Hembree Highlights
January 5, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Welcome back Hawks! I am thrilled to be here serving as your principal. What a great first week! It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces return to school. I spent some time in the cafeteria during lunch learning names and talking to the students. The biggest question I received was "How tall are you?" That made me smile. I feel at home here at Hembree. I am looking forward to meeting the parent community. I will have two opportunities to meet me next week. On Wednesday, January 10th, I will host a meeting at 7:40 AM in the Media Center. I will have a second meeting via Teams at 5:00 PM that evening. I hope to see many of you there. This is going to be a great semester as we continue the great momentum from the first semester.
We have accumulated many items in our lost and found. Please encourage your child to check for lost items, or stop by to peruse yourself. We will donate any unclaimed items on January 20th to North Fulton Community Charities. If possible, please label coats and lunch boxes with your child's first and last name to avoid lost items in the future. Thank you for your help.
STEM and STAR Night
Please join us for STEM and Star Night on Friday, January 19th. We will begin at 5:45pm with Pizza until 7:00pm. Please see the link below to sign up. We look forward to seeing you at this special event!
Please RSVP here to ensure we have sufficient pizza for your family: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054FADAD2FAAFD0-46676020-ptathe
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Nancy Lahey
Hembree Springs ES
Important Dates
1/9 Title I Transitions Workshop for Future Elkins Parents @7:40am (Media Center)
1/10 Meet Principal Lahey @ 7:40 am (Media Center) @5:00 pm via Teams
1/15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
1/16 Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL for students
1/19 STEM and Star Night @5:45pm
1/19 Last Day to peruse Lost and Found as items will be donated on 1/20
1/25 Grocery Store Math Night @ Tres Hermanos 6:00-8:00pm
Meet and Greet with Ms. Lahey
Lost and Found Items
Parents! We've decided to extend Read-a-Thon an extra week. You can now track your reading up to January 16th (take advantage of the long weekend!), with packets due on January 19th.
If you've lost your Reading Tracker, you can download it here:
Just list any dates not listed on a separate sheet of paper.
Don't forget that the read-a-thon is also a fundraiser for the PTA! Please ask family and friends to sponsor your child here:
The class in each grade with the highest combined total of reading minutes will win a popcorn party! Three lucky winners chosen in a drawing will win a prize, including a Kindle Kids.
You must submit a tracking sheet in order to be included in the drawing! Turn in your tracking sheets to your homeroom teacher.
After School Clubs
Hi Parents! Clubs are underway! It's not too late to sign up - we even have a few new clubs this semester as well!
Here’s the link to sign up:
Our three new clubs are Gardening Club, Yoga Club and the Drone Zone Club. These three will begin on February 5th, if we have enough students signed up. Sports Skills Club, Hawks Walk, and Culture Corner Club will begin meeting again on January 9th. The last day for clubs this year will be May 17th.
As a reminder, each Club will meet on the same day each week from 2:30-3:30 pm, unless a school holiday occurs on that day. For example, Culture Corner will meet every Friday from 2:30-3:30. Parents are expected to pick up their student at 3:30 in the carpool lane.
The Clubs will be on a first come basis. Once they are full, we will move to a waitlist if needed, in case a student changes their mind. We will continue to add more Clubs as they become available. When you sign up, please be sure to include your child's name, grade and homeroom teacher.
If this is your first time signing up for clubs, you will be emailed a form that must be signed and returned before your child attends a club. You must also submit a transportation change request for the club meeting dates (this only needs to be completed one time, before the first club date).
If your child will not attend on their club day for whatever reason, please submit a new transportation request for that day. Be sure to copy Ashley Russ and your child's teacher on the email.
Again, here’s the link for you:
Please reach out to Ashley Russ with any questions: ashleyruss88@gmail.com
From Title I
Parents, please join us on January 9th @ 7:40am in the Media Center to learn more about Elkins Pointe and the transition to middle school. Please feel free reach out to Lucy M. Gilbert, Title I Parent Liaison (gilbertL2@fultonschools.org) with any questions.
Math Night at Tres Hermanos
Join us on 1/25 for Math Night at Tres Hermanos grocery store from 6:00-7:00pm. We’ll learn how we can apply math learned in the classroom to real world situations. See flyer for more details. Hope to see you there!
STEM & Star Night
Join us on 1/19 @ 5:45pm for STEM & Star Night. We’ll have pizza and a presentation from our PTA ( The Smart Talk - PTA Connected - Programs | National PTA). Students from the Innovation Academy outreach team will host hands-on STEM activities for students, and of course our observatory with Mr. Tavel will be open for stargazing. Special thanks to National PTA for providing grant funding for this event.
Please RSVP here to ensure we have sufficient pizza for your family: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054FADAD2FAAFD0-46676020-ptathe
Hembree's Got Talent!
It’s time! The time has arrived for your child to decide if he/she wants to participate in our 5th Annual Hembree’s Got Talent! The talent show is scheduled to take place on March 21st. If your child would like to participate, please either print the attached consent form, or have them stop by the Media Center to pick up a paper copy. Details about rehearsal dates can be found on the consent form. This year, rehearsals will be broken down by category to provide more feedback and support. Don’t delay! Audition videos are due January 12th! If you have any questions regarding the talent show, please email Ms. Tejada tejada@fultonschools.org and Mrs. Soberanis soberanis@fultonschools.org.
Talent Show Consent Form 2024- English and Spanish (002).pdf
From PTA
The PTA is in the planning stages of its annual Silent Auction and are putting out a call for more volunteers to help those who have already stepped up. The auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year and will be held online in the spring. Last year, we raised just over $4,000! We had 74 auction items that included awesome teacher experiences, gift baskets, tickets to events, gift cards and much more. If you are able to help in any way, email PTA President Sara Fuchs at sfuchs@gmail.com.
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902