Join us to discuss JES needs and English Learners
Jackson Elementary School has an ELAC!
This year we are pleased to have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) - a place where English learner families can come for resources, information, and help. We are looking forward to our first meeting, where we will elect a board, and collaborate with you regarding the success of your students in our diverse community. We hope you will partner with us and join our meeting!
As parents/guardians of children learning English, it is your right to vote your representatives to serve on the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The ELAC meets four (4) times a year to assist the parents/guardians of English learners to better participate in the education of their children. Your elected ELAC representatives will represent you at DELAC, lead the ELAC meetings and help to communicate with you about the school. Ballots will be sent out after our first meeting via Google Forms.
Declaration of Membership for ELAC
If you would like to be a member our ELAC, please email Chessa Konold at or attend our meeting on Tuesday, September 21st at 4 pm.
What is a CAP?
Community Advisory Partners or "CAP" is a group of parents who meet to discuss their concerns and needs for students at the school site. This is a general meeting, aimed at finding programs to best serve our entire school community. Each year the state gives our school sites monies to purchase items for our students, which can include safety, technology programs, tutoring, etc.
Event Information
CAP/ELAC Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 1588 3422
Passcode: 627532
Tuesday, Sep 21, 2021, 04:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Meeting Agenda, Minutes, & Presentations
Welcome and Introductions
Review and Approve Minutes from 4.27.21 meeting
CAP Review of Data and input for use of discretionary funds
Nomination and/or Election of Members
DELAC Report