S9GS Summer Reading Requirements
(Honors English) Fall 2024- Spring 2025
Students should be finished reading their books by the first day of school!
Dear Honors English 9 Students:
All Honors English students entering S9GS should read To Kill a Mockingbird prior to the first day of school. We highly recommend that you annotate as you read for literary elements, plot development, and theme. Bring your annotations to class at the beginning of the semester.
Thanks! S9GS English Department
Project, Quiz, Essay, & Test
Students may be asked to complete a project, quiz, essay, and/or test on the summer reading material. It is important that students spend some time with novel and not consider watching the movie a replacement for reading.
Online Resources:
To Kill a Mockingbird
You can do a Google search for audiobooks which should give you several options. As of now, these links work for parts one and two of the audiobook. However, a search on YouTube will give you chapter by chapter results which many of our students prefer.
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmiGDSCW9Ag&t=2201s
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MiIk9Wj0R4
(updated April 2020)
S9GS English Department
Celina Frizzell
Beth Knight, Department Chairperson
Christina McBeth
Sarah Sizemore
Torrie Williams
Email: bknight@madison.k12.al.us
Phone: 256-851-4560
Beth Knight
Beth is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters