The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High Family Communication
January 6, 2023
Happy Holidays! Stay Warm
Junior High Families,
Happy New Year! 2023 will be filled with so much--opening a new building, preparing our 8th graders to move to the high school, watching our 7th graders continue to build their leadership capacity, and giving best wishes to our retirees.
We started the week on National PJ Day and ended it was a ROCKING Pep Assembly put on by our high school students and staff! It was loud, and it was crazy--everything you would want for a 1st Pep Assembly for the Aviators!
The quarter ends next week, so please have students communicate with their teachers if there are questions about how to end the quarter on a high note.
Enjoy the weekend...and WHO DEY!
-Mrs. Schunk, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Cole
Events Coming Up
January 10: Vision screenings 7th grade only
January 12: End of Second Quarter
January 12: Academic Fair at HS, 5:30 pm
January 13: No School, Teacher Records & Student Personal Learning Day
January 16: No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 19: 8th Grade Freshman Camp
January 20: 2nd Quarter Report Cards Posted Online
Teacher Requested Parent Teacher Conferences
We have a second round of Parent/Teacher Conferences in February, but the teacher schedules this round. The teachers will individually reach out to the families of students they feel that a meeting would help with student achievement. A link will not be sent out for families to schedule a meeting; however, if a family has specific questions or concerns, they are always encouraged to reach out to the teacher at any point in the school year.
8th Grade Families
Parents and Families of SJH 8th graders,
We're one semester away from your students' transitioning into high school! We are so excited for the Class of 2027 to arrive. There are a few events in January that we wanted to notify you about.
First, some of the SHS student athletes, musicians, and cheerleaders will be traveling to the Junior High on Friday, January 6th, for a pep rally before the end of the SJH school day. Sycamore takes on Mason High School in mens’ basketball that evening. It is always a highly spirited event, and we at SHS want 7th and 8th graders to know they are part of Aviator Nation!
Second, our Academic Fair is on Thursday, 1/12 from 5:30-6:30pm at Sycamore High School. You and your students will be free to walk around our Commons area to learn about all of the various academic programs that we're proud to offer. Each department will have staff members present to answer questions. Staff members who organize some of our clubs and activities will have that information with them as well. We hope this is a chance to speak with teachers and supervisors and get a better feel for what your students can expect next year and beyond.
Third, our annual "8th Grade Day" is during the school day on Thursday, 1/19. This won't impact any schedules outside of school hours. Rather, 8th graders will be bused from the SJH to the HS for much of the day, and then return in time for the end of the day at SJH. The Junior High will be sharing communication with families about the details of that day as it approaches in terms of transportation times.
We hope you and your students find Friday, January 6th, Thursday, January 12th, and Thursday, January 19th to be fun, useful, and informative! These events are coordinated in order to give you and your students as much information as possible prior to making your decision about high school. If you have any questions, please contact SHS Dean of Students Ashwin Corattiyil at
SHS Administration
College and Career Planning with SchooLinks
SchooLinks is a modern, college and career readiness platform to prepare students for what comes after graduation. SchooLinks helps students discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create a personal graduation plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals. SchooLinks at Sycamore Junior High School is accessible in 7th and 8th grades by students and their parents. Students will continue their SchoolLinks exploration throughout their high school years, so all activities/progress will follow them from the Junior High.
All of the SchooLinks features are designed with students in mind to help them become career, college, and life ready. SchooLinks features are incredibly user-friendly, and content can be easily comprehended by students.
**8th-grade students began using SchooLinks during the month of December and will continue through the end of the year. 7th-grade students will be introduced to SchooLinks in March.
More information on SchooLinks can be found on our website.
Student Login: Students will login to SchooLinks via Google using their Sycamore Google account.
Guardian/Parents Login: This will be available through an invitation from their child. Instructions for adding a guardian can be found here.
Schedule Planning for Next Year
Scheduling for the 2023-2024 school year is upon us! There are several activities that take place in January & February to help students plan and prepare for next year. A general outline of the items related to scheduling is provided below. We hope this will help students start thinking ahead. Video link:
Wellness Program Guidelines
Did you know that the Sycamore District has Student and Staff Wellness Program Guidelines that must be reviewed and updated every three years? Check out the latest updates here!
If anyone is interested in learning more about the District Wellness Committee, please contact
Sycamore Bridges
Support OGB
Sign up to support SJH PTO
Hassle Free Fundraising
Do you have photos you would like to submit to the Yearbook Club?
Daily Student Video Announcements
Speak Up/Save Lives
By calling or testing the statewide hotline
you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or school.
Sycamore Junior High School
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760