Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Best Songs 50 Years Ago
Roberta Flack's career was not famous until Clint Eastwood chose a song for his movie Play Misty for Me, “The First Time I Saw Your Face” became the biggest hit in 1972, launching her career. Billboard Chart of the top 3 songs of 1972: 1. "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack; 2. "Alone Again (Naturally)" by Gilbert O'Sullivan; & 3. "American Pie" by Don McLean
Week of April 11th
Tuesday, 4:30 PM Municipal Court
Wednesday, 5:00 PM - Historic Preservation Commission
Thursday, 11:00 AM - Urban Redevelopment
Friday, 7:30AM - Council Work Session; 8:30AM - Special Council Meeting
Upcoming Agendas
Historic Preservation Commission consider applications for Certificate of Appropriateness for:
- 106 Saratoga for paint
- 514 Elms Blvd. for paint
- 410 Concourse Ave. for paint, fencing, windows, & back door
- 108 E. Broadway Ave. for paint & signage
Special City Council will:
- Certification of Election
- Administer Oath of Office to new City Council member
- Roll Call - New City Council
- Election of Mayor & Mayor Pro-Tem
To Enhance the Quality for All...
- Payden Thornton, Police Officer - 1 year
PZ meets once a month to hear, discuss & vote on applications & plans dealing with land use or land division developments in ES. Thank you for volunteering, your contributions make us better! Save the Date: Cornhole Tournament & Bunny Brunch 4/16; Mayor's Prayer Breakfast 4/19; Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 4/21; Communities of Excellence National Conference 4/21-22; Earth Day Cleanup 4/23; Community Health Fair 4/30.
Key Project Update
- City Council Actions last week approved Liquor License for Pairings @ 415 S. Thompson, agreements with DEP to replenish their Facade Improvement Program, Vireo to resubmit grant application for Safe Streets & Sidewalk Program, PSI for geotechnical services for Century Park dam modifications, Lamp Rynearson to design 2022 Overlay Project, & with D&B Equipment for pump replacement @ WWTP to transfer water back from storm water basin to plant for treatment; approved rezoning on Meadowlark Lane to C3 to provide for commercial development & appropriations.
- Park Foundation hosted a successful fundraiser, Piccadilly on Saturday to support the development of an all-inclusive park @ Milwaukee Park. Over $20,000 was raised. Celebrating the stylin' from the 1970s & return to community events after two-years of social distancing.
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.com
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752