Week at a Glance
Volume 12
Monday 11/20/23 - C Day
- College visits throughout the day in the Counseling Suite.
- HS Musical Call Backs
Tuesday 11/21/23 -D Day
Wednesday 11/22/23 - E Day
- Rapid Dismissal Schedule for MS/HS
- grades 6 and 12: dismissal at 10:45 a.m.
- grades 7 and 11: dismissal at 10:50 a.m.
- grades 8, 9 and 10 dismissal at 10:55 a.m.
Thursday 11/23/23 - Thanksgiving Day - School Closed
Friday 11/24/23 - Thanksgiving Recess - School Closed
Honor Societies . . . Continued
In the Classrooms
- History Alive: Master Storyteller, Historic Character Interpreter, and Teaching Artist Sheila Arnold presented “Still’s Underground Railroad” to the 11th grade on Monday. William Still was a prominent conductor on the Underground Railroad who recorded the stories of runaway slaves and published them after the Civil War in Still's Underground Railroad. Ms. Arnold brought history to life with her engaging storytelling. See pics here!
- Winter is Coming: Meteorologist, Rob Marciano, spoke to earth science classes about severe weather and its impacts on Wednesday, November 15. See pics here.
- Forces at work: Ms. Penesis' physics class teams up to test friction (shoes) v. no friction (socks). The shoes have it!! See pics here!
The Fall of an Empire: Ms. Scalise's AP World History classes completed their Empire Research Project last week. Students performed "autopsies" on their chosen empire, evaluating their relative contributions, strengths and weaknesses. See pics here!
Clubs and Sports
- This just in! Ayana Ite and Grayson Findlay are not only in Rochester this weekend competing in the New York State Swimming Championships--they just qualified for the FINALS tomorrow in the 200 Free Relay! Congratulations Grayson Findlay, Ayana Ite, Kayla Lombardo and Sydney Goldberg!! See pics here!
- The Road Goes On: Great job by Ainara Schube and Phoebe Carmel at the State Championships this past weekend!! Ainara placed 25th and Phoebe placed 29th out of 131 runners. Congratulations to Ainara for posting a time that qualifies her for the NYS Federation meet this weekend at Bowdoin Park. Good luck, Ainara! See pics here!
- Taking the Plunge: On Saturday, November 11th, the Rye Neck Key Club helped out at the Westchester Polar Plunge for Special Olympics. Over 50 Rye Neck students volunteered to check in plungers, sell merchandise, and orchestrate all the logistics! In total, the Polar Plunge raised $259,000 for the Special Olympics. Thank you to all our Key Club Volunteers for giving back to the community and ¨Freezing for a Reason!¨ See pics here!
- Cabaret: The theater Department's Fall Cabaret was held on Thursday, November 9th, at 4 p.m. Hosted by Alex Kerr and Riley Taylor, the show featured twenty performers who sang songs from Broadway Faves. See pics here!
Attention Seniors: All things Yearbook!
The Yearbook Staff is excited to offer SENIOR TRIBUTE ADS for the 2024 edition of Scraps. Choose either option 1 or 2 below and place your ad today!!
1. Order from the company online www.yearbookordercenter.com and use code 4513.
2. Send materials and payment to Mrs. Dallow at RNHS, and the yearbook staff will design for you.
Please see the attached google doc for more information: 2024 Rye Neck HS Yearbook ADS
Prestige Portraits will be back ONE LAST DAY, on December 1st, for any remaining senior portraits or retakes. Schedule NOW so you are in our 2024 yearbook! http://schedule.prestigeportraits.com
Last Call for Strategic Plan Input!
Our Strategic Planning surveys close this Sunday, November 19th. We encourage all parents to participate in this important process that asks about topics including school climate, communication, academic program, and social emotional skills. These brief surveys are primarily multiple choice, but also provide for open-ended answers. Thank you in advance! HS Parent Survey
Judges Needed . . .
Science Research - JSHS Judge Volunteers
Are you a medical professional, engineer or science teacher? Do you work in the sciences? Are you an alum of Rye Neck's Science Research program with a four year degree in science? Then maybe you would like to help us by being a judge . . .
Rye Neck's Science Department is looking for volunteers to judge at the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) to be held on January 20, 2024 held at Yorktown High School. The symposium runs from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and breakfast and lunch will be provided! This year, Rye Neck will be represented by four members of the class of 2024. Our participation in this amazing event is contingent on our school supplying judges to help with the process. Parents will not be asked to judge participants from their home school.
If you can lend us a hand, please email Mrs. Rachiele at krachiele@ryeneck.org. Your support is crucial in helping us expand our research program and allowing our continued participation in these symposiums.
- The Class of 2026 is holding a GARDEN CATERING FUNDRAISER on Saturday, November 18th Details here: Sophomore Class Fundraiser.
- The Class of 2027 is now running a sweet fundraiser!! Holiday Candy Sales from Sarris Candies are delicious!! Use group ID: 10-1120 and be sure to use the student's name when purchasing: https://www.sarriscandiesfundraising.com.
Sweatpants Sale is going on NOW! Please see the attached flyer for information. Order by November 20th! Class of 2027 - Sweatpants Sale
From the Counseling Office
- The Library Cafe is back! The Cafe is open daily from 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. and serves snacks, beverages, salads, grab and go sandwiches and wraps.
- The Extended Day Program provides extra help for students who need assistance with homework or just a little added support. The schedule is here: Extended Day Schedule.
- After school Clubs and Activities slideshow here: Clubs 2023-24.
On the Horizon:
- November 28: JCK Program (9th grade--info to follow)
- November 29: BOE Planning Session 6:30 p.m. CSC
- November 30:
- Creating a Culture of Hope, Care and Respect Assembly
- grades 11-12, 7:50-8:50 in the PAC
- grades 9-10, 8:55-9:55 in the PAC
- Incoming 9th Grade Orientation & Graduation Requirements - 6:30 p.m.
- December 14: HS Holiday Concert, 7:00 p.m.
- December 16: Junior Class Fundraiser at Dig, 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- December 20: BOE Meeting, Community Room, 7:00 p.m.
- December 22: Early Dismissal
- December 23 - January 2: Holiday Recess
- January 3: School Resumes
- January 15: Dr. Martin Luther King Day - School Closed
- January 23 - 26: Midterms/NYS Regents Exams
Rye Neck High School
Website: https://www.ryeneck.org/ryeneckhighschool
Address: 300 Hornidge Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Phone: (914) 777-4802
Twitter: @RNHS_Panthers