The Dolphin Whistle
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Phone: (240) 740-1020 Fax: (301) 601-0392
School Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm
Mrs. Lara Fisher, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mrs. M. Deneise Hammond, Principal
Feel free to text (240) 753-9472
Ms. Sheia Jennings, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mr. David Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Mrs. L. Orinda Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Padma Radhakrishnan, Administrative Secretary
Good evening, Waters Landing family,
November is Native American Heritage Month. There is a short film linked above about one of the largest Native American powwows.
The Strategies for Managing Behavior workshop presented by the Parent Academy last week was very informative. Ms. Moore will be sharing the link of the recording.
Our PTA is sponsoring a Pie Appreciation Day for staff on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. Please let them know you are bringing a pie by signing up here:
The day is here! You can now register for our Waters Landing Dolphin Dance Fit! Our goal is to raise $10,000 for supporting students and staff. Registering is easy and free!
⭐️ Register Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
Be sure to check out the easy sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM to let others know how they can help support our school. Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!
COVID test kits were sent home last week. We know many of our families will spend time over the upcoming break traveling and visiting with friends and family. As travel and crowded indoor gatherings can increase the risk of respiratory infections including COVID-19, MCPS is making at-home rapid test kits available to students and staff prior to the break. Testing is not mandatory. We are depending on our staff and families to consider their exposure risk, and test and report positive results accordingly.
Remember that this week both Monday and Tuesday are early release days, then school is closed for Thanksgiving break. Dismissal starts at 1:25pm on early release days.
Enjoy the short school week and have an enjoyable Thanksgiving break.
With Dolphin pride,
Mrs. Hammond, Principal
Mrs. Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mr. Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Wake Up Waters Landing!
Community Partners
If you know of any organization who would like to partner with us, please let us know.