Birch Grove Bulletin - June 2023

A Message From Principal Salazar
Wow, here we are, ready to celebrate the end of another school year. It is amazing how much we have accomplished together. Concerts, art displays, musicals, spotlights and so much more art was present every day at Birch Grove. It is wonderful to see how much our students grew as artists, scholars, and people. So many times, I saw our scholars taking care of each other and giving staff a warm smile and a high five. This year, we began the school year with many new scholars and today they are not new anymore. They are part of the BG family. As a matter of fact, BG had the largest number of new scholars enrolled among all the schools of the Osseo School District. Thank you to all our families for sharing with others the great things taking place at our school. Your recommendations to family and friends maintain our enrollment and our programing at a high level.
Family and student engagement is probably one of the highest in our district. Our students participate in the after school and Saturday enrichment programs. It means that on any given afternoon we have about 30% of our students at school and when added to the musical for example, we had about 50% of our scholars after school. It means that our staff is willing to work long hours to provide the programing, our students love our enrichment offerings, and our families are providing transportation for their scholars to participate. It is the daily hard work done at school and the support at home that allows BG students to perform at high levels. This year, about 20% of our English Language Learners are being promoted out of the program. About 100% of students participating in the special education program met their individual goals. Every class is showing growth of approximately 60% in reading compared to the beginning of the school year.
Summer is here and we are concerned with summer slide (the tendency for scholars to lose some of the achievement gains they made during the previous school year). Fortunately for many scholars, they are enrolled in some of the district summer programing and/or our own summer academy. Reading during summer can be done in a fun way such as enrolling in a local library’s summer reading program, reading aloud during car rides, and before going to bed. The greatest motivator for young people is to see their adults reading. Doing daily math such as estimating how much is needed for a recipe, distance to the store, spotting numbers/letters are some ideas of engaging intellectually during the summer. Art walks around a neighborhood looking at different house styles/shapes/colors, collecting leaves of different shapes, drawing, coloring, and writing their own stories engage scholars’ brains and are enriching experiences.
We wish you, your scholars, and the extended family a fabulous summer. If your family is moving into middle school, thanks for the memories and we will miss you. If you come back, then we will see you in the fall for another great school year.
Dr. Ronald Salazar, Principal
Highlights & Announcements
Volunteers Needed for the Bobcat Blastoff!
The last day of school is fast approaching and with it comes our Bobcat Blastoff! This will be a track-and-field type event. Students will enjoy a variety of fun activities including an egg & spoon race, tug of war, bubble-blowing, chalk art, and more! Volunteers are needed to help manage our activity stations. Come enjoy the last day of school with your children! The event takes place on Thursday, June 8th and morning, afternoon, and all-day volunteer shifts are available. Sign up for a shift below.
If you have already completed the volunteer form and have had it approved this school year, you do not need to complete it again.
Please Return Your Library Books!
Library books were due back to Birch Grove on May 30th. If you still have books at home, please return them ASAP! Email notices for unreturned books will be sent out on June 2nd. If you have questions about a lost or damaged book, please contact the Library Media Specialist, Ellie Chovan, at ChovanE@District279.org.
Take a Look Through Lost & Found
We have many student items in our lost and found! Please stop by at your convenience to take a look for any of your children's things. Tables will be set up in the main entry area with the lost and found collection. Unclaimed items will be donated over the summer.
Girls on the Run Practice 5K
Girls on the Run held their practice 5K at Birch Grove to prepare for their upcoming race! The girls ran with their running buddies and coaches held signs of encouragement. The GOTR 5K will take place on June 2nd at the State Fairgrounds. See the "Upcoming Events" section for more information.
Board Approves Nov. 7 Referendum Election
After months of discussion and review of school building needs, the board approved placing a school funding request on the Nov. 7, 2023 ballot.
This is considered to be Building a Better Future, Phase II, which in addition to addressing critical school building needs, expands on efforts already made in Phase I and continues strategic plan work. If approved by voters, the tax increase would be less $7/month for the average-value home in our district ($300,000). The plan includes:
Secure learning environments with enhanced safety.
Spaces for math, science and career programs, specialized learning services and growing student populations.
Access to similar learning experiences at all district schools, including program opportunities, class size levels and the functionality of spaces.
Upcoming Events
Girls on the Run 5K - Support Our Birch Grove Girls!
Come support our Birch Grove Girls on the Run team at their upcoming 5K race! The girls have spent the last several weeks training for the the 5K, as well as participating in activities to strengthen their social, emotional, physical, and behavioral skills. Come cheer them on!
Friday, June 2nd, 2023
Minnesota State Fairgrounds
1265 Snelling Ave N.
St. Paul, MN 55108
The Birch Grove girls will begin their run at 7:26 pm.
Sign Up for District 279's Reading Is Fun 5K!
The Reading is Fun 5K will take place in October with proceeds going to media centers and libraries in the Osseo Area Schools. Register early for discounted rates and to guarantee a t-shirt for you and your team! Register individually or as a family/group. Click the button below for information, prices, and registration. Early bird registration ends September 11th.
Saturday, October 7th, 2023
Elm Creek Park Reserve Acorn Area
12400 James Deane Parkway
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Check-in begins at 8:00 am
5K run/walk begins at 9:30 am
Important Information About Summer & Fall 2023
- The Birch Grove Fall Open House is scheduled for Thursday, August 31st, from 5:00-6:30 pm. More information will be sent out in August along with school supply lists. You will find out your child's teacher for the 2023-24 school year the last week of August. Class lists will NOT be finalized before then.
- Birch Grove is closed June 19th - July 31st. Voicemails and the Birch Grove email will not be monitored until staff returns in August. If you have questions, please consider the following contacts:
- Any questions regarding your child's enrollment should be directed to the Enrollment Center at 763-585-7350 or email EnrollmentCenter@District279.org. This includes questions about enrollment status, change of address, missing paperwork, or any enrollment changes. The Enrollment Center also accepts walk-in visits. They are located in the Northwest Family Services building at 7501 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park, 55443. You do not need an appointment, but wait times will vary.
- Any questions regarding bussing for your child should go to our Transportation Team at 763-391-7244 or BusQuestions@District279.org. Please know that Birch Grove does not have transportation staff on site. We must reach out to Transportation with bus questions as well so it is faster to contact them directly.
- If you have students in summer programs, please call 763-391-7242 or email one of the following program coordinators:
- Amplify Academy: Laurie Cox, CoxL@District279.org
- Camp Rocks: Jesse Toren, TorenJ@District279.org
- KidStop: Kristy Johnson, JohnsonKristy@District279.org
Birch Grove Quick Calendar
Contact Information
Dr. Ronald Salazar, Principal: SalazarR@District279.org
Lindsey Patterson, Assistant Principal: PattersonLindsey@District279.org
Elise Dorgan, Administrative Assistant: DorganE@District279.org
Carolyn Givens, Counselor: GivensC@District279.org
Megan Ruhland, Social Worker: RuhlandM@District279.org
School Nurse, Direct Line: 763-549-2308
4690 Brookdale Drive
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Phone: 763-561-1374
Transportation: 763-391-7244