DEEP thoughts 10.27.2022
News from the Dept. of Earth, Environment, & Physics (DEEP)
Astronomy & Physics Edition
Pre-registration information
You must meet with your academic advisor to have your account activated for preregistration. Look for an email from your advisor to sign up for an advising time slot. Use Self Service to search for Spring 2023 classes that meet your requirements.
If you're interested in the Astronomy or Physics minors, email Prof. Dunn (adunn@worcester.edu) and she'll connect you with an advisor for the minor.
Astronomy and Physics information:
- Schedule of upcoming course offerings
- Astronomy minor requirements
- Physics minor requirements
General Astronomy - PY217 - New this semester!
Algebra-based astronomy class, focusing on astronomy phenomena outside of the solar system. We will learn about the nature and evolution of stars; supernovae; white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes; galaxies, quasars, and dark matter; large scale structure of the universe; the Big Bang; and dark energy. Required for the Astronomy minor and is only offered every 2-3 years. Meets MW 12:30-1:45.
Introduction to Astronomy - PY101
A math-free introduction to the mysteries of the universe. We will cover the tools of the astronomer, the history of astronomy from cultures across the world, science literacy, life beyond Earth, celestial objects from the smallest molecules to planets to stars to black holes to galaxies, and the nature of the Universe itself from the Big Bang to its ultimate heat death. You will have the opportunity to be trained and rent telescopes for observing projects and attend an Aldrich Astronomical Society Public Night to see the night sky with large telescopes at a truly Dark Sky site. Fulfills LASC NSP.
PY101-01 MW 12:30-1:45
PY101-02 MW 2-3:15
General Physics II - PY222 and PY242
Semester two of general physics including electric and magnetic fields, resistance, capacitance, inductance, reflection, refraction, interference, relativity and quantum physics. PY222 has a prerequisite of PY221 and MA190; PY242 has a prerequisite of PY241 and one semester of calculus.
PY222-01 MWF 8:30-9:20; T 1-2:20
PY222-02 MWF 10:30-11:20; M 2-3:50
PY2220-3 MWF 11:30-12:20; W 2-3:50
PY242-01 MWF 9:30; R 9:30-11:20