College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Newsletter
Welcoming Spring
Spring in the Northeast can be a fickle season. Weeks of cold and rain can give way in an instant to a warming sun and explosion of color as trees and flowers awake from their winter slumber. I was reflecting this weekend how the spring is an apt metaphor for our academic journeys in graduate school. We toil with our research and reading; we investigate job opportunities and PhD programs; we struggle with papers that seem impossible to finish. But then something happens. The sun breaks through the clouds; a missing data point is discovered; we make a connection that shows promise; our thoughts finally come together around our concluding argument. We bloom. We present our work at conferences; we get that research grant; we land that job or internship; and for many of us next month, we graduate!
As we approach a short break to celebrate Easter, I want to say how proud I am of you for all of your hard work this year. I know how difficult graduate school can be, but I also know how incredibly rewarding it can be. If you have not discovered these already, the Office of Mission and Ministry puts together daily Lenten reflections, which were collected from people across the Villanova community. I find these reflections both comforting and inspiring. Like the spring blooms, they remind me that we, too, will emerge from our graduate school experience renewed and ready to embrace our futures.
Wishing you a Happy Easter!
- Christine Palus, PhD, Dean of Graduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Educators of Color Meet at Villanova to Network, Share Support
Alumni Panel Shares Paths for Careers in Government and Politics
The Villanova alumni network is known for giving back, especially to current students who are trying to discern their own career paths. In March, four alumni returned to campus to talk about their careers in government and politics. Read more.
Two CLAS Professors Named Recipients of Prestigious NSF CAREER Awards
Dates to Remember - Spring 2019
See the full Academic Calendar.
- Easter Recess - April 17-22
- Thesis/Dissertation deadline - April 26
- Final day of Spring classes - May 2
- Final examinations - May 4-10
Events, Reminders and Tips
Handshake - Find a Job or Internship
Handshake is Villanova’s go-to resource for jobs, internships, events, and more! This mobile career management platform intuitively connects you to relevant opportunities based on your profile, interests and search activity. Through Handshake, you can apply for positions, explore companies and connections and sign up for career fairs and workshops all in one place. Learn more and sign up!
Big Interview - Online Job Interview Prep Now Available
Big Interview is an innovative online training system to help you prepare more effectively for a job interview. Improve your interview technique and build confidence with this new system, which features mock interviews at all experience levels for dozens of interviews, feedback on interview answers, training videos and answer-building tools. Register at
Holy Thursday Faculty, Staff and Graduate Student Retreat - April 18
The Office of Mission and Ministry is sponsoring a retreat from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday April 18 in the East Dougherty Lounge with presenter Sister Marianne Heib, RSM. Participants will consider how prayers of seeing accompany spiritual journeys and and explore ways that the creative gaze manifests in the Scriptures of the Paschal mystery, our own lives and creation. Quiet, open time will be provided for reflection. Simple art supplies will be available for optional use. The retreat will end with a community lunch. Learn more and register.
Graduate Student Council Elections - April 24
Elections for the officers in the Graduated School Council (GSC) will take place on Wednesday, April 24 at 1 p.m. in the Graduate Student Lounge (Room 306) in Old Falvey. All positions are available. The GSC is a great way to become involved in the graduate student community. Learn more.
Graduate Commencement Ceremony - May 18
The Graduate Commencement Ceremony for all Master's and PhD graduates will take place at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 in Villanova Stadium. See the Schedule of Events.
College of Professional Studies Leadership Symposium - May 31-June 2
Executives, managers, team leaders and change agents are invited to join the College of Professional Studies' 2019 Leadership Symposium, “Transitions and Breakthroughs,” from Friday, May 31, to Sunday, June 2, at The Inn at Villanova University. Throughout the weekend, attendees will learn from successful and inspiring practitioners and academic leaders as they hear stories of transition and reinvention. Seats are limited. Learn more and register.
CLAS Graduate Studies
Location: Villanova University, Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA, United States
Phone: 610-519-7090
Twitter: @VUGradStudies