss ten days and 18 days of school. This is not meant to scare families but to bring awareness of the number of absences of students. All absences (excused and unexcused) are considered an absence.