Glen Rock BOE Meeting Highlights
February 11th, 2020
Dr. Richard Gripp of Statistical Forecasting presented the Demographic Report
The BOE accepted, with regret, the resignation of Dr. Jennifer Wirt, Glen Rock Middle School Principal
The BOE accept, with regret, the resignation for purposes of retirement of Mr. Kenneth DeMaio, Maintenance Worker
The BOE discussed the GRHS/MS Administrative Reorganization plan.
The BOE furthered discussed the plan to create an additional two (2) K-12 Supervisors in the areas of Science and Social Studies for the 2021-2022 school year.
Please find below the slides that were used at the February 11th, 2020 BOE meeting,
The BOE discussed the 3-year transition plan for PSD, K-2 ABA, and K-5 LLD
The BOE approved the following policy for 1st reading
The BOE discussed the 2020-2021 Budget
The BOE scheduled a public forum to discuss proposed HS/MS administrative changes
Next Glen Rock Board of Education Meeting - Regular Session
Dario Valcarcel, JR. Media Center @ Glen Rock HS/MS
Executive Session - 7:00 pm
Regular Session - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, Feb 25, 2020, 08:00 PM
620 Harristown Road, Glen Rock, NJ, USA
Glen Rock Schools
Mission Statement
The Glen Rock School District founded on principles of education, in partnership with a supportive community, provides an exceptional education to all students to cultivate resilient, responsible and engaged global citizens.
Email: charlestonb@glenrocknj.org
Website: www.glenrocknj.org
Location: 620 Harristown Road, Glen Rock, NJ, USA
Phone: (201) 445-7700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GRBOE/
Twitter: @grpssupt